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Everything posted by Meriki

  1. Another member got leader. They passed it back. GTG.
  2. I had two other officers promoted, will they become leader? I would assume so. At least they should have rights to invite to the guild, yes?
  3. OK so log in and make my character. Accept guild invite. Run around for a minute, then see something on my character that I do not like. Missed in character creation. So I delete and remake character. No invite, no guild. Didn't even dawn on me I was leaving the guild... I formed the guild on SWTOR and was the leader. I know of at least 1 more person that has already joined. Do they become leader? Are we hosed? Can I get the auto invite back? I don't think so according to the guild FAQ. What happens now?
  4. I'm in! Wahoo! That should mean that all of August and at least a week of Septembers should have invites. Just a heads up.
  5. OK I think there was some confusion that the small intro pages to the guides was all that there was. Well, that is not the case at all! The pagers for the articles was small and hard to see. I think loads of people missed the real meat of the guides. So I have removed them. Now the full article is on one loooong page. There are all kinds of tips for each class. How to start, style of fighting, stats, abilities, tactics and more. Check em out again if you thought the whole guide as a little blurb. There is much more to be had! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Play smarter, not harder!
  6. I think there was some confusion on the site. The guides are pretty long so they were paged. The problem is the page numbers were small and hard to see so a lot of people thought the intros were the only thing to the guides... not by a long shot! To solve this I just took the pages out. Now you get the full guides on one page. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks all! Play smarter, not harder!
  7. They are piles of rubbish of a couple sorts. They will appear a little blue, and show as an asterisk on your minimap.
  8. Nope, you just have to keep telling them what to do. They aren't that brilliant. That's why they are a sidekick/companion.
  9. When you get to your fleet there should be trainers. Check you map and make sure trainers are selected. Then go over and talk to them all, and decide which ones you want.
  10. Meriki


    Ya check your drivers and make sure you are up to date and ready. Then if it does it again, you might just have an issue with the movie. Let it run for a few and you will likely pop in.
  11. I would jump on a PVE server and get the feel for TOR and MMO's. Then when you hit 10 go do some PVP stuff and see if it is something you want to do full time. If it is, just switch servers. 10-20 levels is nothing to worry about and easily achieved on the new server. If you go PVP, you might do some snooping for guilds too. It's nice it have friends for PVP.
  12. Ya plus they are heavy on defense so you can truly tank things without needing a lightsaber.
  13. Ya you can get moshed just about anywhere on PVP so keep your guard up.
  14. Ya the stories are awesome. That that hit50 in a week are flying ahead and missing a HUGE part of the game. Then you have all 8 classes to go through, which will take. Plus the repeatable quests that you can do differently each time like flashpoints. Lots and lots of good stuff. Don't worry about it.
  15. Ya those should be the Heroics and Flashpoints.
  16. Default should be 'Print Screen'.
  17. All but all those other games out there. It's funny how quickly memories fade. But maybe that;'s the problem. Never had those in teh first place.
  18. It is good to see all the excitement. You'd be surprised how much the little ones enjoy Star Wars.
  19. Didn't run this enough to know for sure. But it seemed they increased the strength of some of the mobs. The boss was definitely buffed up. Soloed it pretty well at 12 I think then was flat out owned by the boss.
  20. The biggest issue I have found is since everyone can fight/dps (to some extent) everyone seems to get a little over zealous and take the agro from the Tank. They should take adds, and go easy so whoever is tanking it can hold it in place. Here's a guide I wrote on DDM's Realm for Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors. Also Bounty Hunters and Troopers can make good tanks if they switch to single target stuff to keep agro.
  21. Ya so far as I have been able to tell you get randomly generated loot from everything that drops something. The more powerful it is, the better the chance for better loot. Named items seem to come just from quests.
  22. Food? FOOD! That is just going to eat in to my play time. Running off pure TOR crack for now.
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