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Posts posted by Murah

  1. Population imbalance problems aren't nearly as bad when you have 3 factions fighting each other (DAoC has 3 factions and it's awesome, works great in open world pvp).


    Bioware, make a 3rd faction of like.... Ewoks and Jawas and Sand people and Chewbacca's and whatever! That would be awesome. The lore would be, they're sick of being pawns in the empire/republic war. "Get off my Planet!!" type attitude. See? It would rock.


    you should've done this in the first place but I'll forgive you if you just add it now. <grin>

  2. I never do space missions. It's more like, you need to do more than just the planet quests to keep up with class quest levels. Some blend of warzones, flashpoints, space missions, and heroics ought to do the trick.
  3. Kodat... I loled that you have Torian shirtless in your gear screenshot. that was great.


    you said, "The other positive thing is you dont feeking die. You are a tank. When i throw up my shield and pop my trinket+adrenal, and have stim up, I crit myself for 7.5k. 7.5k crit heal is Fckig dirty. "


    I die all the time, so pls help a grrl out. What adrenal and what stim are you using in the above example? And what trinket do you have... Thanks.

  4. I'm against dual-speccing. I like to feel invested in my character, committed to the choices I'm making to play a certain way. I also enjoy filling a certain role, and viewing my friends and guildies around the the same way.


    I feel that easy respeccing devalues the ways we build our characters, and that I no longer have a valued contribution to the group/guild/raid. If anybody can be "that guy", why would you need me along.


    The 3 specs any character could have in Rift killed my interest in that game. Before you say, well YOU didn't have to use any other spec... don't you see how it changes the dynamics of the guild and your friends around you? meh.

  5. Can non biochemists not buy stims and adrenals? IMO part of the problem is the lack of GTN kiosks and the overall limited functionality of the GTN means they aren't used as they should. Non Bio Chemists can easily buy a bunch of stims and adrenals, but b/c they don't it's typically more profitable to just sell the materials.


    The best biochemist-crafted stims/medpacks require the user to have at least 60 skill in biochem to use it.

  6. If some ally told me to stop killing the enemy so he could meet some capture objective for a daily quest... I'd keep killing the enemy. I'd be there to kill, not f around for gear rewards.


    I'm only 41, maybe by the time I'm 50 Ilum will be fixed. Apparently, the fix is already on the public test server.

  7. from OP:

    "Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? "


    Guild much?


    Thankfully, this game doesn't allow third-party add-ons. If you want to control who you group with just inspect the player, you can still do that. If you don't like their gear, don't invite them to your raid. It's not a big deal.

  8. make a daoc 2 for player killing and people will love it. As far as Ilum goes, get rid of the gd capture quest dailies and make the dailies about player killing. People like myself will reroll to a lower-populated side when I get bored of zerging.
  9. This from the OP, is the worst thing about this game right now.


    "I quickly get a jump on him and after fighting him for a few moments, I get that exciting deathblow... annndd... nothing. Nothing happened. There was no XP bonus, no form of token, not even a 'valor' increase. "


    My guildy has even heard an ally in the Ilum zone say, "don't kill the enemy, let them capture the point so we can capture it back" because that would let them fulfill their daily quest.


    I'm very disappointed the system is set up in a way that doesn't encourage player killing. This is on a pvp server, by the way <rolls eyes>.

  10. Any incentive at all to kill someone in open world pvp would be a start. Even if we gained some kind of pvp points that could eventually be used towards something like new abilities or stat increases would be great. Right now, you get NOTHING for slaying the enemy in open world. One of my guildies even said that out on Ilum, people were saying, "don't kill the enemy, they'll flip the capture points, and then we can capture the point back so we get our dailies done"


    Seriously!? Can you imagine? They've set up an open world system where it's more beneficial to NOT kill the enemy? the designers are giving credit/reward for the wrong thing: capturing instead of killing.

  11. Some people don't know how. In order to use google to search these forums, go to google. Say you're searching for information on how power affects healing. In the search field type


    site:http://www.swtor.com/community/ power healing


    Putting site: and then a website url limits the search results to that site.

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