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Posts posted by Murah

  1. My fav thing to do is pvp. For the most part, I dislike pve. I sure as hell don't like having to pve in order to be effective in pvp.


    HOWEVER I totally acknowledge that if I'm not willing to take that step, I don't deserve the rewards. I don't want things like Rakatas handed to me. That takes the fun and challenge out of these games.


    It's kind of cool to find out someone has an edge, now you want that edge, where'd u get that bro? You had to do WHAT to get that? gdit... fine. I'll go get one too brb.


    And yes I am leaving as soon as the next MMO launches because Ilum stinks. It's just base camping, and there's only two factions. What a disappointment.

  2. Dear Tank,

    I wasn't sure how to tell you this. I only noticed what was going on as I was on the fringe of battle healing you like mad. I looked over and the Gunslinger was making faces at you and getting way higher damage numbers than you. Practically disgusting. I mean, if anyone follows you around, and keeps you alive, it's me. Ever faithful, never running off to shoot someone down, and healing as long as I possibly can.


    your Healer

  3. I totally agree that 16 man raids should be a lot harder, and I'm one of those gamers that probably won't get to see that content. I'm okay with that.


    The end bosses have been disappointingly easy in even the regular 4 man instances. The most fun I've had so far was the night my guild went into a hardmode when we were woefully undergeared. At least it was finally challenging!


    The designer's logic that 16 man raids should be a little easier than the 8 mans because part of the difficulty is getting 16 people together is laughable. If you're in an organized raiding guild (I have been in my past) then that's not really an issue.


    Is it that bioware doesn't want to spend resources on designing/creating content for the top 5%? If they weren't going to do it, they shouldn't have thrown around words like "nightmare".

  4. many mmo's that offer pvp have this issue, where a newly max level character struggles in pvp. That's like, normal. Get a relic and an adrenal, and when you are needing the extra edge against someone, pop your ohnos button, relic, and adrenal all in a row.
  5. Remove expertise, then what do you do when people start wearing Operation level gear?


    Then pvp'ers will start crying that they need to PVE in order to be competitive in PVP.


    Which comes back to:

    A.) Standardizing gear in Warzones

    B.) No gear in warzones.




    and then pve gear should NOT be allowed in pvp. or, make raid progression not about gear. Make it about collecting items that unlock the next dungeon, or something.

  6. ah. I think I look at it differently than you do. Well if ops don't count, then all I can think of for guild content is guild quests like Rift had, and achievements. Meh, I guess I'm good with out those, but hey the more content the better right :) Hopefully they'll add what you want.
  7. I'll be honest, I didn't take the time to read the entire OP, but I just want to chime in with my opinion anyway.


    Expertise grants + to damage and healing and - to damage recieved, right?


    Doesn't that mean that when everyone are decked out in full PvP gear the damage boost/reduction will both be cancelled out by the other? Only leaving the Healing boost?


    Doesn't that mean that expertise is only really good for killing people without expertise?


    Excellent point.


    player killing shouldn't be about gear. It should be about skill and ability. What crazy utopia is this?


    A new pvper is already new, and at a disadvantage compared to someone that has been doing it for months. Experience is the expertise replacement.


    You might say, but I want cool rewards and gear and stuff for pwning faces! okaaayy... let's look to DAoC once again. Your reward for being awesome at pvp was fame (leaderboards you could see on a website, with weekly, monthly, and all-time stats, per server, per class). As you ranked up in player killing points (valor in swtor), you unlocked new titles, which were always displayed to the enemy (no option to hide or change it). And the best reward of all, new stat increases (minor ones, yet decent, nothing god-making) or abilities (usually with big cooldowns)


    So what was the different between someone that pvped a lot versus the noob? A lot. noob got rolled usually. But it wasn't hard to catch up, and gear had very little to do with it.


    The best gear in DAoC (before the silliness of toa) was crafted, and then spellcrafted (also a player craft). Occassionally a bunch of people would kill a dragon, and there'd be weapon/armor upgrades that were slightly better than what you had.


    Basically, it created a situation where gear wasn't a problem. You weren't trying to keep up with anyone gear-wise. What you wanted to do was kill more and more people so you could unlock more skills, which made it easier to live and kill more people.


    Of course, this means that the gear from pve raids needs to not be too over the top, or you'd have hardcore dungeon raiders pwning pvp faces whenever they felt like it. And since pve raid progression is about gearing up to handle the next dungeon, they need to either:

    1) completely change the philosophy of that. For example, instead of dropping gear, the bosses drop keys, or pieces to a key, that eventually lets you in the next dungeon. All kinds of lore/stories could be made up for reasons why you have to collect stuff to enter the next dungeon.


    2) or disallow pve raid gear in warzones and open pvp zones.


    tldr: gw2 won't have these problems

  8. I don't know much about correcting eyesight, but if you are using a computer monitor to play the game, and you can't read stuff that I have no issue reading, then don't you just put on eyeglasses? Like some people need glasses to read a book? And for those of you complaining because you're trying to play the game on your hdtv... well you can't. Just like you can't play swtor on an xbox. use a computer with a computer monitor, and it's fine.


    I get that it would be a nice feature to change the font sizes, but so are guild banks. And like a huge list of everything else that's missing. Considering all you have to do is use a normal computer monitor and throw on some eyeglasses, I don't see the huge issue.

  9. 1. I don't know of any guide for 50s.


    2. A lot of the abbreviations used are going to be for either flashpoints or operations. In fleet general chat, if you see HM, that refers to hardmode flashpoints.


    3. There are tons of guilds for casual servers, I suggest browsing the Guild Hall section of these forums.


    4. End game content is usually anything you either enjoy doing, or things that improve your character.

  10. Nice man!!!


    Question for ya- As an old school DAoC'er myself....Do you see the formation of elite groups and crews amongst these noobs?


    Second question... can people under 50 join in the fray or is it pretty locked down? I went out there on my noob yesterday and did notice that there is no bolster buff... but one old school 'open zone pvper to another...' what do you think?


    To those saying, we didn't even leave the base cause the Sith were camping us.. you have 3 taxi points. Fly to a non-camped one and roam the zone with your guildies or attack us from behind. The Republic managed to have more numbers than us last night at one point, and they chased us all the way to our spawn, and started camping. So we got on the taxi and flew to a different point. no biggy.


    yeah, I do think good solid groups will come out of this. People will realize it's tons of fun, and you have a better chance of getting healed in a smaller team. Our 8 man had 2 healers, 2 tanks, 4 dps, and we did pretty well.


    I wouldn't bother going to Ilum before 50, except maybe to check it out. Leveling is super fast in this game.


    The terrain of Ilum is AWESOME for pvp. It's about the right size. Tthe rocks, hills, obstacles, but not too many, provide for chokepoints once in a while but not to where it's annoying like warhammer. Big enough to avoid zergs but not so big you'll never find anyone.

  11. I never thought a night like tonight would happen. Especially after the sad valor farming of last night. I had so much fun.


    Tonight was the closest I got to emain in DAoC in a long time. My guild ran as an 8 man, cruising around Ilum on our speeders, picking fights, flanking people, avoiding zergs, tricking people to leave the zerg and come around a rock, catch them in a chokepoint. We died, we lived, it was so freaking fun. We are Empire, btw. As long as Republic wasn't hiding in their base, it was fun for all, Republic had a zerg bigger than the Empire did for a while. We even had a good handful of decently even fights. Can't wait till tomorrow night.

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