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Posts posted by ISDEnterprise

  1. I do not understand the question.


    Are you suggesting that they should be smaller?




    As opposed to the chiseled, handsome men with the huge pecs and the odd prominent bulge in most video games.


    Because I totally look like that in real life.




    Men are the cause of the ridiculousness of both genders. We're really vain.

  2. Anyone else notice how the limited selection seems to be kind of weird.


    I mean, Darth Maul for example has horns practically at eye level on the sides of his head. All the horns we get are all like at the very top of the head practically. Also our horns are much thinner than other Zabrak horns in the EU and canon.


    I mean, I kind of want a "crown of bones" which exists on Zabrak but not in SWTOR. :w_frown:

  3. Galen is the perfect example of terrible EU writing. He's freakin' Goku and goes Super Saiyan with the most exaggerated and ridiculous powers from moving Star Destroyers to vaporizing people with force lightning.


    He could own anyone in canon. Even Luke with no trouble at all.

  4. America just usually pays less for things. It's how it's economy works.


    We pay less for food. We pay less for games. blablabla...


    However get pay MORE for healthy food, considerably LESS for unhealthy food like McDonalds (one reason why we're so fat) and stuff like that. :)


    Economies are not simply exchange rates.

  5. I don't like being pressured into choosing options based on what is most beneficial to my companion's affection. I wish it worked some other way.



    My main gripe with companions though is that they're mute slaves who barely take part in conversations. Also, I am kind of keen on the 3 man teams Mass Effect style. I mean if I have me and R2D2 and C3PO I'm pretty set. Imagine this game if I had Han Solo and Chewie as companions but could only summon one at a time. ;p

  6. Neither.


    The first was decent but it was just a collection of mini-episodes that amounted to nothing but commercial sized diversions.


    I wanted to like the new one but it's just so painful. It's targeted towards kids and you can tell. There's no real depth. There's not much there. Feels like a Saturday morning cartoon which is fine but even at my geekiest I don't really need those anymore. Aside from some exceptions like Teen Titans, Avatar (both toons, not the stupid movie), etc which are great, this show just can't match their level of depth or quality. I mean we get JARJAR episodes...

  7. 100 people in a starter zone is on par with the game at launch. So, in effect, you're at the same point as launch. While not a bad position, do you not wonder why you are only at that figure when, supposedly, "so many" new, additional people have joined and, obviously, are rolling alts as they can't transfer yet... :rolleyes:


    You cannot compare it because at launch everyone was just STARTING out. Everyone was n00by. Now that it's beyond launch not everyone is rolling lowbies at the same time. The population is more spread out than it used to be... your logic fails.

  8. This is theoretical of course. We don't even know if there will be one.


    I'd personally hope the first expansion would focus on real, non-rails space combat with tons of ship classes, customized ship looks (to an extent within a class) and just plain spacey stuff. I mean half of Star Wars was the space battles and as they are they're just a minigame. It would be awesome to actually fly around, have space PvP and PvE that acted normal.


    I'd point to Star Trek Online as an MMO with decent Space combat (though sadly that game has other problems). Not saying this game should copy that as that style wouldn't fit Star Wars but I'd just want SOMETHING.

  9. Someone doesn't know the point of games.


    The point of a game is to have fun. You are given challenges and expected to meet those challenges and so gain a reward. No, it is not fun when a game becomes all work and no play. But likewise, it is not fun to have everything handed to you without some kind of challenge. Therefor, you're going to have to do SOME work in order to meet those challenges and get your reward.



    You're missing the point of games. The second the amount of work becomes unfun it's no longer a game with work in it that's fun but work with no game in it that's no fun.


    MMOs have this habit of going overboard with the grind so that the fun and game goes away and it just becomes work that's done simply because of an addiction and the need to find that game and fun again.

    This is a mistake. The fun should never disappear. I can have fun while working and while being challenged in a game. This doesn't always happen though.

  10. Character Creation is by far the weakest point in this game. It's just outdated and bad. I hope they really do something with it but I don't see them doing so.


    This limits the immersion and your characters never really feel like they're part of you. And the "fat" body type is ridiculously deformed looking.

  11. (EDIT: I mean playable species)


    I've heard that one potential reason for not having wookies and stuff that don't speak English (or common :p) is because the voices are a focus of the game and that would somehow make them mean less.


    I'm here to say, if that's the case, I don't freakin' care. I love voice. But give me a wookie that growls randomly while talking if you have to. Give me a jawa that "houdini!"s. Or even a droid that beeps. They won't take anything away from the experience of voices. Just let there be enough variety in growls, houdini's and beeps or whatever to make it not seem too repetitive.



    :w_smile: Grrrawwwlllrrrr!!!


    Honestly, as someone who regularly watches subbed things like Anime or foreign films I don't mind it. I don't think most would.

  12. If so why should we care? It's just another human with something slightly different like facepaint or horns or blue or red skin or whatever.


    Where are my INTERESTING ones? Wookies? Droids?? I'd rather be a stupid Jawa than most of these species!

  13. No. That would demean the value and rarity of good orange gear. The current system does not damage your gameplay, but it also doesn't allow you to look great without putting in some effort. Indeed orange gear with augmented slots are highly sought after.




    How you look should NOT be connected to work. How you look should be connected to how you decide to look.


    The games currently with the best character customization systems are the likes of Star Trek Online, Champions Online, etc. Games where you can unlock more looks but have huge options from the getgo to completely customize your own looks.

    It helps with immersion. It helps you identify with your character more since they were made by you. It helps you be unique. It helps you in so many ways.



    Screw having to run around as clowns until you get endgame and spend forever collecting gear (which you STILL might not even like and looks like a clone of everyone else with that gear). We should have full control over every aspect of our looks (with possible unlocks so you can't start out as Darth Vader right away).

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