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Posts posted by Murah

  1. On my server, Anchorhead, I don't feel I've been a victim of those hacks too much. I think once last night someone used the speed hack and my guildy saw it happen. I agree that Bioware needs to make this TOP priority because clearly this happening at all is rotten.
  2. Depending on how many buttons your mouse has, bind one of them to autorun. I have a several additional buttons on my mouse and since autorun is so far from all the other keys I use, I used the secondary bind to a thumb button. I could bind one of the thumb buttons as secondary for run and another for autorun I suppose.


    I do this as well. My autorun is bound to the mouse button by my thumb. So I thumb-click it on and off to move, and hold down the right mouse button to turn.

  3. success in pvp is too gear dependent.


    open world pvp is supposed to be competitive, fun, and unpredictable. The open world zone,Ilum, sucks because there is no motivation for people to player kill there.

  4. so... pre-1.2 question.


    Right now I have the orange gear pilot set that I bought with Fleet Commendations. Link to the tunic so you can see what I'm talking about:




    I was thinking I could take all the mods out of my Columi Force-Mystic's Headgear, and put them into my orange gear Pilot Helmet. repeat with all 5 Pilot pieces, and use my Pilot outfit as my pve set.


    I'm gathering that is not possible (pre 1.2), and have the same stats? I haven't tried it myself because I don't want to waste credits taking the mods out.


    It also sounds like this is not possible post-1.2, because the Pilot gear won't have that augment slot, unless bioware decides to change the pilot set?

  5. how to get a pet: Open your quest log, under the heading Class... those are your class quests. If you keep doing those you will get companions.


    how to read what players say in the game: not sure off hand. I think you can just right click the tab on your chat window, and maybe it says Options, font size. Just guessing.


    what's the different between light and dark side: Well, not much. There are some items that have a light or dark requirement, but the only item of importance would be relics that you can equip before level 50. I've leveled 2 toons to 50. the first one, I did what I felt like, and was always neutral. so i had no relics until I was level 50 and could buy them off the pvp vendor. big deal. The sage I made a decision because in my 20s I picked up a couple of lightsabers that had a light/dark requirement. Again, this didn't matter, as there were plenty of other lightsabers with no light/dark requirement. I wish I had leveled her as neutral as well so i could enjoy the story the way I wanted to.

  6. A piece of information I couldn't find even in guides.... there are 3 levels of speeder training, that unlock at levels 25, 40, and 50.


    I wondered if I could skip buying the training at level 40 and just get the lvl 50, so I tried to do that myself.


    You cannot skip the lvl 40 speeder training. You must buy it before you buy lvl 50 speeder training.

  7. I think it is high time for changes to be made in our beloved Empire. The Chiss, Twilek Sith, and Rattataki have served our Empire loyaly and with great distinction. It is high time that the old ways be discarded and forgotten. It is high time that the members of these races be shown the respect that they deserve. If anyone disagres, get ready to taste the edge of my Vibro Knife.


    I don't get it.... you want them to have more prominent parts in the class story-lines? or... you want them to also be Juggernauts and Sorcerers? I'm not sure what exact change you're requesting.

  8. Gear progression has no place in pvp. Even the way it is now, winning in pvp is in part about the gear. It shouldn't be about the gear!


    I also believe in the philosophy that to be among the best player killers in the game, you should participate in playing the whole game (pve and pvp).


    To make that happen, a great design would be if gear is rewarded in pve, and skills/abilities are rewarded in pvp. Now everyone is encouraged to play the whole game to be the best.


    On top of that, gear progression in pve should be minimal.

  9. found a source myself




    Additionally, a new entry level PvP gear on par with the current Champion level PvP gear will be introduced that can be purchased with credits alone to help bridge the gap for new 50s jumping into warzones. Both sets of armor will focus on PvP stats heavily, making them not ideal for PvE purposes. The existing Battlemaster level of PvP gear can be purchased directly using regular warzone commendations - eliminating the current PvP bag system entirely.
  10. Most of my guild quit because Bioware gave up the carrot way too fast. There's like 4 of us left out of the original 15 and I'm mad.


    What carrot? cause maybe someone doesn't know what I'm talkin about. The one you're supposed to dangle in front of any mmo gamer's face to make them keep playing.


    The game started Dec 21. In less than a month, tons of people were max level.

    Tons of people had valor rank 60 in less than 2 months after the game was released. (anyone even trying, that is.) Srsly?/@!!? I played daoc for 4 years and never hit the max pvp rank!!!


    what to do with my level 50 toon.... warzones. open world pvp. and level 50 pve instances.



    warzones are all right but theres only 3. and for a long time, there was a bug where your win didn't always count for a daily quest. pissed many off, and they cancelled sub


    ok open world pvp. Well one faction greatly outnumbers the other faction. so that made open world pvp stupid and tedious. for everyone.


    that leaves level 50 pve instances. which from what I've read, are waaayyy too easy and Nightmare mode is a joke for any real pve raiding guild.


    Now I understand some casuals reading this will argue blah blah you burned thru the game whatever... ok how nice for you. But for any guild that has a lot of people that are able to play every night and most of the weekend... THERE IS NO CARROT ANYMORE.


    whatever it's old news at this point i'm just sad most of my guild is done with the game.

  11. Crafting is supposed to be interwoven with end game raiding and pvp. It's another source for gear. You've got

    - quest rewards (dailies, whatever)

    - instance/operation boss drops

    - pvp gear grinds

    - and crafting

    as sources of gear whether you pve or pvp.


    At each level of a gamer's progression

    - noob 50

    - having done some hardmodes

    - hardmodes + getting dailies done

    - throw in some warzone pvp reward action

    - having about half battlemaster stuff or operation rewards gear

    - having full battlemaster or nightmare mode gear


    In all those progressions, some of the BIS for your progression level should be craftable gear. It's really supposed to be a mix.


    so maybe when you're a 50 that's done hardmodes but no instances, the best gear you can get would be these great gloves that a crafter can make, and it's easier to farm the mats than it is to get in an operation group.


    Move ahead a month, your guild is doing operations and getting lewts. You've replaced the gloves but omgoosness the boss drops a material/schematic for some kick-*** boots.


    etc. I'm just saying it should be a blend at every level.

  12. Sage here. I'm specced for healing. Do you have any idea how many times I get stuck guarding a turret because everyone else ran off!?!? I am fully aware that my healing skillz would be very valuable for whatever team is trying to take another node, but I'm not about to leave a turret undefended.


    I have never personally done that noble sacrifice trick you're talking about, but that's because I didn't think of it. When I'm stuck babysitting a node, I'll have to start. If those people voted for that guy because he was max healing, and they probably did, then yeah that is silly. But if they voted for him because he guarded a turret the entire game, maybe he deserved a vote or two for the boring job.


    How about you non-healers stop leaving a healer by themselves at a turret, and free them up to go help the team.

  13. Someone asked for a quick recap on his answers, and I had already done that for my guild forums. I copy that here for you.


    DISCLAIMER: the answers are NOT word for word what he said, just my personal wording to summarize it.


    and the youtube link for people having trouble accessing the op's link:




    Are there any plans to allow lesser PVP tokens (Centurion etc) to be traded in for higher tokens (Champion etc) at a ratio? (Like Warzone tokens into Mercenary Commendations).


    answer: not likely. In 1.2 they're going to introduce ranked warzones. regular warzones will give out warzone commendations and ranked warzones will give out different commendations.



    What is the outlook for Bioware’s rated pvp, are you aiming for an e-sport paradigm or something more casual.


    answer: the ranked warzones are kind of phase one of having an e-sport paradigm. they want to get cross-server queuing in there as well to help with e-sport stuff.


    When, when, when are dps meters coming out?!?!?!?


    answer: they want to do that, but he didn't say when. he did the combat log will be out first, and there will likely be 3rd party programs to parse it, etc.


    What are your impressions on the current PvP Warzones and what have you learned going forward for their future?


    answer: his answer made it sound like before, he couldn't get too much stuff on a higher priority, but now that the studio has seen the overwhelming participation in pvp, he'll be able to get more priority for rounding out what he wants for pvp. But other than going back to talking about competitive ranked pvp, he didn't elaborate.


    Are there any plans to allow trading up of Planetary Commendations like Daily’s or higher level planet commendations, I don’t think im ever going to use my 56 Tattooine Commendations anytime soon.


    answer: no. However they do plan to add fun things that people can purchase with those old planet commendations.


    I heard we maybe going cross-server for warzones. How is that going to be handled? Are we going to be using battlegroups, or preferably RvR (realm vs realm)? With RvR, it’d at least keep that sense of community with your server.


    answer: he admitted there are pros and cons to both. When you have an individual queueing, if he's not picky, it's easy to group him on the same team as his server-mates. Once a user starts being picky about "I only want to do x warzone" etc... then it's a lot harder to group him only with server-mates. but the designer didn't make a commitment to an answer either way.


    Any chance we will see a larger scale instanced objective based Warzone? (Something along the lines of the epicness of Vanilla WoW Alterac Valley)


    answer: yes, he wants to do that.


    As I see it, the single biggest problem with Ilum PvP is the large scale kill trading. Why aren’t the organisers of KT (if not all participants of KT ops) banned for boosting / exploiting?


    answer: they don't ban those people now, there aren't that many that do it, and with the changes to pvp (ranked warzones, etc) and other means to have pvp gear progression, then kill trading in open pvp won't matter very much.


    With the announcement of server transfers now not occurring until late April, there’s been some griping giving the assumption was made it’d be earlier. Is the delay due to the free transfers being part of the wider roll-out of transfers throughout the game?


    answer: he stressed the importance of testing this feature before releasing it, it has to be perfect.

  14. Are you kidding me. The whole reason I rerolled Republic was because they were underdogs in Ilum.


    The landscape in Ilum is genius for 8 man roam groups, messing with zergs, fighting each other. The terrain, the size of the zone, it's very well done. It's biggest problem was population imbalance, and Republic not leaving the base most of the time.


    My guildies and I rerolled Republic, and now you shot Ilum in the head. from patch notes.

    "Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones."


    bw, if you have a plan to make Ilum mean anything, implement it soon plsktx.

  15. It's really not. But keep thinking that you weren't the problem. :rolleyes:


    In this situation you have to use LOS to your advantage. If you can even force them to need to move slightly, that's a GCD or two where they're moving, not doing damage. Remember that Guarded By the Force can eat a LOT of damage and just force camo out afterwards. Sometimes, the distraction is the MVP.


    However, if their team was doing that and your team could only pewpew them (and apparently weren't focus firing either), regardless of what you did you were losing that WZ.


    ^^^ smartest guy here

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