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  1. Smuggler Conversation Issue The initial conversation for my smuggler will not complete. It gets to the final frame and just hangs until I hit escape. Now I cannot advance my smuggler past that first conversation. Please advise.
  2. You really need to go to the My Account/Code Redemption page and cut and paste in the date you redeemed your code. Then we can all see what your date is and we don't have to guess at your problem.
  3. What is most interesting to me is the fact that 80% of all the posts are coming from 20% of the overall population. This is a standard. A small minority of people post excessively regarding an imagined slight and the rest of the community assumes that they are the majority since they are the only ones talking. I call BS. If you are upset about the roll-out, take a breath. This is a game. They (BioWare) are not in breach of contract and they are following through with their model for implementing their game. Oh yeah, did you forget that? Even once we start playing the game, it is still theirs and they can do anything they want with it. If we continue to pay our monthly fees on time and do not violate any rules they put in place, they graciously will allow us to have the illusion of ownership, basically a rental agreement. However, there is no solution for those that are upset. Even if they fixed it yesterday, it would not have been enough. Because some people perceived something incorrectly, now there is a big freakin problem. For me, it is all good. Life goes on. Interestingly enough, if these same people were grinding xp and the same mob for 6 straight days, they would never complain. The things we do for love. Peace, joy and happiness be yours today and until the end of time.
  4. Except they only get $5 of our money prior to the release of the product. This is a pre-order fee. Look at your receipt, then your bank account. If they took the full amount, it has been refunded except for $5. You may have preordered for early access, however, they have NOT failed to give you early game access at this point. They won't fail until the 20th. I enjoy some of these posts however, they make great illustration to my children about how not to be. Perception is the basis for reality and Reality COLORS perception. So, you are setting yourself up to fail and gain all kinds of stress illnesses if you are allowing yourself to color outside the lines. Read the words, comprehend them. If you do, there is no room for complaint at this time. Especially since TOMORROW starts the five days.
  5. Actually, they didn't sell you 5 days, you sold you 5 days. Again, up to 5 days does not mean you get 5 days. If you only get 10 minutes they have met their statement. Anything prior to that is a privilege. If you don't like it, go to school and learn to read better.
  6. Which would be true right up until ONE of his predictions was missed. Additionally, I love your post, but some people are not being reasonable. First off, this is the 13th, 7 days prior to release, not 5. Second, they are trying to reward early pre-order. Does this method work? Well, that remains to be seen. I know a lot of people are irate, but they are wrong. 1. As you pointed out, the "promise" was "up to 5 days". We are at seven days. Also, it was said that everyone will be on by the 15th. So, no loss there. 2. The servers up for early access will NOT be the only ones that ever go live. Competitive players will get their shot at server firsts. So, no loss there either. 3. If all those that complained quit and got a refund, it would be such a small impact that the company wouldn't even notice. Again, for the company, no loss. Those that are complaining are the ones that want to complain and look for a reason. They are those that give reasonable nerds a bad name. Now, the other side, could this have been done better? Absolutely! But it is what it is. Life is not fair, equitable nor reasonable. To those that expect that they will get their way, get over yourself. Life is not here to suit you. This is an example of that. Learn from it.
  7. Actually, the sales point was "up to five days early". So, let's see, we are currently at 6+ days early and they fulfill their "promise" if they let you in 10 minutes early. Really people, are you incapable of understanding? Get over it. They will email you when they know your start time. And it is not sence, it is sense.
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