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Everything posted by Cmder-Shepard

  1. Would be nice for the twi'lek's to have hoods, doubt it would take long to make that in game. Also I find it funny this is not even Mass Effect related and yet someone still finds the need to whine about the ending -.-
  2. He was even in Star Wars Galaxies in a rebuilt body to. His memory was inside a crashed ship on Mustafar and you unknowing helped him get a new body in a quest.
  3. There was so many servers at launch. People whined about the ques to get in so they opened more, probably a little to many more looking at it now.
  4. To check mail and a few sales I put up, plus it's where I last logged out my character? That and it is late in the uk and with work in the morning I don't have the time to go out questing now?
  5. I could of easily logged on as my 47 Bounty Hunter and gave the other character the money. But I like to keep each character independent from one another. I doubt many would mind this event if some people would stop trying to infect as many others as possible. Again I am not complaining about the event itself Bioware is just trying to have a little fun and mix it up, problem I had was with people just going around infecting anyone they can on the fleet like that.
  6. Perhaps some people don't want to die and get the 5 dna? I logged in with my Sith assassin level 12 and got infected, don't have the money on that character to buy the stim to protect. Lucky a nice person gave me 6 stims to stop it. I can see it's a fun little thing but people should have some respect for those not interested in it.
  7. A Cathar Bounty Hunter would be a interesting mix to
  8. I would hope the unify colour will be fixed on the armour as well as some characters noses sticking out in helmets to.
  9. I agree with the people in here been subbed since pre release and just due to not having a level 50 character yet we're not considered "valued" players? It should be for everyone who has been subbed since day 1.
  10. Just wish they would put the gmt times for the downtimes again they used to but for some reason stopped doing this recently.
  11. Well it all costs a lot than my highest character has right now. Would of preferred if the things were just unlocked when you reach levels on you legacy but I guess they want to keep it rare for those things.
  12. 1. Some helmets you can see your nose and ears poking out of them 2 - Unified color doesn't work for the helmet.
  13. Terra is just another in the long line of koren grind feasts and GW2 looks just like GW1 to be so not interested.
  14. Aslong as this "group finder" is on the same server I'll be ok with it. LGF on Wow killed the community on the server I played on
  15. Good pop on my server. If you like what wow has so much maybe this is the wrong game for you? Just saying.
  16. Nope don't care hated the first GW and this new one looks meh, happy here thanks.
  17. It's good that there's a choice for credits or the legacy level. Some will just get that up some will just buy at least they are giving us a choice.
  18. Zones are fine only thing I would like is for bioware to let more people into the same "instance"
  19. Yes as I have fun and enjoy the stories not been playing so much since last week, but thats due to Mass Effect 3 once thats done I'll be back on here.
  20. I hope the one thing they do is not look at wow for extra ideas, we'll end up with babies first mmo 2 where you just press a button to level to 50
  21. I played wow for 4 years after playing this game I couldn't go back from the dull game to the horrid community wow just has become a horrid game. I'll stay on SWTOR now I am happy here.
  22. Stopped reading as soon as you mentioned about the cut scenes and you want your reward and all. This is not wow TOR is a story mmo if you don't like that then go play wow thats your instant rewards game.
  23. I don't mind a LFG tool for the same server but for cross servers no thanks don't want it.
  24. LFG tool within just your own server I'm ok with, but a cross server one not sure if I'd want that.
  25. Yes they also need to add pandas why cause it's MMO stuff wows a mmo and it has pandas!
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