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Posts posted by Murah

  1. To move the chat box, I have had to move it one tab at a time. If I try to start with grabbing the left-most tab, it won't move. Try grabbing one of the other tabs to where you want your chat window, then grab the leftover tabs one at a time to snap into the window with the first tab you moved.


    by the way my combat log window is missing (lolz jk this game doesn't have one! which is ridiculous.)

  2. quote from the bioware employee that posted in this thread:

    "Another factor is that, after observing server forums for other games, we feel that we can provide places on the Forums for the constructive content that typically comes from them while working to eliminate the extreme negativity of player callouts and other undesirable forum activity that can occur in them."


    Excuse me.... some of us enjoy forum pvp and lively discussion regarding exicting fights and battles and who pwned who's face.


    Come on, server forums are a must!

  3. Thank you Mootpinks, that's very interesting. I guess no one else was selling it when I listed mine. It totally threw me off when I couldn't even see my own listings.


    I wonder why Carbo-plas is under scavenging when I acquire it from Investigation. I don't have scavenging trained.

  4. I just listed Carbo-Plas on the market, and I can't find the listing.


    I noticed I couldn't find any when I searched, to see what others were selling it for... and since you can't search by name until after you pick a catgory and subcategory, I can't find my carbo-plas listing!!!! What is it listed under? cause it ain't under Crafting Material, Investigation.

  5. from darkkyn:

    "The two major benefits for the Bounty Hunter healer are that first, if you manage your Heat correctly, you will always have the ability to heal, and second, your Combat Support Cylinder changes your Rapid Shots so that shooting your allies will heal them. This gives you a quick, no-Heat cost heal and is useful in times where you are required to be extremely mobile. Of all the "free heals" that the healer classes get, this is certainly the best one. "


    Question about Rapid Shots and the Combat Support Cylinder... if I have this cylinder active, and If I never do dps with my rapid shots, will I be able to target an ally with rapid shots and heal him?


    Or do I have to dps in order to charge it up , so to speak. From the skill description, "Charges increase all damage and healing dealt, up to a maximum of 3% at 30 charges. In addition, targeting an ally with Rapid Shots will heal the target for 100% of your tech bonus healing. "

    It doens't sound like I have to dps in order to use it as a heal. It does appear that I have to dps in order to attain the 3% bonus. Am I reading this right?


    I'm confused because in a warzone last night, it seemed like sometimes I'd target an ally and try to heal with rapid shot, and it wouldn't do it.

  6. The release has been super awesome. I don't mind the queues at all, and my server has had one almost every time I sign in. It tell me I'm on a highly populated server, which is excellent. I love having lots of people in the world.


    I'm also glad they do not allow server transfers. Transfers break community. If I make a friend these first few days, I love running into them a month, a year later! Same with my enemies in warzones.

  7. Queue means nice full server. Lots of people to play with. I don't mind the queues at all, and my server has one almost every time I sign in.


    I've gotten into the habit of signing in before I plan to play, and if I didn't have anything to do, I sit and watch star wars, got the movies for xmas.

  8. Queue means nice full server. Lots of people to play with. I don't mind the queues at all, and my server has one almost every time I sign in.


    I've gotten into the habit of signing in before I plan to play, and if I didn't have anything to do, I sit and watch star wars, got the movies for xmas.

  9. I'll throw in another vote for either no lfg tool, or a server-only lfg tool. I don't like the idea of allowing the individual gamer to choose server only or cross-server, because that means less players in the server-only queue. You let some people do cross-server, it all goes to hell, and so does the importance of a gamer's reputation.


    Does swtor as it stands now have an lfg channel? If it exists, is it planet/fleet only?


    I also didn't like the automatic porting to a dungeon entrance, a la Rift, etc. Make me be a part of the world! Getting to some of these entrances is half the excitement, whether it's because you have to fight mobs or other players.


    The way I found a group in the swtor beta was to go to the flashpoint entrance, and say out loud in /say something like hey, anyone need a lvl 11 mercenary healer for the instance? It worked every time.

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