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  1. I would think that someone who bought the game and paid the sub to play the game would have a realistic expectation to have the game communicate with them especially when they had announcements going over the loud speakers through the whole event. Those same news announcements in game took place right up until the maintenance. I understand that there are lots of forms of information, but some people bought the game and just want to spend there time on the game, not the forums, facebook, twitter etc. That being said I read the forums so I knew about the end date, but I am repeatedly shocked by the number of players in all games who do not read forums or follow oin facebook. If the game is your main product, communicate in your main product.
  2. We ahve been discussing this here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=402695&highlight=party+bomb come join the bewildered Social x's who got the shaft
  3. If this is the really the reason they took it out, then I am more aggravated then before. This could have been changed by giving people a simple tab that said do not have social items have an effect on me. Don't want to dance... check the tab. But to have all the effects of leveling a character to social X wiped by a few complainers is ridiculous. The car had its requirement removed because they were about to remove the speeders from the game and I assume they didn't want people complaining they didn't have time to get the requirements for the Korrealis Baron. I still would like to see an explanation for why a whole element of the game at launch, has been removed... the rewards for social X. There is not a single item at social x that people can't get at a much lower level now or with some credits.
  4. Turn the servers back on rather than fix the guild banks... rather than fix the characters that are stuck in Correlia... rather than fix the other reverts that took place??? When do you want them to address that? Tuesday? I hate that this is happening, but because of the issues going on, it has to happen. SO no I don't agree. Just wish it wasn't necessary
  5. I am still hoping for some official acknowledgement from the team that explains why. And that reason had better be darn good. If it is because it has an exploit in 1.2 then fine. (rumor it was being used as a root) Tell us and that will be at least understandable. Short of that it should have been left alone. If it was a huge tool of griefdom (I never once had a complaint made to me mostly just people enjoying it) then come up with a replacement and then when replacement is ready take out the party bomb and add the replacement. But to remove the social req on the Korrealis Baron, now the two other decent items are gone, just plain wrong. Several have said they are going to unsub because of this, I am not likely to ever unsub just because of something like this, but it is one more straw on the camels back. Many more and it will break. CAN we please get an official response? people should just start posting in every post in this thread. "Official response please"
  6. I am so frustrated about the whole social thing. WIsh they would get rid of it. I was one who grinded to Social X to get the Korrealis Baron and the party bomb. They then go and take the requirements off the prince making its rarity go out the window. Then they took away our party instigator and party bomb. And they gave us instead... the double laser emote. This is such a kick in the nuts to me. I put the time in to find groups, to work with others, to grind BT and it is like they have no idea why people grind. I hope they do something soon. There were no new social vehicles put in, the formal attire was made level 1, why have the category at all if you aren't going to have things for people. (Sorry but the other outfits don't impress me at all so I don't consider those much of a goal) Even if people did consider outfits a priority, there is nothing for Social X... The only thing you get is the laser emote. I am unhappy.
  7. The Korrealis Prince when bought currently says "bound" even if you never equip it. The other Korrealis models do not say this when you first buy them. Will the Korrealis Prince be unbound when 1.2 comes out thus making it tradable in the future if the buyer has never equipped it?
  8. The Korrealis Prince when bought currently says "bound" even if you never equip it. The other Korrealis models do not say this when you first buy them. WIll the Korrealis Prince be unbound when 1.2 comes out if noone has ever ridden it?
  9. +1 Was on alderaan WZ and had incomings to my turret was in the process of typing inc east when I somehow brushed the "emergency trump everything else open ticket" button. By the time I clicked to close it, and then confirmed it, then closed the second menu and typed "inc east" I was missing 1/4 of my health and was well on the way to losing the Node, and feeling the rage of my teammates for not calling it sooner. I hate that hot key so much.... Is it that hard to type /bug if you have a problem that we have to have it hot keyyed?
  10. I too hope my faithful juke box of junk gets fiixed. I think he broke when they patched people exploiting jumping to them or castiung on them in WZ. But just the same I hope the only way to fix that wasn't to mute him.
  11. No you are right it isn't. Maybe if it was I wouldn't feel burned out with nothing to do but repeat dailys already. Maybe then my ship could be customizeable. Maybe my gear could look unlike every other person in my wz. Maybe my ship wouldn't be on rails.
  12. As I am reading the forums I am finding I am not alone. I see lots who say they don't feel this way but many of those are not level 50. I wonder what a poll with the following options would look like. A. I am level 50 Still going strong B. I am level 50 and "something" is missing C. I am not yet level 50 Still going strong D. I am not yet level 50 "something" is missing.
  13. Okay, I admit to being a ridiculous fanboi, growing up watching Star Wars I remember pretending I was Luke or Han and running around with flashlights with plastic opaque tubes on the end as homemade lightsabers. I also am a huge MMO fan going back to UO beta. I got early access and began to level up with a friend helping each other with class quests and doing planetary quests together. I got to 50 and started PvPing and doing War Zones. And the last couple of days I have found myself sitting back staring at the screen a little disenchanted. That puzzled me because MMOs have been my time sink, I play them all the time and I anticipated this one for so long and just figured I would spend the next couple years loving my adventures in SWTOR. I have spent the last couple days trying to figure out why I am not as driven to play this game as games of the past and here are a couple of things I have issues with: Romance with companion. What a cool concept this was even if I didn't participate until almost level 50 with my companion. I got her affection up to 10k we had our kisses a couple of times and even our "private time" but now... talk about the cold shoulder. We have this nice romance and now she won't even talk to me. It would be nice if they had daily or weekly conversations with a list of random responses that continued our Romance, otherwise what is the point. Crafting. I am a huge fan of crafting. In many past MMOS I have spent more time crafting than on PvE and the companion system was creative in SWTOR, but I have 400 in all three skills now (took way too little commitment in my opinion) and what is the point? I have maxxed crafting so I don't have that to do anymore and no one wants what I can craft. (I know wisdom would be to switch to Biochem but can't bring myself to it at this point so I will hold onto my useless artiface) My Look. I am now a lvl 55 Valor Sith Inquisitor. What do I look like? I have a weird helmet that looks like a 3rd graders thanksgiving craft project. I legitimately like the gloves, but the rest of my look, I am not too impressed with but if I am going to keep grinding my Valor this is what I am going to have to wear. I miss being able to customize my look. My Ship. Oh my goodness I loved my ship. Couldn't wait to get it. Couldn't wait to explore it. was amazed when I got on it. But, I can't sit down, can't decorate it, can't interact with it much. A few hours and it was just part of the background. No point inviting my friends to it, theirs looks just like mine. PvP The whole Ilum is broke argument has been overdone on this forum already so I will leave that alone. SO I grind on WZ and that argument has been overtalked too. SO.. I log on each evening to decompress from some of the stress of my job waiting for my wife to get off work and I don't know what to do. I don't really want to roll a new char, I relate to the one I made already. So I guess I will just keep grinding WZ and hope something comes soon that grabs my attention. Just surprised, I didn't think I would ever feel this way. TL;DR Got to 50 loved the story now wondering what is there to do without just rolling another character to this same point that isn't just repetition.
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