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Everything posted by _Foy

  1. It's simple... people don't always think things through, and games have to launch with more and more content to be competitive in the market. So let's not compare SWTOR to WoW... let's make an analogy involving Apple and Company X. Apple has been around for a while, and has a very good, very small, and very focused product line. Let's say some years after Apple's "launch" or IPO, Company X wants to be "the next Apple". Well, it won't cut it just to beat what Apple had going for it all those years ago, they have to match what Apple has today. See, you aren't competing with WoW at launch, you're competing with WoW now. That's why people expect so much from a new MMO at launch, it's because they've come to expect it. Side note: I wonder if this raising-the-bar trend for MMO's will eventually block out any new entrants to the market... OMG ANTITRUST LAWSUIT NAOW.
  2. It gets a lot better once you get your starship and you get a protocol droid who will very quickly become your crew skill *****. But even then I get tempted into sending both companions out on missions. xD
  3. \ So wrong it hurts. You even implied that orange is more rare/valuable than purple. :\ I don't care if I'm getting trolled but you should try playing the game before making statements on the forums. If you start posting while completely misinformed then you'll only spread misinformation and do a disservice to the community. TL;DR - **** if you don't KNOW what you are talking about.
  4. Poor protocol droid is just a crewskill slave. And of course T7 loves tech gifts. T7 is an astromech droid, meaning he is the predecessor of R2-D2 and is therefore a fully sentient and awesome being. "Droid" doesn't do that little guy justice.
  5. The droid?? He's a protocol droid. He has no feelings, no emotions, he just acts like he has emotions to appear more human... like a protocol droid would. It's like giving a gift to your favourite pen.
  6. It IS terrible right now. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, search up certain items. That makes it BROKEN. RAAAGE!
  7. It definitely needs a re-working. I cannot even view items that I cannot use for my crafting crewskill. (i.e. I can see underworld metals but not underworld fabrics... so I know how to price my metals but my fabrics are all posted at a crapshoot guess)
  8. At least the "Is diagnostic scan useless?" threads end on a positive note that with talents it's a energy restore... but this is just sad. o.0
  9. Protip: Droids don't have feelings. He might ACT like he has feelings, but that's only because he is a protocol droid.
  10. I sincerely beg to differ. If I'm in stealth and I see the only guy guarding a point get lured from it by an ally then I know I have a good 30s to myself before he even thinks to look over his shoulder.
  11. I suppose if I got stuck in the door and didn't know about the "/stuck" command I'd do what I could do. I bet he probably didn't realize he couldn't be targeted. But accidental or malicious, I'll be the first to agree that there are some major bugs to be ironed out. But I have confidence that patch by patch everything will get a lot smoother.
  12. Oh tell me about it, half the threads on this board are from QQ'ers who haven't hit 20 yet and don't have that pivotal talent (HoT for medics, Lacerate for Concealment and the extra poison nade in the shared tree) Anyhow, ignore the haters and enjoy... I just get the feeling that you'll be lonely at 50 for quite a while. Question: As a concealment op in pvp, what classes can you take down the easiest. Which classes give you the hardest time?
  13. This. It's what happens when my teammates successfully lure you off the point because you're more keen on chasing that red nameplate than defending the point.
  14. As someone else said: "It's buggier than an hour old turd." Healer here, feeling your pain.
  15. _Foy

    Voidstar Map

    Just one of the many, many reasons why the UI needs a lot of customization tweaks. :< The top slot on the left quickslot bar is mostly covered by the chat window too. Not to mention I desperately want 3 bottom-center bars, it's cluttered as hell with only 2 and the overflow craps out on the bottoms of the left/right bars.
  16. _Foy

    New WZ medal ideas

    Hello? Anyone out there? I know you all want to complain about huttball, or the queuing system or how OP class "x" is but take a moment and offer some feedback on my WZ medal ideas? :> Do you think specific warzones should have their own medals? Do you think there should be team medals? What new medals do you think should be implemented?
  17. What talent tree did you focus on? What's your playstyle like? How's the gear look up there? On a scale of 0 to fun how much fun are you having? What's it like being 50 on launch day? Lonely? Proud?
  18. Tell me about it... if you're trying to do a group of 4, all of you have to uncheck the box, or leave the queue after you're out, then get re-invited and queued... It takes a good 5-6 clicks to do what 1 should manage.
  19. _Foy

    New WZ medal ideas

    I like the fun ideas with knockback, but because not every class has a knockback it probably wouldn't make it into the game. :<
  20. _Foy

    Fix Stealth!!!!

    What do you mean by far away? You have to basically be within melee range to see people in WZs (*** is a bg... this is swtor, gosh.) That "sneak" cooldown to increase stealth level is only really good for pve... there's no real use for it in pvp, imo... unless you somehow need to run through a bottleneck of enemy players (but some aoe will probably catch you anyways)
  21. _Foy

    Were we lied to?

    To be fair, people almost never type in warzones.... terrible communication. :X
  22. By skill tree you mean talent tree? Talent trees only have 1 or 2 skills in them. The ability that stuns the **** out of us is called "Electrocute"
  23. Better to look at it this way: Your stats in a WZ reflect how well geared you are for your level.
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