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Everything posted by darkzannah

  1. hello I would like to know if the run karagga will be nerf because we see on the fleet on the empire side and rpu mounts all day run karagga to kill the mobs before the 1st boss, and reset the phase. all this to win conquests and make big scores in the guilds. it becomes tiresome the other operations fp or pvp are less prized by the players because report less xp conquered. in 20 min it's 100000k with a good group to what I heard on the fleet, so why given conquest objectives when it is enough to do karaga run and kill mobs, pliz nerfer the run it kills the game and his interest
  2. I have recovered the moose companions and their affections and at levels 1 while she maximally I do not understand. I will not go back affection of any compagon saw the time that it took me and the money
  3. a question considering that valkorion is dead revan is dead you see who as at home of empire in the following exetension (6.0)? a return of malgus or a new character
  4. if you have more perso it allows you by farmant to make many points for your guild, to win or finish in the first 10 conquest. Any bug that earns points in a conquest must be changed by technical team because the fight is unequal between some guilds that can farm or not . I've seen big guilders play farmer jokes to make their points for their toons and to be in the top 10 or win conquest so bioware would have to put that back on the table to make it really fair. a quest valiber and valiber no reset. if not long live the farmers for the connquetes and win banish farmer rampage a question is it normal that people face their conquetes uniquements point with the bug the I am in a guild us is I have members who make results between 400 000 350000 in the third days of conquetes that with the bug just by farming. i wish bioware i am concerned about this as it becomes irrelevant the conquered farmers
  5. hello I noticed that when we finished his quest of massacre for the conquetes and that one teleports on the fleet or its fortitude then that one returns to the place where one must make the massacre the quest has reset. we can do it again, and that several times I would like to know if it is voluntary or not because for the points of conquest the farmers will do that I think.
  6. it is a useless function if we group the credits in the same places we would like to use them and it is not the case useless function
  7. so much promise for option that is useless at all now if only he had done like blizzard when he had created their bank heritaqueou other mmo or we can use the credits that are presently interest it remains a sweet dream
  8. The value of crediting the credits is that it is usable in any situation by the characters, sellers, and other purchases or sales, not just storages. If you put money in the trunk inheritance is done to store it it has no interest to delete the option if you can use the credits from the sellers to the interest becomes more interesting. to make this kind of modification without thinking about the practical aspect is really not smart, what you look for in a game is the practical and fast access. if I had for all my characters access to credits that I have in the trunk legacy for my purchases I will find it easier
  9. hello i dont understand "The Cartel Market Item Stash’s current cap of 500 items will remain in place. If the United Forces update will cause there to be more than 500 items in your stash, those items can be found in your item stash. However, you will be unable to add any items to your stash until you go under the 500 item cap." why do this we will do what of the items we have in our chests sell them cheaply lol?
  10. The new bioware update with the random for the loots as well as the system will cause the death of swtor The system is really zero is the progression too slow, in addition one can not fall the pieces that one desires as before Before I preferred to choose to have the weapons pvp or pve the a it is the complete chance in addition to having stuff green violet being very rare If this goes on is that BW does not improve the loot rate I will quit playing and let him die
  11. le nerf des pet est trop brutal il faut revenir les pet heal même plus sont ridicule. il faut revenir a la situation de la 3.0 pour les heal qui etait tres bien. si bioware continue comme cela ils vont tuer le jeu avant fin 2016.
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