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Everything posted by Daize

  1. IMHO, that is NOT best practice on SP. You should be using it regardless of the health level of your target so long as you have 2 TA up which you should most of the time. If the target is below 30, well then you get a bonus and can cast it again.
  2. QFT x2 ! I have very much found this to be the case. Unlike my WoW Druid (have played resto since beta) where I basically could keep everyone I was assigned to at 100% all the time, healing in SWTOR is very different and more exciting. There is just no way to keep everyone/tank at 100% so there are more decisions to be made. The idea is not 100% health bars, but that everyone survives the fight if possible.
  3. I second the OP !!! My companion looks terrible with his head gear and I actually slot in head gear only if the fight is hard. Can we please please have a hide companion head gear option ?
  4. yes yes yes, this is really important to anyone who wants to PvE and PvP
  5. I second the OP, it really seems to be going to fast ! But time flies when you are having fun
  6. er .. oh .. grats I guess *yawn*
  7. Is there any way to tell its not a beta picture the OP posted ?
  8. There is none, they are working on getting it in soon.
  9. ditto grats Bioware ! ...and grats us
  10. You are in the wrong thread. We are doing Medic/Healer specs here, not dps specs.
  11. I am assuming this is a PvE build since you have no escapes. I don't think the lack of the aoe is that big a problem, but you are giving up Survival Training and wasting alot of points that don't seem useful especially if this is a PvE build just to get to Combat Stims. IMO Combat Stims it will not be worth all the points it takes you to get there. But if energy ends up being a big problem and Combat Stims alleviates it well then maybe its a good choice. I would only choose a build like this if later on I found I was really hurting for energy, but it would definitely not be my first build to go for. I'd suggest trying to play the game without the combat stim talent first since it is a bit of a crutch, and you waste points that could be used for example on Survival Training. If you are really unable to manage your energy without it then go for it later. But I would be very suprised if Combat Stims were required as a medic since it really removes alot of other important medic related talents from the table. IMO you are sacrificing better heals for an energy crutch you should not need. If this is a PvP build, well its not very good (no escape talents).
  12. I think the medic PvE build is pretty straight forward cookie cutter with minor variations : http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/imperial_agent/operative/#::f5ef13e3fe5fe4fe5f6ef6ef6: There are alot of different options though for a pvp medic. I personally am thinking of going the ranged dot route + extra escape by putting most of my extra points in lethality to boost corrosive dart (as well as the 3 points in concealment for the same). The reason I don't put points in infiltrate is that I am told the speed boost only applies to when you are in stealth. The idea is I am ranged for heals so I want to keep the same ranged advantage for dps as well as get an improved escape via Slip Away. My gameplay will be heal heal heal dot, heal, heal heal run away as needed. medic PVP: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/imperial_agent/operative/#::fef3ef14e2fe2fe6fef2efef6efef3e2f4ef:
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