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Everything posted by SamuraiCrazy

  1. as yazule said, and the devs have repetedly said "classes are not tuned to 1v1 pvp, they are tuned to group pvp" also....there is thing called pve they have to consider as well, from which perspective arsenal has actually received a buff and increased heat management from the barrage proc. pvp wise, i'd have to say same thing. they'll just look for the unload more then the tracer.
  2. imo farming would be done after dailies, since you can 2 man all of them quickly (besides the FP dailies). send 5 companions out and run around a planet gathering. only use rich/abundant missions if you want profit. also for metals, just farm robo mobs on belsavis i believe. granted, we dont know the full extent of the change come 1.2.
  3. exactly what i said 3 words into your op. abundant just means higher potential for a better yield. now if you get a 340 slicing mission (which run for 20k and up on my server) you're pretty much guaranteed a purp augment.
  4. with orange gear becoming bis, alot of ppl are buying up the gear to prep for 1.2. the gathers would no doubt be on to this and start selling at a higher price since nobody wants to farm mats. demand is about to skyrocket for gear with augments, which in turn means all armor crafting mats will be in demand 5x as much at a minimum. prices are not necessarily inflating, just balancing with other gear. with cyber columi crits i get an instant 1 mil for a tenth of the price.
  5. i'll take "what is 340 mission? for 20k alex"
  6. yes, and i agree with your "more dps" comment. last night during kp each shot from unload was hitting for 2-4k. after popping the crit trinket from ev they were hitting for 5-7k each. now add more procs for that to happen? deal as for TM nerf? imo it is being balanced with IM, which just sets up the other abilities to their potential.
  7. you want mods for orange gear yes? you dont have to level up cyber for this. just rip them out of your other gear.
  8. like i said, getting the schematics that sell. atm the only one i sell is the Columi Eliminator's Adaptor. a crit craft of this earpiece is bis. thus it is highly wanted by all dps bounty hunters. from what i've read artiface as well as other skills while be getting new schematics and hopefully get up there in the market
  9. what's the most common think tanks do to keep from getting thrown? definitely not putting your back against the wall
  10. sometimes i do dailies. sometimes i just sell 1 earpiece for 250k minimum. a crit craft columi earpiece is bis at the moment. each profession has something they can sell that is potentially bis for a major spec or 2 per ac. raid+world bosses=credits. get the schematics that sell and people will hand you the money no questions. unless they're a newer player to lvl cap and are still cringing at all their expenses.
  11. dont forget the part about losing burst dmg as well
  12. i have the same cursor problem (maybe) i've found if i just leave it in the middle as a when i got somewhere that i know will cause it to disappear (ops) i can just click and its back and i know where it is. and the work around currently provides more loot then master loot, so i'd suggest using it anyway
  13. right they DIDNT admit it. do stroll the through the dev tracker for awhile, you might find it. i'd expect some sort of fix in 1.2 with the asian launch. and based on your sig, it looks like it wasnt to hard for you to overcome.
  14. no, since a boss is a single target. arsenal can pull much more dmg since pyro imo is limited by rng. arsenal on the other hand can multiply by how many arsenals are in the raid. heat signatures stack, or my guild got a great bug where they do on a 16man soa. hsm started hitting for 20k in 3rd phase when we stopped using railshot. i was diehard pyro till i started doing more pve. pyro could use some improvement in the pve sector imo
  15. we're also squishy mercs unlike our powertech counterpart that can jet charge. our jet pack has an aoe push, they dont. im sure they would love to be able to push ppl off the ramps and walkways like we can.
  16. pathetic customers that dont pay attention btw. any slightly organized guild can work around this and determine who gets what. one bug that looks easy to fix, can take weeks to find and fix. it could be a random mistype or easily overlooked miscalculation in an algorithm breaking it. this is a fresh mmo, it wont be perfect...but then again neither was the last one you played
  17. its coming. just not here yet. go outside and visit the real world for a bit. come back in 40 days and see what 1.2 has to offer. normal raids were meant to be scrubbish. though many have a difficult time with trash pulls and bosses that are easy (once you know what you're doing). just because you ran through the launch content doesnt mean there wont be more later on.
  18. yes ml has been bugged for sometime now after playing with the loot options we learned that free for all worked best as you still have to roll on every drop. allowed us to roll one item at a time and simply say who does and does not roll, closest thing to ml atm.
  19. much better. i only have 5 ppl per non crit i post on gtn sending me a tell to cod a crit to them when i get it. easy 1mil cred, if mako does her job right.
  20. we tried ffa and everypiece gets rolled on so nobody can ninja. the good part. is that you can have leader loot and only click one at a time. we just had leader call out who could roll on what
  21. both ops have a title for completion in under 2hours. infernal for ev, i forget the other. but yes mounts and a pet as well. pet is the same as the ce just a different shade
  22. there were many posters as yourself in the beta threads. with the "it doesnt affect you" reply in truth it does. trade chat will be filled with that much more spam. solo'ers will still stay away and continue to rant about how they get gear stolen from them and how they should have better pve gear(lets save that for a different thread). normal modes are like running a hm fp with 2x the people, its there so you can enjoy the content and not wonder if you're gonna juked on gear cuz somebody wanted it for vendoring (extremely common in WoW). if you actually want to raid do the hm its the equivalent of a normal raid from WoW and you can assign gear as you want (when it isnt bugged)
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