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Everything posted by bionamaster

  1. Granted, but it only appears as the size of a pixel, visible if you tilt your head JUST so when staring out the Fleet window during a graphics error. The REPUBLIC Fleet. I wish I had a decent-looking headpiece for my Jedi Knight.
  2. Alduin eats you and you wind up in Sovngarde, unable to return to to the galaxy Tamriel-5. My hill.
  3. First off, I somehow remember you from a long time ago. Welcome back. Second, the first paragraph made me laugh out loud. Third, I'm also looking forward to more info, but the update seems like it will be fun to me. Will I be good at, well, that I don't know. I'm usually a pretty bad pilot in video games. I do not think it was ever Bioware's intention to create a fully-fledged Space area (like this Elite Dangerous you spoke of, never heard of it before). But it should still be an interesting expansion, IMO.
  4. Just wanted to thank the participants of the Open World PvP Siege at the Republic Base from Saturday for a great time. It was lots of fun fighting off the Imperials!
  5. I climb to the top of Mount Everest and drop several nuclear bombs into the now-volcanic mountain, destroying half of Earth as I teleport back to the hill. My hill.
  6. Granted, but you get a BSoD upon opening the program, and are unable to use your computer ever again. I wish Boba Fett took over the Death Star and blew up Tatooine after the events of RotJ.
  7. Well, now I have more time on my hands! Yay. 1. It's Star Wars. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I enjoy running around as a Jedi Knight. 2. The story. I love the story Bioware made, I enjoyed the Jedi Knight arc and the Smuggler arc is fun too. 3. The Operations. I enjoy the games Ops, mainly because every Op and every fight in those Ops has a different feel to it, and its a great sense of accomplishment you get when you beat an entire Operation and get to say: "I mastered those bosses!"
  8. Well, there's the Fleet. Some RP servers like to use Cantinas, I think, and I'm in a Guild that occasionally has parties at the Dealer's Den. Oricon is also a place where high level players tend to gather, at the moment, as well.
  9. Congratulations on your job, and welcome back!
  10. A black hole swallows the Earth, and we are now in control of versions of us that are in an alternate reality where this thread had only just started. New me uses a lightning gun to kill everyone on the hill but me. My hill.
  11. Granted. You now live in a small white house made of rotten wood with no internet connection, electricity, or running water. In the middle of a swamp. I wish we could buy a room in the Senate Tower.
  12. I considered TSW. The investigation missions sounded cool, and I liked the fact that players of different factions had to work together to see the bigger picure. But, the storyline and setting didn't really seem like my kind of thing. Give me a lightsaber over a gun any day!
  13. I personally prefer written guides, but I wouldn't call informing other players of new strategies "cocky".
  14. I see no ads here. Must be on your end, OP.
  15. A missile conveniently destroys the hill. My hill.
  16. Granted, but it respawns. I wish I had a blaster that shot chocolate donuts.
  17. That would be number 3. 4. The Emperor's Space Station.
  18. Agreed. I'm a PvEer and am looking forward to the Galactic Starfighter update.
  19. Granted, but it will be as that Stormtrooper who Leia shot.......just before she shoots him. I wish I had a transporter from Star Trek that would never malfunction.
  20. I like the story, the setting (obviously) and the Ops. Will go into more detail later, but busy right now.
  21. Nobody wants to be the one who kills the thread....
  22. Granted, but this is because you are comatose. I wish I wasn't almost out of wish ideas.
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