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Everything posted by metaIsaber

  1. WOW. Horrible change. Those masks looks like crap.
  2. I have 3 characters. Sentinel, Jug & Sorc. I really want to do the other story lines but will not do them: 1.) On my dead server and 2.) Not start on a new server in case server transfers pan out.
  3. Yes we got the win but it was funny seeing the score as 6 scores for the enemy team and 1 score for our team.
  4. Had a bug in huttball last night. For some reasons the teams were switched around. Every time our team scored the "Enemy" team's # would go up instead of our team. When we had the ball it showed as if the Enemy team had the ball. Luckily it was just bugged but we won. Sort of.
  5. Server population at the start screwed the game from the get go. BW over expanded servers and now stuck with tons of light servers. What I can't understand is why MMOs use "servers". What I mean is there should only be 1 server with multiple instances. That way there is never any I picked the wrong server at launch because everyone is on the same server. So with multiple instances, you can still join friends for WZs/Raids/FPs/Questing and don't have any of the downsides or completely isolated servers. Not to mention there is no need for server mergers or transfers to think about.
  6. Some people posting here are pretty hilarious. BW has attempted to patch this multiple times it's obviously an exploit.
  7. Also have trouble getting the one quest. Just started this morning.
  8. Completely agree it's stupid. I liked the old method. Also, I completed my weekly and I got the same 99 WZ or Ranked WZ Coms. WTH? That's the same # I get for dailies. Why have weeklies if they are going to be the same value?
  9. Anyone get the perma-slow in a Warzone? It persists through death and the only way it goes away is when the warzone ends.
  10. Been in 2. One on the imp side and one on the pub side. It has to be really demoralizing.
  11. You don't have a lvl 85 character. You have a lvl 50 character. I hate when people use valor as a "lvl".
  12. Must be doing something wrong. I was full champ gear and couldn't do jack squat for dmg when in Vengeance.
  13. I agree ones that have been stunned a for a few secs should be left alone, but since we don't have integrated voice chat in a 21st Century MMO it's sometimes hard to coordinate attacks and CCs. I've done my force leap as the person is putting on a CC. Sucks but happens.
  14. I've had this happen about 4 or 5 times. Luckily all the wins counted, but it gets tiresome when you need wins to complete daily and weekly missions and hoping they counted.
  15. I like my current Samurai Ironman suit for my Sentinel. j/k
  16. Personally at lvl 60 valor all your daily/weekly rewards should be Battlemaster bags. Why am I getting champion bags still if I'm a battlemaster?
  17. That was everyones understanding. Apparently BW needs to spell out their patch notes better.
  18. if that works. i might consider doing that. lol
  19. Help too if you do it while behind an enemy. For some reason they don't realize that you're behind them hitting them.
  20. I wonder why they call it "Galactic" Trade Network when it's not Galactic. It should have been Imperial/Republic Trade Networks.
  21. Doc: "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Actually I can't think of what that might be."
  22. Sadly no pics, but I scored 3 times in a WZs and received 0 objective points.
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