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Posts posted by CupieFoxtail

  1. a level 10 with bolster has more of a chance of killing a level 49 than a new level 50 has of killing another 50 in full bm gear.


    better to be the king of lowbies than pre-made basement nerd canon fodder.


    QQ getting PvP gear takes too long QQ QQ

    Please quit the game, the gearing process has been beaten down to a very short point.

  2. Please tell me you guys read what is going on in mmo's before you post, if you don't then please don't random say crazy stuff to prove yourself right.


    MLG hasn't held a national championship for WoW arena since 2009.

    Please look up facts before you make ridiculous allegations.

  3. Try to not pay attention to the opinions of the zerging terribads who enjoy the kind of PVP where they can sit anonymously in a mass of AOE spamming skillless mush.


    Do you really need to attack anyone that disagrees with you? It's extremely childish


    people cry about sorcs.. and then dominate them 1v1 and then cry more?


    im confused


    the class that is easy to kill 1v1 you also want to have no group utility..


    I suggest that you don't address the nebulous "people", as I did not say that, I only pointed out the stupidity of coming to forums and posting a thread about how 1v1 should be taken into account when balancing classes



    PVE=pushing buttons on an order and timing against a stupid computer



    pvp= moving around and pushing buttons that best serve the current situtation against somewhat intelligent opponents....


    man ur funny... pve is for the people who cant win in pvp


    You must be trolling, or have zero familiarity with high end PvE

  5. and the players he is in there with are horrible.


    CIA of flurry - swg. im sure there are a few out there that know them.


    Come to Sword of Ajunta Pall.

    I'll beat you too, and then I'll give you lessons

    I'm sorry that I picked a server that wasn't up to your standards :(


    Whatever man, keep your pity party.

    I'm sure deep down you understand that you're just a bad player.

    I've been playing glass cannons for years, and I know how to handle them a lot better than you do.

    elemental shamans make gunslingers look like frost mages

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