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Everything posted by WarWidowX

  1. For those that do not know what C6 is: http://www.starwarscelebration.com/
  2. It would be wise for Bioware to release this new event by the weekend of the 18th (before the week of Star Wars Celebration 6) or wait and release it on August 28th (the same day GW2 goes active to help keep subs here). A lot of fans and gamers will be in Florida for C6. I know the game does not revolve around their schedule, but in all honesty, at this point in the game, it wouldn't be a wise move for fans too miss this new event with all that is going down. Also, it would be great for Bioware to be at C6 to show off the new 1.4 content and talk about the new event! Market and release this new event/content correctly Bioware, it is for the best. /salute
  3. Many of us like SWTOR, many do not, many of us are disappointed in the lack of communication, and many of us are frustrated at that fact that a game based on one of the biggest and most known franchises in movie/collectible/sci-fi history can be in the state it is so early in its game life. We all know that nothing is perfect, because if it were, the forums here would be silent. SWTOR has many good qualities about it, but this game honestly needs to move forward faster and better in today's active gaming market. ADD fueled by time sinks, smothered in fluff, enticed by dangling carrots, and backed by uniqueness & freedom, are the keys to a successful MMO game. When you think about calling out of work sick, skipping school, and never leaving your basement cave, you know a game is good. This is what all players want. Enjoyment and fun. A lot of players dislike the IKEA factor of SWTOR (trapped in a predetermined maze-layout). For me, having a repetitive theme park feeling in an MMO does not work correctly. A thriving community does not want to feel trapped. Star Wars is a vast and rich universe of content. A sandbox environment would have worked better, or at least a mixture of both to please all players. SWTOR should have taken all the best qualities (I said best) of SWG and implemented them into this game. Making SWTOR more of an MMORPG with creative & player freedom would have been a wiser choice. Even in the end with low subs, SWG still had a core base of Star Wars fans that enjoyed what the game had to offer, and they where paying to play. I am a big Star Wars fan. My profession is connected to the genre. I will even be working at C6 this August. I have also played MMO’s for over 10 years. I want nothing more then for SWTOR to succeed. Right now I am enjoying the game for what it is, but its potential is far from reached. As much as I wanted to play this game and waited for its release, I would of gladly waited longer if it meant a better future for us all. Where the game is now, is how it should have launched. We all know a lot of money went into its creation, story overshadowed basic game elements, and here we are today. Creating an MMO is not an easy task. But with so many other games out there providing so many wrongs and rights, SWTOR had more then enough information and time to know what is right and wrong in today’s MMO market. The last thing any game company/designer should do is under estimate the game player base and fans. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Right now the game is in flux for many. One day the sky is falling and the next day things are stable. It reminds me of the real world, we have to deal with it. I guess only time will tell. Lets just hope there is a bigger picture waiting for us all and SWTOR is not just stuck in a dead end with no reverse. We all know it hasn’t even been a year, but time can be a deadly disease in this market and any smart company or business should know this. If they don't, then they are fools. Here are 10 things I would like to see added, fixed, and improved on. 1. Take all the best qualities of SWG and add them to SWTOR. There are so many elements from SWG that would improve SWTOR 10 fold. 2. Improve PvP by adding more RvR elements to each planet. Add military bases with control perks to some planets like SWG. Improve Ilum to be a prime open world warzone with more quests & perks (player kills on Ilum could have a 10% chance to drop Black Hole coms, PvP stims, etc.). Crack down on hackers and illegal programs. We know they exist, lets not play dumb. PvP levels in WZ's should be changed. Bolster does not help when facing geared opponents 15+ levels above you. Take the cap off WZ coms at lvl 50. Make planet interaction more important to the war front instead of corralling everyone on the fleet to stand around and stare at the walls till WZ's pop. Maybe implement a huge FP that needs to be fought over like the old Ancient Port Warehouse in Vanguard on the FFA server. 3. Improve performance & more bug fixes. I think we can all agree on this. 4. Add some unique abilities amongst the classes. We all know there is a class mirror factor in place, but classes need more then visuals to be different. 5. Races should have perks and more meaning, not just a different skin. Allow new player races which include droids, Rodians, etc. Add cybernetic body parts. Racial abilities can be apart of the Legacy system. 6. Improve upon Light & Dark choices, adding Legacy perks and more unique items. Neutrality also needs to be looked at. Defection & redemption should also be an option, it only makes sense. Social & Legacy should have some sort of connection. Legacy costs need to be adjusted or reduced depending on your Legacy level. 7. Add mounts per planet that match environmental conditions. There is a massive blizzard active on Hoth, speeders can't be used and now you use your Taun Taun, etc. 8. Remove restrictions and reduce the theme park effect and make planets more open to improve exploring and adventure. Add more cross level elements to all planets. Bring the community together more then just at the fleet. 9. Improve travel & load times. This is important if PvP is improved with control and hold points. 10. Allow players to release or change companions if desired. Allow different droids, aliens, and creatures to join your pack. Improve companions and allow companions to go on HM missions or create a special 8-man op for 4 players and 4 companions. Give reason for lvl 50 players to use more then just their healer companion 90% of the time. Maybe implement special quests where players can use two companions at once. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of great players in this game with great ideas. Bioware can really learn a thing or two by studying and reading these forums. The potential is endless! Hate it or love it, just remember, it is only a game. Enjoy! /Salute
  4. I would rather see other work done to the game, more fixes, pvp improvement, etc., before a major fluff patch like this. But my characters are given choices in game which would deem them a bit evil or good, depending on their faction. Its more of a moral choice, but Imagine if it went beyond that. Why allow a Jedi to have full DS if it means nothing? I guess all we can do is wait and see.
  5. All true. If Bioware would improve the LS/DS system and add more classes, then defecting would not be needed. Are we to believe that there are no Rebel Agents, Imperial Smugglers, and others? BH is more of a neutral class, the Imperials should had their own Trooper. We all know that SWTOR was planned out to be a story driven game, but if you honestly think about it, all classes should of been 100% neutral and playable (if no story was in place) and your faction and LS/DS choice determined your side. If they could add this option of realism, it has the ability to make things unique. In life there are double agents, traitors, defectors, and the like. What if some of your companions do hate you after you made this choice but they still work for you, it could be interesting stuff, if they had the time to work on it. As of right now, being full LS/DS to a point really means nothing but a visual look and some gear options. It needs to be more then that.
  6. I only based a price on the costs that are in place now. It does not have to be that high.
  7. Valid points. But think of it this way, Anakin was a Jedi who fought against those that where deemed evil or wrong, and he turned to the Dark Side. Sometimes heroes become anti-heroes, people fall from grace, and life could change in a blink of an eye. To say that someone good or evil would or could never change would be incorrect. More story and character reaction would have to be put in place to make it work correctly and to add flavor. Redundancy is a minor factor, but the main problem is that both sides are missing character elements they should have. Think of it like comic books, imagine what it would be like if the Avengers turned bad? The turmoil, the reactions, the drama.
  8. Yes, all abilities would remain the same for all classes. This would add unique flavor to your character.
  9. If a Rebel character wants to remain neutral, that is their choice, and the option to join the Empire will not be theirs. No one is making anyone change factions. My Smuggler is offered a lot of Dark Side choices, this just adds fuel to the fire, making my future choices have bigger ramifications if I desire.
  10. Where are the fallen Jedi’s? Where are the Rebel Agents? Where are the Imperial Troopers? Where are the Imperial Smugglers. Where are the Rebel Bounty Hunters? It’s time to improve upon the mirror structure & story of this game and make Light and Dark Side choices mean something more in SWTOR during game play. It’s time to give Legacy more character driven backbone, open up the game with real class diversity, and allow a truly unlimited experience to evolve ones characters faction if they choose. Introducing: 1.6 Defection & Redemption All classes will be allowed the option to defect, fall from grace, or switch factions is they desire. This not only gives a wider diversity to the SWTOR universe, it also adds realism, and improves the rolls on the limitations of all classes. It will be required that a character reaches lvl 50, has full Dark or Light side faction, must be unguilded, Legacy level 35 (unlock Defection & Redemption – 1,000,000 credits), and must complete a new class line quest that spans all the planets back to the roots of their beginnings. Quests: Jedi Knight – If You Only Knew The Power Of The Dark Side Jedi Consular – Fall From Grace Trooper – Emperor’s Fist Smuggler – Underworld Sith Warrior – Return of the Jedi Sith Inquisitor - The Light Side Bounty Hunter – Hunting the Hunters Imperial Agent – The Bothan Agenda Once a character changes factions, the change is permanent, and a title will be rewarded. Companions that are against the opposite faction will lose 2000 affection, but will remain loyal to your choice, but could pose possible issues down the road with future content. A character must keep his Light or Dark side rating maxed once they switch sides or receive a 2% debuff on all abilities per level of reduction. Gear, items, and relics all belonging to the old faction will become unusable upon switching. More can be added to this with improvements & story. From here, the new road you travel will be a story all its own. “The circle is now complete!”
  11. As a geared ST PT BH, I have to give up DPS for defense that works well in PvE but fails more in PvP. Nerf a big meat shield that hits like a wet noodle, pffffttt...yeah ok. I have seen geared Smugglers deal silly amounts of damage and shrug off heavy amounts of DPS, and on top of that, have CC abilities and invisibility. Low DPS = High Defense High DPS = Low Defense No class should have both at High levels. If anything, pure tanks need an upgrade in defense and our shield needs to be adjusted to activate/work correctly in PvP.
  12. Really!?! I missed that. Excellent! Thanks for the info!
  13. I watched the video, Bioware, where is the 3rd middle bar? Not the side bars, I thought we where suppose to get the option to make the center UI have 3 bars. The side bars don't assist me like a 3rd middle bar would. ???
  14. If SWTOR added in all the best elements from SWG, SWTOR would be unstoppable!
  15. Powertech defense builds work very well with PvE, but when faced with PvP challenges I have come across factors that just don’t add up. In order to remain a balanced class, a full tank spec Powertech gives up dps to be a meat shield for defensive measures. I agree with this and that is how it is. But honestly I can’t seem to figure out the justification of defense verse offense. My build right now is a modified version of Iron Fist based on more defense. I am at almost 19k health, 8k armor, 51% damage reduction, using a shield with 10%+ activation bonus, and 600+ expertise. Now I know my dps for my build is sub par because I am a meat shield, but here are two examples verse an opponent in a warzone, both one on one encounters. 1. I spot a Smuggler and jet charge in for an attack. I hit my stun, prepare for attack, hit my crit bonus increase, and unleash my assault. My opponents health bar barely moves (I feel like I am attacking with a wet noodle sometimes) and I begin to back peddle for defensive measures, I carbonize to get some room, it wears off, I prepare for a second volley, and as I do so, I am torn apart in 4 or 5 hits by my opponent. 2. The second encounter, I am jumped by the Smuggler and lose about half my health bar, I carbonize to catch my bearings, pop my crit, and unload my counter strike. The Smuggler presses on, I hit stun, he shrugs it off, I pop shield for defense, he closes in, and I am melted in 3 to 4 hits. Just to be clear, I am using those two encounters as an example and I am not stating anything about a class being OP or what ever. I am mainly trying to figure out how defense and offense works amongst opponents & abilities. Some will say the Smuggler has more expertise or his build is built for heavy amounts of dps. I truly understand all of this, but like all class balance, high dps should equal low defense and high defense should equal low dps. But, when I unload with my assault and my opponent’s health bar barely moves and in return I am wasted in seconds, something is not right. There are just some encounters where I second guess the word TANK. I almost feel like mitigation & defense are not working correctly for our class if I have to sacrifice dps for my build. Abilities that improve tanking for PvE should correctly work for PvP. Tanking is tanking, weather it is a creature npc or another player. It is a bit frustrating to watch your health bar melt in seconds when you’re classified as a tank, wearing heavy armor with a shield. I would like to hear from my fellow Powertechs. Do you feel like a tank? Hell, if you’re a Smuggler, I would like to hear from you too. It is always good to get a full round table talk about game mechanics. Any advice would be great. /salute
  16. I agree with it all. Nothing pisses me off more when an enemy stands in front of me and I tab to target while preparing to attack and the tab fails to target the correct person! Arrggggg smash keyboard!
  17. I am still getting the silent treatment. Think I might have to have a talk with that flirty Sith woman on Belsavis!
  18. ^What he said! Either your a glass mega cannon or a low dps meat shield. Everything revolves around your build and the opponent you face. Some days I hold my own in a WZ and other days I get melted like a nub. PT is far from OP.
  19. Level 50 & male (for those asking).
  20. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EE-3_carbine_rifle
  21. Greetings fellow BH's. Its been over 3 weeks now since Mako has been at 10k affection. I finished her class quest line and thought I picked answers that would bring up the marriage option. But once we where done talking, no option was given to me. So I just shrugged it off thinking the option would arise again. So now it has been over 3 weeks and nothing. I have even given her gifts (about an extra 1000 affection) just to make sure something wasn't bugged. Nothing. About 3 days ago, I was on the Imp station and saw she had the "talk to me on the ship option", so I took the elevator and went on my ship, but when I was next to her, there was no talk icon above her head. Did I not flirt enough? Did I mess something up? Am I bugged? Will I get the option? Thanks for the help!
  22. I say allow us to trade in dupes for the equal amount of comms they are worth and allow us to purchase something else.
  23. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=224964
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