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Everything posted by Daeromas

  1. Was in many matches today going against 10 reps, wasn't on one team with more than 7 other imps, so I could say the same thing about reps doing it more. The bottom line is that both sides are doing it and it's super lame and needs to be fixed.
  2. I wreck people on mine, and have alot of fun doing it. Not to mention I die in wz's rarely cause i'm not focused most of the time, and when someone finally does see me and starts moving at me or shooting at me i'm burning them down and have all my cc ready for them if they do get to me. pew pew pew
  3. This. If people want to be angry while playing a game let them, they have issues.
  4. I doubt it was, more like 3.5-3.6k tops. I "claim it isn't so" because you state that you are in almost full champ gear, I am in full champ gear and have to pop cd's to hit 4k, so yea, you're lying. Or you can screen shot (you know, actual proof) it and prove me wrong, until then, I call bs. Yea I know, I just know that people are stretching the truth, which is lame lol. Well I sure don't see it, but maybe it's just my merc healer that's somehow healing for alot less then you guys are claiming...lulz. And yes, a dps merc could hypothetically heal for that, but not one less geared than me (being merc heals on top of it) that doesn't have to pop a rakata surge adrenal and crit surge relics (what is that, around +800 surge I think when they're stacked) as I do. Just calling bs where I see it.
  5. You're correct on every point you just made.
  6. Ok, no it's not plausible. I hope you understand what being in PvP combat does to your healing and damage and what we're talking about here. So no you don't crit heal for 4k in PvP, no need to lie, I am in full champ gear and will get a 4k crit heal by kolto missle +relic and adrenal, so no, you don't. Unless you in "Champion gear mostly" as a dps are somehow doing more than someone in full champ gear as a healer, I call bs sir.
  7. I wonder what the rage would be like if they did the same to dps...lol, now that would be hilarious.
  8. No one is healing for 6k in PvP, the OP is lying about that. I hit can hit just over a 6k heal in PvE, but I have to use my kolto missle to give them +15%healing received, and pop my surge adrenal and surge/crit relic at the same time. In mosly Rakata, with 2 Columi pieces. Pretty lame how much people are either straight up lying in this thread or are HEAVILY bending the truth.
  9. From experience, I can tell you that you are 100% incorrect, as I will only last against a maraurder guildie of mine for around 2-3 minutes tops 1v1. Or maybe he is really 2 chars in one? Any of you saying PvP healing is broken, go make one, and duel a half decent marauder, you'll change your mind quickly. Until then you are just blowing smoke. I'm not surprised though, it's a mmo, and mmo's are filled with fail dps.
  10. I'll make videos of those tomorrow, I find them very easy, might help you. Maybe you should go back to Galaxies...oh wait...lulz
  11. If you would like, let me know which one(s) and i'll make a video for you. wasd around you cursor while spamming space bar though and you will finish with atleast almost full health every time.
  12. That sounds f'n awesome! I hope BW steals your idea asap haha, cause that sounds really cool.
  13. I'm a decent merc healer in champ gear, dueled a guild mate of mine who is also a marauder, I lasted for a decent while, but was overcame eventually around 2-3 minutes maybe. If you expect to kill something, even with a friend, in 15 seconds this isn't the game for you. Any class played by any decent player will not be killed by 2 people in 15 seconds. Since you couldn't, you come to the forums and say PvP healing is imbalanced and needs to be nerfed? lol, what a joke.
  14. Analogy-Some people have a thing called a life and don't get a chance to do their homework. They don't to do it but should get the same grades as those that do. Sorry, but your logic is fail.
  15. Are you serious? I'd have to ask you if you're really spending that much time a day trying to get it done. If you are, then you most definitely have time to get a healer, and 2 others together, get in vent, and do it in an hour. But, also, if you are spending that much time on them, and have a 9-5, you finish at 10-11pm if you start as soon as you get off. Can't say I buy that.
  16. It's crazy how that is going right over so many people heads. Thanks for understanding! Yea, they will be adding alot to them I hear, which I hope will be cool. Just thinking for the time being that it would be nice to have what i've suggested until they do.
  17. Forsure, and you're welcome, hope it helps. Again, all im asking for is harder difficulty modes that are completely optional, so people like myself can stay awake during them haha. And yea, as I say in the vid, wasd around your cursor while spamming space bar and they can barley hit you. Also don't forget to use as many missles as possible, even with the grade 3 ones I have leftovers. Anyway enjoy the movie
  18. Oh no doubt, and no worries I literally just made a video of it, uploading it now. The empires equivalent to the drexel mission is called sullust interception, in the video I talk about what i'm doing, it will help you out forsure. I also do it with grade 3 upgrades and the power conversion mod, and nothing else.
  19. I feel you. I've been in one open world type situation since release. Was on Belsavis by the world boss way to the north. A Rep guild was also going for the same boss. Needless to say a long battle took place over it, and more and more guildies for both sides were coming. That was alot of fun. But just 1 time? on a PvP server? In a PvP guild? Sucks.
  20. Then WTH is the point of a PvP server?? People who cry when the rules of a PvP server, that THEY chose mind you, isn't convenient for them are the dimmest, most idiotic people playing video games ever. Roll a PvE server and let a PvP server be what it is described as. Derp.
  21. Can't agree with you more OP. Starting a crazy, random battle for the heck of it that can get huge and last for hours is the best experience i've had in a video game ever.
  22. You're correct, I was thinking you were reffering to the final mission, sorry. I know which one you mean now though. But since you had to add the i'll make a video just for you tomorrow. You said you have all purps except for ship armor? K, i'll do it with grade 3 greens, only blue will be the power conversion mod. . If anything, you can see how it's done properly
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