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Everything posted by LetoAtreidesII

  1. Because different aspects of the game are perfectly analogous, right? Heroic space mission dailies are 3-6 minute completely solitary affairs that are mission/map specific and require no queue. Group finder hard mode dailies are group affairs that take considerably more time, require a queue, and are not mission/map specific. PvP dailies are also non-specific group queue affairs but require you to complete 2-4 of them. In order for all these dailies to be consistent, they should all be group queue activities, be specific to a particular map/flashpoint, and require you to complete 2-4 of them. Or you could recognize that different aspects of the game are different. First, you do still need to log in every day to "save up" the HSM dailies. The way HM group finder dailies are structured, it wouldn't even be possible to save them up because they are not map specific. The reason nobody complains that you can't save those up is because you couldn't make it so you can save them up without altering them fundamentally; they are the same mission every day. HSM dailies were completely different from the get-go because they are map-specific and have a scheduled weekly rotation with no randomness to it. If a person only has time to do HSM dailies on two specific days of the week, they'd be doing the same two space missions every single week. They'd never ever see the other four missions and it would get pretty old quick. That's not the case with Group Finder dailies, which would be random no matter what day of the week you played. So if you could only play on Wednesdays, you would only ever see one particular space mission (Kabal Station Defense (Imp) / Ardis Outpost Fortification (Rep)) with no possibility of anything different , but you could potentially see a different Group Finder dungeon every time.
  2. I had thought that the way things are now (being able to save up missions) was the intended design, and that Amber had simply made an error in her post. I'm no longer certain about that, though I still hope the status quo is intended. If it is not intended, I'm hoping Bioware has the wisdom to not be douches and leave things as they are despite it not being their original plan. The status quo is convenient for many players and doesn't give anyone any game-breaking advantage: You still have to log in every day to pick them up and you have to finish them within a week; you can't save up multiple copies of the same mission. Even if it wasn't your original design intent, things are good, please leave them be.
  3. 100% False. This is misinformation and should be corrected immediately. I collect the missions in my log all the time. I'm doing a whole bunch of them I collected from previous days right now. I love the way it is now. It's great for people who have less time to play. This is great functionality and if they change this, I'd be pissed. If they worked like Amber said, it would only be great for people who have lots of time to waste and/or love wasting their time.
  4. Please take care not to make ALL headgear compatible with hoods and only revert those that were altered in the past few months. Many of us depend on some headgear knocking off hoods as a de facto hood toggle, since there still aren't enough hood down robe options on the Cartel Market. Please don't satisfy some people at the expense of other people as you did with the Phantom armor, et al changes. Ideally, there would just be a hood toggle, but we all know that's not going to happen any time soon and probably not ever. Alternatively, you could release a purpose-built hood removing helm that has an invisible appearance similar to the Covert Torso Armor. If this is done, there would be a de facto hood toggle and you could make all headgear compatible with hoods without upsetting many people. While this wouldn't satisfy everyone, it would likely satisfy most people who want a hood toggle as well.
  5. It's only difficult because they made it unnecessarily difficult for themselves. See my explanation at the bottom of the first page of this thread It's true that hoods are iconic in Star Wars, but perhaps it's more accurate to say that HOOD DOWN is iconic in Star Wars, at least for the good guys. In the films, all major hooded characters take their hoods down real fast and then they stay down for the rest of the film, with the exception of the evil Palpatine and perhaps Darth Maul.
  6. Please take care that when you fix these helms to work with hoods that you don't make it so that all headgear no longer removes hoods as this is currently our only hood toggle, and it is unlikely there will ever be a hood toggle (see my previous post in this thread for why). Some low profile headgear has removed hoods for over half a year now or longer (some since launch) and has been used as a de facto hood toggle; this is a GOOD thing. There are many popular hood up robes such as the Jedi Battlelord set that do not have a hood down alternative on the Cartel Market and would no longer be wearable by many if the current hood toggle were removed. Alternatively, you could release a purpose-built hood-removing headpiece on the Cartel Market that has an invisible appearance like the covert torso. This would allow you to make all headgear work with hoods without upsetting the current delicate balance.
  7. Here's my explanation for why the hood toggle is taking so long, and why it probably won't happen anytime soon: A hood ON/OFF toggle is very easy to implement for the very reason that some headgear knocks hoods off - the functionality is already in the game and has been since launch. Turning this into a toggle would be a very simple matter, and given how oft-requested this feature is, if the developers had decided to go this route, they would have done so a long time ago. The most reasonable explanation for them not doing so is that they have decided to implement a hood UP/DOWN toggle instead of an ON/OFF toggle. That is, for every hood-up armor in the game, the toggle would switch to a hood-down appearance instead of just making the hood disappear. They would have to do the opposite for every hood-down armor in the game (granted, a hood ON/OFF toggle would have to ignore hood-down armor to work but that's OK). This route is in fact ridiculously costly and time consuming since it requires them to create new art/models for every single hooded armor in the game (including all the green/blue non-moddable ones). It is in fact so ridiculously time and resource intensive that it is impractical; they should never have attempted it in the first place when such a cheap and easy alternative exists. Bioware seems dead set on the UP/DOWN route, so don't expect the hood toggle to happen for a long, long time. Not only is it ridiculously hard and costly to do it that way, but Bioware stands to make more money selling hood down armor on the Cartel Market than by implementing a hood toggle. Only if we can convince Bioware to implement an ON/OFF toggle instead of an UP/DOWN toggle and that they would make more money that way will we stand a chance of seeing a hood toggle anytime soon. We need to let Bioware know that with very few exceptions, those of us who want a hood toggle DO NOT CARE for a hood UP/DOWN toggle. We are mostly hood haters who want to be able to turn the hood off on hood-up outfits and are willing to pay money for a toggle on the CM. We don't care if there's no hood down art. We don't care if we can't put the hood up on hood-down armor especially since an UP/DOWN toggle effectively means NO toggle at all. Having an ON/OFF toggle today is better than having no toggle at all or an UP/DOWN toggle in 2 years.
  8. Personally I'm ambivalent about repair costs either way, though I feel for others who feel the pinch of high repair costs. The first mod calculation change is good, but I fail to see why the second temporary 50% reduction was implemented. Once people get used to this temporary discount they will not be happy when it's removed in 2.0. It should either be made permanent or removed immediately.
  9. Kudos to you guys! This was along the lines of what I've been suggesting all along. I'm grateful Bioware has more imagination than those players who kept arguing mindlessly as if it had to be one way or the other, never thinking for a moment that they can simply make TWO versions of the outfits to satisfy both parties as I've been saying.
  10. It is true MMO's should not STOP new content development to fix bugs and that all MMO's have plenty of bugs. The problem is that UNLIKE most MMO's, SWTOR's development is generating new bugs much faster than it can quash them while old ones go unfixed. They are piling up. This was not always the case with this game. The problem was two-fold. First was the massive cut to the game's budget and staff last Spring. Before that happened, bugs were fixed at a decent pace. While not all bugs were fixed, they were at least fixed faster than they were generated. Major issues like a memory leak were actually resolved (mostly) in a fair amount of time. The second was the introduction of the six-week major patch development cycle. The moment Bioware announced that, I knew what was coming, and everything that has transpired since then has justified my concerns. With reduced money and manpower, not only would each major patch see fewer existing bugs fixed, but with such a short development cycle there would not be enough time to ensure that new content and features are properly completed and tested before they are released, to say nothing of unintentional new bugs. The result is that every patch will create more bugs than it fixes and/or introduce broken content. This is exactly what has happened. For instance, Heroic space missions, a major feature of 1.6, were broken when released and a month later they still have not been fixed. A large portion of the playerbase, that is, everyone using 32-bit Windows, cannot play this game without constant crashing due to a memory leak re-introduced in 1.4. Four months later, it still has not been fixed. It was fixed in about one or two months the first time around, before the budget cuts. It is offensive that you dismiss such major issues affecting so many people as "whining." Most MMO's in my experience at least strike some semblance of balance between the fixing of old bugs and the introduction of new ones. Not so here. Here the bugs are piling up like cancer cells. Bioware has stretched the limits of their meager development budget and staff past the breaking point with this ridiculously short development cycle. And this wasn't always the case. The situation was pretty well balanced before 1.4. Bioware needs to either adopt longer development cycles (or re-adopt them, rather) or put more money and resources into the game so they are able to do more in less time, or preferably both. However, since money and resources are not forthcoming due to EA's loss of confidence in this game, the only realistic option is to extend the development cycles. They should never have shortened them to six weeks to begin with. It was not realistic. They could also, with their existing budget, redistribute their funds at least temporarily to address the imbalance. It is true that software development companies have different departments that do different things. So they can't have everybody in the company work on bugs. Artists and designers can't go through lines of code to fix bugs. However, what a development company can do is adjust the size and money they allocate to each department. They can lay off 10 people from the new content department and hire 10 people in the QA department. Bioware needs to embrace the Blizzard philosophy of "we will release it when it is FINISHED" not "we will release it whatever state it's in to keep to the schedule."
  11. It would be nice to fix the bucketloads of outstanding bugs, some of which have been around since 1.4 or earlier, before releasing new content which creates even more bugs. Besides the many known issues, there are many that you either have not acknowledged or are unaware of: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5728690#post5728690 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=583611
  12. You are doing a great disservice to those of us who hate hoods. Just as with the Phantom (et al) armor changes, the developers might just listen to you, and in catering to some of their players they will ruin things for a great many of their other players. The developers seldom do things reasonably or cautiously. This is true not just of Bioware, but of MMO developers in general, so it's somewhat of a constant with human beings and the world. You can assume with great confidence that in "fixing" the problem you describe, they will pretty much go through all of the circlets and other headgear and make NONE of them knock off hoods. And the very great many of us who hate hoods WANT headgear to knock off hoods. This wouldn't be a problem if there was a hood ON/OFF toggle, as there should be, but there isn't and there won't be (at least, not for a VERY long time, if ever) . The reason for this is simple. A hood ON/OFF toggle is very easy to implement for the very reason that some headgear knocks hoods off - the functionality is already in the game and has been since launch. Turning this into a toggle would be a very simple matter, and given how oft-requested this feature is, if the developers had decided to go this route, they would have done so a long time ago. The most reasonable explanation for them not doing so is that they have decided to implement a hood UP/DOWN toggle instead of an ON/OFF toggle. That is, for every hood-up armor in the game, the toggle would switch to a hood-down appearance instead of just making the hood disappear. They would have to do the opposite for every hood-down armor in the game (granted, a hood ON/OFF toggle would have to ignore hood-down armor to work but that's OK). This route is in fact ridiculously costly and time consuming since it requires them to create new art/models for every single hooded armor in the game (including all the green/blue non-moddable ones). It is in fact so ridiculously time and resource intensive that it is impractical; they should never have attempted it in the first place when such a cheap and easy alternative exists. But the developers are set on this course; you will not convince them to change their minds. With very few exceptions, those of us who want a hood toggle DO NOT CARE for a hood UP/DOWN toggle. We are mostly hood haters who want to be able to turn the hood off on hood-up outfits. We don't care if there's no hood down art. We don't care if we can't put the hood up on hood-down armor especially since an UP/DOWN toggle effectively means NO toggle at all. Having an ON/OFF toggle today is better than having no toggle ever or an UP/DOWN toggle in 2 years. By luck or by design (most likely by luck - that is, it's a bug), a precious few circlets and other headgear currently knock off hoods. Due to the developers' stubborn insistence on an UP/DOWN toggle instead of an ON/OFF toggle, this is likely the ONLY hood toggle we will ever have. The current fortuitous circumstances ARE both GOOD for those of us who want a hood toggle and precarious. They are precarious because it's probably unintended functionality so if the developers look into the issue, even slightly, they'll probably destroy it. They will not and cannot simply make a few light armor circlets allow the hood to stay up. They'll either leave things the way they are, or ruin everything. I realize that you had no way of knowing about all this and that your request is completely innocent, and you have every right to make it. But realize that if the developers realize your wishes, they will probably destroy the only hood toggle this game will ever see and in so doing ruin things for a great many players. So basically, I ask that you stop pressing your request (or better yet, rescind it) and that the developers please ignore it.
  13. If you're looking for ideas, here's one that may satisfy everyone. For each armor set that received a revision, create two different armor sets, or versions. One set, or version, has the old appearance. The other set has the new appearance. Convert the existing armor into tokens that can be traded for one set or the other. Problem solved.
  14. I called this way back when it was first posted. I knew it was going to be a problem: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5569667#post5569667 I find it silly that people are acting like it has to be one way or the other. Like I said back then, there will be people who prefer the previous appearance and those who prefer the new one. People have different tastes and all can and should catered to. There needn't be only one or the other appearance. They should have added NEW armor sets to those cartel packs with the advertised appearances instead of changing the appearance of the existing sets. But my suggestion fell on deaf ears.
  15. It is complete and utter nonsense that the toggle is difficult to implement, since we've known from the start that certain pieces of headgear, as well as playing a Twi'lek, knock the hood off. The functionality has been in game since launch. However, they've made certain non-visor headbands remove the hood now, so I'm somewhat satisfied. I won't post which ones because if it was non-intentional, they might "fix" it and screw us over. They are probably working on some stupid hood UP or DOWN toggle, which does require a lot of work because they'd have to make hood up and down art for every single hooded robe, and do a lot of extra coding to boot. IMO, this is a lot of work that's completely unnecessary. They seem intent on going down this road though. This pig-headed insistence that they must do hood UP or DOWN and not ON or OFF has robbed us players of much desired and easy to implement functionality for over a YEAR now. What they should do is add in an adaptive armor head piece similar to all those "naked" or "invisible" armor pieces from the Cartel packs that knocks the hood off but has no actual graphic (e.g., the Covert Torso). It should be as cheap and common as those naked armor pieces as well. This would effectively be a hood ON or OFF toggle. But I guess I might have to be satisfied with my headbands and visors.
  16. For anyone who wants or needs credits on Jedi Covenant, I require some credits on Shadowlands for a project. I would like to trade my credits on Jedi Covenant for your credits on Shadowlands. I will trade any significant sums of credits up to 2 million. Please reply here with your character names on both servers if interested.
  17. Letareus (Republic) can now craft (free with mats): Advanced Guardian Armoring 27 Advanced Skill Barrel 27 Advanced Reflex Barrel 27
  18. There goes my incentive to buy the packs. I prefer the way they look now better. If those items are going to get changed, I don't want them. My advice is to never change the appearance of ANY existing items ingame because someone will always like it better the way it is. Instead, add new items with the different appearances.
  19. Hey, that's an idea! They could have a new game mode where you help the Tuskens rebuild and repopulate. Build schools, orphanages, and hospitals! Raise funds for the effort back in the Senate on Coruscant! A nice, peaceful alternative to all that stale combat that's the mode in all these MMO's, and more interesting than fishing!
  20. This appears to be incorrect, from my own experience and reports from others. The issue seems to have something to do with originally having one crafting profession, unlearning it, then learning another crafting profession. (Somewhat Off-Topic: If your'e still having trouble isolating the cause of the ongoing crashing issues, it's a memory leak more obvious on, but not limited to, users of 32-bit operating systems due to the 3.5 gig memory cap).
  21. Letareus (Republic) can now craft (free with mats): Advanced Skill Armoring 27 Advanced Reflex Armoring 27 Advanced Might Armoring 27
  22. They are a work in progress. None of them are ready yet. They likely will not be done for a while. I've been working on them for many months now. I dedicated almost all my time to them back before server consolidations since I had nice servers all to myself to work on them. Now, unfortunately, it is not often that I can film scenes in non-instanced areas, and I'm spending a good deal of my time on pvp, which I really need to cut back on to get these movies done. I'm still slowly filming them. Then after all the filming is done, I have to put all the footage together in post-production, which takes a lot of time and work. After that are the long uploads to Youtube, which would require long stretches of time when I can't use my computer. I have no ETA on when they get done, but I'm highly motivated to get them done so I can move onto other things.
  23. Crafting the following free of charge, for mats only (I keep crits), tips not expected though I wouldn't refuse them: ARMORINGS Advanced Reflex Armoring 26 Armor Rating 146 +68 Aim +49 Endurance Synthetic Energy Matrix x2, Molecular Stabilizer x4, Mandalorian Iron x6, Durasteel x10, Zal Alloy x10 Advanced Skill Armoring 26 Armor Rating 146 +68 Cunning +49 Endurance Synthetic Energy Matrix x2, Molecular Stabilizer x4, Mandalorian Iron x6, Durasteel x10, Zal Alloy x10 MODS Advanced Agile Mod 26 +53 Aim +32 Endurance +41 Power Molecular Stabilizer x2, Mandalorian Iron x2, Durasteel x4, Zal Alloy x4 Advanced Artful Mod 26 +53 Cunning +32 Endurance +41 Power Molecular Stabilizer x2, Mandalorian Iron x2, Durasteel x4, Zal Alloy x4 Advanced Aptitude Mod 26b +53 Endurance +41 Willpower +32 Power Molecular Stabilizer x2, Mandalorian Iron x2, Durasteel x4, Zal Alloy x4 Advanced Deft Mod 26 +53 Strength +32 Endurance +41 Power Molecular Stabilizer x2, Mandalorian Iron x2, Durasteel x4, Zal Alloy x4 ENHANCEMENTS Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 +27 Endurance +41 Power +57 Surge Rating Molecular Stabilizer x2, Corusca Gem x2, Primeval Artifact Fragment x4, Upari Crystal x4 Advanced Battle Enhancement 26 +27 Endurance +41 Critical Rating +57 Surge Rating Molecular Stabilizer x2, Corusca Gem x2, Primeval Artifact Fragment x4, Upari Crystal x4 Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 26 +27 Endurance +41 Power +57 Alacrity Rating Molecular Stabilizer x2, Corusca Gem x2, Primeval Artifact Fragment x4, Upari Crystal x4 Current Contacts (will update with alts later, trying to get one of their names changed): Currently Republic Only, though I have level 1 Imperial alts you can mail them to: Letareus
  24. Agreed. As I said before and as the OP stated here, it appears that they're giving away the best part of their game for free (their class stories). The primary incentives to spend money under their F2P model seem to be for endgame players. But for those only interested in playing the class stories, F2P restrictions are only minor nuisances that one can easily do without. This is completely unlike other successful F2P MMO's, like LOTRO, in which you CANNOT effectively play the "story" to level cap without spending money, unless you want to do some major grinding. In LOTRO, only the "epic story" is free, a relatively small part of that game. All the regular quests in the game, which are required to level without grinding, except those in low level zones, must be purchased as part of quest packs. And there is no PVP in LOTRO until endgame and no space combat to help with XP. Also, you cannot fully trait (spec) your character in LOTRO without purchasing some unlocks. SWTOR F2P might be successful if it effectively copies the LOTRO F2P model, and on the surface they look similar, but as I've explained, this is not the case.
  25. I'm disappointed that there wasn't another bug fix patch this week. I hope that means that 1.5 will fix the many outstanding bugs and issues with 1.4 instead of introducing a host of new ones.
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