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Posts posted by Okema

  1. The more I think about it the more I think it's not that bad of an idea..

    Though there are a lot of ifs that go with the decision.


    If you have a very potent and skilled Assassin player, that knows what he is doing then it could be a good idea to bring him in as the 4th dps in your team. I think it may especially worth it if you're kind of in an underdog team or on par with another team to have a potential game changer up your sleeves.

  2. What wait..


    Are you talking about Bradleey from the Red Eclipse? How did he make himself a name on the off board? Damn maybe I should step my pony spamming up on this board too. :D


    Though I enjoy the idea of this happening I don't think this actually will.. Best scenario in my head will be 3 teams queing for one evening, then some ************ and then the PTS being empty again, till the patch hits live.


    Also, for me, the most fun thing of this would be to actually face US guilds, but again I can't see that happen because of timezones etc. (not playing the latency card here).. Furthermore we'd need some pretty good organisation.

  3. I also wouldn't drop all accuracy in favor of surge, in the kinetic builds. Also dropping all crit in favor of power is also a tricky one. You basically drop sustained damage for infrequent burst. And critting that 10% more often on SS or FiB is not a bad thing at all..


    And imo you can wear full dps gear even in 31/x/x because the numbers you'll dish out are insane on TKT. The thing is though, how experienced the players you are against are. Ideally deep kinetic specs shouldn't get much of their TKT off, cutting down the majority of their burst. With dps-gear you can get an up to 8k hit on TKT. But as I said there is no point if you get interrupted too much.


    Well, in the end it really comes down to what the climate on your server is, the one thing that could work on this server would end in a disaster on the other. I get what Eaten said about accuracy but I made the observation that low accuracy doesn't work for me on my server.

  4. I've got a terrible headache, so please correct me if I talk utter non-sense, but I'd think taking the 15% crit on DS isn't that bad an idea for Balance, or hybrid specs that involve either Kientic or Balance. For Infil I don't know. A guildie has been running the 50+ force set for Waka-jinn, and I'm inclined to think, that depending how much up time you have, that that bonus set isn't that bad of an idea for infil specs, especially Waka-jinn, but again the effects might be negated by Shadow's respite. Thinking is hard atm, headache! Obviously, testing would have to be done..


    I know, it's a rather off-topicy question and I'm sure I'd have figured it out without that terrible headache (ahem, cough, cough), but Xin, what did you mean with the 39% on force attack crits, when you talked about DS crits?


    Edit: Forgot to talk about full Kinetics and why I think the PvP set bonus is favorable:

    In my opinion in Kinetic you can get a maximum of 2 DS out before you should proceed with your normal rotation, as you'll loose time and too much force. You're not that dependant on the PA proc, and the priority should be to get your TKT going in a timely manner. One could argue though, that the +50 force set might also be worth getting for full Kinetics as you'd be able to fish for the PA proc a bit more, but you can't put in the pressure you need when you just keep on DSing for the proc.



  5. There is this operative concealer on my server. If he finds me he can take almost 30-40% of my health away when he opens up on me. You are really looking at this from the wrong side. It's not the assassin that needs a nerf, it's clearly the op that needs it. I mean come on, that opener seriously? Then he can restealth and do the same again? And then a speed buff to dance around you like fecking Muhammad Ali? And if worse comes to worse, he will just sap/stun you and heal up while being still in combat. Can you believe that? I mean come on, that's too much utility, really.

    From my above obversations I can clearly say there is no weakness to the class, so I don't even have to try to look out for them and work on plans on how to counter them.


    Ohh, and I'm glad you mentioned low slash. Totally overpowered skill, I mean god forbid infil shadows to have any up-time on their opponents as a pure melee spec.


    Keep it up, maybe you can proudly say from yourself that you got rid off shadows/assassins completely of any competetive play one day, as they won't have any reasons left to be part of a competetive team.

    Just be careful that once you achieved it, that no one finds out about the true capability of concealers.

  6. There was talks about it on the Assassin board too.


    I noticed it starting when BW went crazy about the Server merges at first. So, in my opinion it's either lag, or a sever synchronisation issue, if lag can really be excluded as a reason.


    I get it most of the times when I pop Resilience in a rapid fashion following other attacks.

    Also, the other attacks seem to be affected by this too some times.

  7. In my modest opinion:


    If you roll a Kinetic spec, feel free to drop your crit massively for power. You'lle be a node defender anyway and in most of the fights you probably will have FP up. In the smaller fights that occur in every so and so seconds, you have an advantage. If you are to participate in the on-going fight though, you may want to get a higher crit rating, as you won't have that much up-time on FP and increased crit gives you a slightly higher DPS output over time (theoretically speaking).


    For other specs, you'd definately want to go for at least 29.5-30% crit buffed. That's in my opinion a sweet spot where you can still get a decent amount of crits and still have room for a considerable power gain.


    Surely you could go way over 30% but I don't know if the loss in power, which will be significant, is worth it.

  8. Hey!


    I know about the wall of flames I'm loading upon me but I don't care. I'm just seriously asking myself if there is anything wrong with the cartel pack drops or if buying many of them decreases your chances further. I just wanted the Nihilus mask and ended up spending 100$ on packs and opened about 30 packs. With nothing. The rarest item I got is the purple pink crystal and the nebula blaster, thats about it. Everyone arounds me seems to get super rare items like the mask or throne in 5-9 opened packs (which I find a good rate; 30 packs is just plain nus).


    But having spent that much money, just getting bad items (I seriously can build an army with pets, equip everyone of these pets with a vehicle and a menace emote), makes me think there is something badly wrong.


    Can someone confirm the drop-rate is working as intended? I happily purchase the amount of 5-9 packs but I'll really refrain from buying any packs in the future, if drop-rates are intended like that and stay that way.


    (And please don't bring up arguments like things have to stay rare. Almost every third person is running around with a mask on the fleet at the moment)

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