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  1. So i log in and see all these black green sabers around so i ask hey when did they upgrade the razer color crystal apparently it was for an event i missed no biggie but when they give the crystal away that's suppose to be super unique to those of us who supported the game by buying there razer products then they just give not cool. Sent back the mouse and un-subbed .
  2. With the aussies getting server transfers will we also be getting them? I hope so it dont seem fair that we are stuck on our low pop servers and cant move our mains to somewhere with more than 25 people! any news on this at all?
  3. Just watched it its the sith inquisitor pvp gear its ugly imo. http://www.oldrepublic.net/434-game-...comments2.html
  4. I would like to know when the server population will be addressed will there be a server merging soon?
  5. 1 Our house is very clean Thank you lol and 2 dude its a game i play chibi-robo a robot who cleans a park and its just for fun like the mini game would have been.
  6. Ok i knew it when i saw it that it was a joke buy my wife and sons eyes lit up and were all exited about the ship droid mini game. Now i go to the facebook page of swtor and and there asking what are you most exited about in 1.2 and i kid you not like a 3rd of the peeps on there are saying the ship droid mini game. However im not pushing for it to suddenly come into development but what a cruel joke for those who really like the mini games in a mmo lol
  7. What are rated warzones is that like arena in world of warcraft or premades with lots of friends and players can anyone answer these questions?
  8. also what is the rated warzones about is that like arena from wow?
  9. I have a few questions, First in 1.2 will there be cross rhelm pvp? Will they be making alderon civil war and voidstar Empire vs empire and republic vs republic?
  10. The gear just does not feel very star wars to me idk maybe im nuts lol
  11. OK the mission double dare gave my wife literally billions of darkside points lol even tho it gave her billion she only got to darkside 3 check it out!. http://i40.tinypic.com/jfyki8.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/qrce36.jpg what the heck do you have to do to get that many darkside points destroy a whole solar system? lol and does this mean she is the new emperor now haha
  12. Ok i really like this game however the upcoming gear looks BAD i mean BAD BAD lemmie focus on the inquisitor alone it looks like the creature from the black lagoon and the pve looks like robin hood men in tights! This gear does not look like it goes with this game and in my opinion it needs to be replaced with gear that dont make you ashamed to walk around the space station or to be seen in pvp the only 2 that look half way decent are the sith warrior and the troopers i mean the jedi knight has some sort of fishbowl on there heads. Now i know my opinion on this wont make the gear change but check it out its horrible MY EYESSSSSSS http://www.oldrepublic.net/434-game-update-1-2-new-armors-looks-stats/comments2.html
  13. Hey just wanted to ask if anyone was playing on a mac mini? either one but im curious about the one with AMD Radeon HD 6630M. I myself play on an imac via bootcamp and the game runs on full settings however i want to buy my wife a mac as well and she wants to run starwars via bootcamp as well, so is anyone running sw on a mac mini how does it run laggy? good? just ok or great even please lemmie know.
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