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Everything posted by gundamemo

  1. Most choices are blend, but some sticks out in your mind. On my jedi knight, there's a side quest for "true republic" to gather this package from delivery droid on a politican who wants to break away from jedi and join the empire. You got caught the his aid and was given the choice to light/follow the code and not steal the package or dark/steal the package and expose of his corruption. I'm like, how could turning in a CORRUPT politican who wants to kick out Jedi and join the empire be a DARK/EVIL point? I understand the underlying concept of follow the code and all that, but I feel like (I went light) I'm 90s RPG, boring protagonist going around doing everyone's errand. But good choice nonetheless (I turn the politican in)
  2. Because 6k crit force sweep is a spec talent that you need to ramp up first, takes TIME to get the buff first to do that much dmg. Also because you can "react" to it by poping your defensive cooldown first before engaging or during. Stunlock + 60-100% of your entire hp (as per some of the posters above with better gear, doing more dmg than the clip) is NOT fine when you die shortly after the stun ends.
  3. All the other posters who "claim" to do 10k in 3 seconds (2 gcd + 1 ability off probably) can screenshot or link your video clip and we'll believe. Its age of internet, I can claim to shoot lazer out of my eyes, so what. The difference with other classes is that I can interrupt your dmg sequence because I'm not taking all your dmg IN A STUN. Against non-stealth classes, I can either pre-position or "react" to your attack where as here I can't do jack. There is NO COUNTER, there isn't anything I can do because they'll always have the open stun/dmg on me. Sniper/trooper you can you pop your defensive cooldown and line of sight, melee you can punt or ensnare or pop your defensive cooldown. Stealth stun and dmg means its all too late by the time you're set upon. What's the point when you pop your defensive cooldown when they already pop their load on your back.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ8o_WmpyyI Noob, roll a scoundrel/operative and kill people in your stun. watch from 8:03 to 8:10, it only takes 7 seconds and they can't fight back when they are stunned, can they?
  5. Operative/Scoundrel is your best pvp class right now. Forget sith sorcerer or trooper. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ8o_WmpyyI You can watch the whole clip of you can skip to 8:03-8:10 where he killed some poor guy WITHIN A STUN... 4659 3161 2910 I had especially good time last night trying to do my daily on my 47 HEAVY ARMOUR bounty hunter (powertech) repeatedly for a period of 4 hours, facing a non too competent 50 scoundrel that repeatedly kills me (I admit it) and everyone else while suffering ZERO death. I mean at least this guy in youtube put himself out there, but what can you do when some one camp your spawn point and killing you within 7 seconds IN A STUN. Sure, I can trinket the stun and run away with 50% hp by putting my stun on him... but he'll just follow me after in stealth to repeat the same thing again. Its one thing to have high burst dmg, its quite another to do it on people when they are STUNNED. So new comer, roll an operative/scoundrel. It require no skills to win.
  6. Until merc smarten up and immediately use heal instead... but that'll never happen, no? Best merc pvp spec is hybrid heal/arsenal fyi.
  7. Its almost always better to use explosive dart (aoe dmg) than detonator (single target) I mean there's always a group fighting over huttball, fight over a node/door... I mean 1v1 is so rare to justify using it... don't forget pyro is a dot tree so an ability that hits for 1k+ and 2k Crit is really meh when you can hit a group of ppl for 1k each (that could be 3-4 ppl... + death from above = ouch)
  8. The game is new, people will know trooper with big gun or bounty hunter duel wielding (or crapping missile out of their back) are turret spec. All classes have counter against you unless you're lame and shooting above somewhere from huttball and punt ppl back down. Powertech can pull/grapple you Sith can charge you Stealther will sneak up on you and open with 3.6k crit and 2.8k crit and kill you shortly after (level 50) Sorc will shield, rush out of line of sight and heal up Sniper will out snipe you (cover give them much better range defense then you do) Point is, give it time and people will learn its so easy to zerg you down because you have no escape outside of one stun, one aoe knockback... like shaman in WoW but limited by heat system.
  9. I think its certain pattern. But I made 20+ BLUE hilt to get the next purple, by which point I have LONG outlevel that crap. Something seem broken for sure.
  10. If it crits... Its rather underwhelming for me.
  11. You want crit. You want rail shot to crit and your dot to crit since pyro tree doesn't have crit amplifying talent (only crit dmg amplifying) Also 31st point thermal detonator is the sucks... hits as much as railshot
  12. Bad coding. You basically need to take the daily quest and then win warzone. Say you queue up for warzone and then take the daily quest, it won't update, you'll be bugged at not getting the credit. so... get your daily quest first and then queue for warzone.
  13. Its very frustrating to pvp in warzone and such. Lag lag lag, I have no lag in pve, but in pvp there's one second delay on a lot of my abilities. Bad UI, healing is a pain, hell tab is not smart enough. NO IMMUNITY!!! What's the point of getting out of a stun (if you can even do that with the lag and all) just so you get stunned again 2-3 seconds later? Extremely bad pvp balance... when melee IA/Smuggler and open with a stun and take away 50% of your hp before you get out of the stun AS HEAVY ARMOUR character, dev need to go back to the drawing board and balance thing. In wow, you can open with Ambush/Backstab, that's fine... rogue are out of energy and need to regen (give you a few seconds of breather) where as here, they open with cheapshot AND ambush/backstab (3.6 crit + 2.8 crit... that's 50% of your hp)
  14. I've got 46 PT and 21 Merc. Take my opinion with a grain of salt. Like everyone said, PT = short to mid range while merc = mid to long range. For combat effectiveness, I say merc >> than PT. PT can be annoyingly hard to kill in tank spec but does very little dmg or high crit/dot dmg that takes a while to kill but are useless against healing. Merc with a mix of heal and dmg spec can both dmg and heal... and that's a lot considering you can assist kill from long range and heal from long range as well. Trust me, healers at 50 are extremely hard to kill where as you NEED to be in tank spec to be durable. DPS spec PT are just as squishy as jedi sentinel or sith marauder.
  15. I respec to pyro for a couple of level and i don't quite like it. Granted I'm only 38 atm, but I think pyro will really shine at 46 once you get the rest of multiplier from other tress (+6% crit for fire, 60% armor penetration for example) Its too proc based and hence heat management is unreliable... I mean one good thing is that you can kite nicely by applying flame burst... but sometimes you get no proc and you're sitting there with high heat and no way to keep the pressure on. It does have pretty good single target dps... I'll see how it fairs in pvp once I get to 46 with all the complimentary talents... this spec should be a dot/crit spec Somehow I think I'll go back to shield tech... its low dps but durable and mobile.
  16. People, if he can't figure out how to solo the content, he does NOT deserve to be the champion of the great hunt. Kill healer, pull boss to other side of room.... its hard I know.... (I mean mouse over the buff/debuff and read what's going on with the enemy/encounter is hard)
  17. Turret is viable only in huttball, that warzone is so biased for range classes its not funny. In any other warzone, have fun standing still... any class with melee interrupt will kill you easily.
  18. 1) They are EXACT mirror classes 2) if you blame faction balance on ONE animation delay from ONE advance class of ONE class... you are dumb 3) L2P or L2 play to win/fight match objectives... I think I've ever lost one match to republic but for some reason the republic PLAYERS plays like retard and zerg... I've fought better pvper from republic but it means nothing if our team are more aware of the objectives Simple answer, its you, not the game balance if YOU lose 90% of your game while other ppl who play republic seems to be doing the opposite.
  19. Each tree BUFF its corresponding cylinder/stance so if you were to use a stance you did not spec for, you are essentially doing 10%+ less dps than you should have been. For pure pve dps, just spec purely into pyro/advance tech.
  20. JC/SI are squishy... And melee WILL dominate endgame pvp for sure... you only need to look into the abilities and mechanic... they just mature later.
  21. Guild war 2 is coming out soon, go play that if you are truly pvp hardcore or darkfall if you're into FFA style. Star Wars is a big commercial IP that will obviously be casual centric... so pvper is not their target audience. oh and... QQ MORE
  22. If you play through first part of sith warrior's story quest, it tells you that they are now forced to open their sith academy to everyone with force potential like the Jedi as opposed to previously only limited to certain ppl with combat force abilities.
  23. Quick points, 1) its 2011, don't buy physical copy of the game... buy them online so you don't have to deal with the useless retailer 2) its only fair SWTOR reward "Fans"... ie those ppl who pre-ordered EARLY 3) why would you take days off work when you are not GUARANTEED to start playing today? This is not the behaviour of an adult. 4) I work in IT, I know how though it is to have a smooth release dealing with load/stress problem on the server... how hard is it for you to understand they want to pace players in various level zones in "waves"... as opposed to just open the floodgate and let 5000 level 1 in the same newbie zone at once. Go to the gym or steam some TV shows... you'll get your turn soon... I pre-ordered late as well but I'm not in a hurry.
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