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Everything posted by ---AlterEgo---

  1. Why are you paying 1000cc for a character rename when you can just transfer to a different server for 90cc, make a character with your old name in the server you just transfer out of, and transfer back to that previous server for another 90cc (180cc total back and forth) and you'll get a notification that your character name is in use and you'll get a free rename? On the transfer window is says you have to wait 72 hrs to transfer back but currently there's no wait at all. I've transferred to a more populated server, bought a bunch of items to resell on my server, and made almost 500mil profit just by doing that.
  2. I did a little boring test to see how much cxp one might get from a cannon + snowball. It takes over 2 hours of using both snowball plus cannon to get 1 GC rank. I could've easily gotten 3 levels or more in that time if I had done warzones during that time. So, how exactly is that a problem? You gotta be crazy to choose 1 GC rank every 2 hrs and 20 minutes instead of getting over 3-4 GC ranks by doing warzones.
  3. You forgot to add a "sponsored post" at the end. Either trolling or paid to write that.
  4. ^^ I have gotten rid of Bitraider using those instructions (although I found the instructions on Reddit) some months ago, and it's been so nice not having Bitraider anymore.
  5. They exist. I have nearly all of the synthweaving and biochem ones. The drop from them pale in comparison to cybertech tho. Seems like 4 out of 5 drops are cybertech. I do the daily/weeklies on 6 different alts, including ranked, so I get a ton of schematics.
  6. For sure. Sins/Shadows are still too mobile. They should remove the Sprint from Sins/Shadows,
  7. I don't think he's talking about the crafted ones. Plenty of the ones you get from the command crates are "Use" rather than "Equip" and those Use ones don't work in PvP. I'm always careful to see if it's a Use or Equip one. Any Use relic I destroy for CXP.
  8. Considering only a fraction of the population ever got to clear NiM for drops, it would only be fair if they made Tier 3 at least 80, ideally 90. I have plenty of alts and many of them aren't in the 90s yet, and I'd be totally okay with it being 90+ considering Tier 3 gear will only be obtainable at Master (old NiM) difficulty in operations coming the end of January with the 5.1 patch.
  9. I've had to deconstruct 5 set pieces so far because they were duplicates. It's a real nightmare getting duplicates. At least that will be fixed once 5.1 drops and we can just choose which piece to get.
  10. Brought you by the same people who thought RNG crates to get gear is a good idea and said "RNG is exciting" in a Twitch stream. I'll just leave it at that.
  11. I imagine anyone who's into masochism and other kinky stuff to do with pain absolutely love this update. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say whoever designed this nonsense of a system must be a Fetlife member.
  12. I've been seeing that a lot recently so I can tell you exactly what happened. Your team capped the point too soon. When the outnumbered message appears right off the bat in a Hypergate the mistake people make EVERY SINGLE TIME is that they cap their point right away. Capping the point right off the bat after receiving the warning message due to population imbalance is a huge mistake because the tie breaker isn't kills or having the cap, it's capping the point AFTER the 30 seconds have passed. Once the 30 seconds have passed you'll get a new message saying "Whoever captures the point first wins" and at that point if you cap the point you win, but if you had already capped a point you'll be forced to cap the other point.
  13. I'd love to see a deathmatch warzone. I know a lot of pvpers out there who hate playing the whole objectives game too. Heck, sometimes we get matches where no one even tries to do objectives and just go for kills. I think that'd be perfect for those of us who hate doing the objectives games. But also, I would LOVE to see an option to see an option to select which warzones we'd like to queue up for. I hate some maps with a passion and I'd love to never have to do some of them again if I could.
  14. You draw the line when an item gives an advantage over another player, especially at level cap. Will XP boost give an advantage? No. Will having furniture give you an advantage over another player? No. Will getting gear 25% faster than another player give them an advantage in an ops run where there's a dps check, or in PvP? Yes.
  15. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say English isn't his/her first language. Let me try to translate it without all the rage: "Well done Bioware. You nerfed CXP from gold mobs because you believed people were exploiting them to get to rank 100 in one day, when in fact people were getting that high up in command ranks because they were actually doing the Jawa scraps exploit instead." I believe this person wants the gold mobs to be brought back to 10CXP a piece since he/she believes that the Disintegrate exploit was the main factor of people leveling up their command ranks so fast, and not the elite mobs.
  16. This is indeed something worth bringing down the servers for. Say you got 8 Jawa things, you'd normally drag the slider to 8 and press Disintegrate but you could also type in the value manually. Instead of typing 8, you could type 9999 and you'd get the CXP for disintegrating 9999 Jawa scraps. And they'd be able to keep on getting crates after crates and doing the 9999 on each Jawa scraps they got. Wouldn't surprise me if there's some people in full 240 gear already.
  17. I'll play them 5 times a week for the weekly but that's about it. My friend and I just go in with 2 healer companions and we clear all 5 within an hr - 1.5 hrs or so to get the weekly done. It's a cakewalk and any challenge that might've been intended for the Veteran/HM version of the Uprisings missed the spot completely. The sad thing is that I just know they'll end up nerfing these things, which they usually do, because there's some really horrible players out there.
  18. Out of 52 crates (4 different characters combined), I only got 5 set pieces and 3 of them are in only 1 lucky character. There's one character which is 12 and has yet to get a set piece.
  19. heck no. So much smoother not having channel skills. /notsigned
  20. What infuriates me is when good players use that stupid exploit. In my server I've started seeing some big names using that exploit. Sure, it's fun for the first couple of times being able to cap the point from hella far away, but keep using it match after match is just stupid and makes you lose all credibility after that.
  21. Some people can't count zeros. I've bought armor and weapons that usually go for 100mil for 1mil and even as low as 100k. Some people are just careless. I doubt you'd get banned for such a thing.
  22. I had no problem whatsoever completing EC on the mando, sentinel and guardian but when it came down to the sage I struggled, A LOT. The thing that helped the most was to get a melee companion to rank 50. After that, I just set your comp on Damage stance and breezed through the whole thing. The only hard part was the one where the companion gets abducted by the NPCs and if I don't kill/interrupt that NPCs with the companion stun ability it's game over. Rank 50 companion on damage and then all I did was heal her and myself all the way.
  23. I just reinstalled the game without Bitraider attached to SWTOR... soooooo nice not having that plague on my computer anymore.
  24. Check out http://swtorcalendar.com. It has the dates of upcoming events and all that good stuff.
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