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Everything posted by skwrl

  1. You're right, people seem scared away. Oh wait, I just saw this.... http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/114831-Analyst-1-5-Million-People-Already-Playing-The-Old-Republic Yea, 1.5 million people, before the game launched.
  2. UI Customization is coming Macros are coming Inability to interact with world objects? You mean sitting in chairs, the stupidest thing people keep bringing up as a grave issue? The game IS linear and scripted, thats how it was designed Chat bubbles are coming. There is nothing wrong with the graphics or models. Games are designed for the lowest common denominator, thats a fact. And you can EASILY force AA if you would like.
  3. I don't accept your "reasons". You aren't doing the same activity, you don't get the same rewards. I don't accept you assertion that "It's all just killing pixels" as reasonable. Just like you don't accept what I maintain, that because they are two completely different activities you should be getting different rewards, as reasons. Don't mistake disagreement as misunderstanding.
  4. skwrl

    Were we lied to?

    So, because there was a thread that supported it, but BW never said that cross faction communication was in, we were lied to? Is that what you are saying? And no, you can't speak to the other faction. The guy that said he spoke so someone from the opposite faction in a cantina is mistaken (there isn't a cantina in the game where opposite factions could be) and the person in the WZ was likely on the other team, but still your faction.
  5. It wouldn't be an improvement. Oh, and this isn't going to happen. At least not like people are asking for it in this thread. There will not come a time when you can switch your class late in the game. If someone has to explain to you why you can't switch classes in an MMO, then perhaps you just don't understand.
  6. Actually, what you were arguing is that they are the same skills. There isn't any dispute here. This isn't going to change, because it isn't a problem. My analogy simply pointed out that these are not similar activites, just because they exist in the same game. The fact that both professions get paid money is without merit. Forget the analogies, because you appear not to get the point. Look at the facts. You have to raid to get the best PvE gear, get over it.
  7. You are reaching. They are both activities, which require different skill sets. This is a fact. You are rewarded for your time and success in those activities. As I've already pointed out, the gear is not so different that you would suck in PvE using PvP gear, and you CERTAINLY wouldn't suck in PvP gear using your PvE gear, because Expertise is capped at 10%. You are exaggerating the issue to get people to agree with you. There is nothing wrong with this design. It's obvious I won't change your opinion, because lucky for me, the people who matter are of the same mind that I am.
  8. Once again, see my edit. The burger flipper thing was for a laugh. "My metaphor is sound. Change the word "burger flipper" to Lawyer and it remains. The amount of time has nothing to do with it"
  9. To answer your question, alot of PvP players do want distinction in their gear. They do want that Expertise stat, as a reward for putting in that time. But more importantly, the real issue appears to be the flipside of your argument. Should gear obtained through PvP be equal in effectiveness against PvE opponents? And again, just to reiterate, since Expertise is capped at 10%, this is far less of an issue then people are making it. To Note: iLvl 51 PvP Chest for Marauder: 776 Armor 83 Str 68 End 40 Exp 34 Pwr iLvl 51 Tier 1 Chest for Marauder: 776 Armor 96 Str 81 End 40 Acc 34 Pwr Differences of: 13 Str 13 End That is 15% more Str and 19% more End. These aren't gamebreaking stat differences people.
  10. No problem. I'm not even arguing against the ability to select which WZ you queue for, I haven't given that enough thought. I just wanted to point this out so people knew why they kept getting HB.
  11. See my edit: "My metaphor is sound. Change the word "burger flipper" to Lawyer and it remains. The amount of time has nothing to do with it." Sure, you could buy the scalpel, but that isnt enough is it? You'd need a license to practice, a hospital to allow you OR time, nurses to help you. These are the things your time spent studying allows you to get. The metaphor holds. The PvE gear is what you get for putting in your time killing trash, wiping on bosses, learning new strats. Things that you don't have to do in PvP. You can continue to bash my metaphor, but it makes sense, and isn't the point in the first place. This idea is bad.
  12. My metaphor is sound. Change the word "burger flipper" to Lawyer and it remains. The amount of time has nothing to do with it. I will now wait for the competitive PvP crowd to come tell you why being good at killing an AI mob does not make you good at PvP. Because that is what you are saying. People seem to see this from one angle, and that is that PvP players feel that they shouldn't be precluded from the PvE side of the game because they don't want to sink the time into the progression grind.
  13. I don't even know what to tell you. They are different skill sets. Anyone who does either at a high level will tell you this is a fact. There are certainly players that excel at both, but there is a significant portion that don't. There are players that are at the cusp of progression raiding, but couldn't PvP their way out of a paper bag. It's because they are different skill sets. You insult was nice though, because you backed it up so well.
  14. No it doesn't. Expertise makes far less of an impact then people believe.
  15. You're right, if I spend my time flipping burgers, so I should be able to perform brain surgery right? They are both jobs after all. They are 2 different skill sets. You get rewarded for excellence in those particular skills. I didn't miss the point, you just expressed your opinion vaguely. Your point is that the skills should complement each other. Well I know I for one don't want that. I don't think anyone should be compelled to participate in any activity they don't want to, just so they can "keep up." If you choose to excel in PvP, you get gear that rewards that skill. You aren't an Epic Droid Slayer, so you shouldn't get gear that rewards those types of skills. Flip side is true as well.
  16. You just supported the fact that you should have to do both PvE and PvP to "max out". Well in this case, the goal is to "max out" your gear.
  17. You get rewarded with gear for the particular activity you have spent time doing. It is very simple. No, someone who spends a majority of their time raiding should not have the same gear as someone who has dedicated their time PvPing, or vice versa. Not to mention, people VASTLY exaggerate the effect of Expertise. It can increase your damage by 10%. That is hardly game breaking, and "John" isn't going to get roflstomped because of it. PvPing without Expertise gear doesn't ruin the experience.
  18. Yes, it seems the majority of people asking for this don't understand why you keep getting Huttball. You get Huttball over and over because it is the only WZ you can play against your own faction. If the other faction isn't queuing, or an overwhelming number of your faction is queuing, you will see Huttball over and over. I would venture a guess that you are an Imp, and this is the price you will have to pay for choosing the higher pop faction.
  19. You aren't worried that your build doesn't pick up Hilt Stike, one of the highest threat-per-GCD moves you get (maybe the highest?)
  20. They don't, but his point is sound. Sorcs and Assassins are very functionally different, as are Operative and Sniper. It would be very similar to allowing individuals to changing their class in most other games. A 1 time switch has been thrown around, below level 20, in case of "mistakes". You can be certain that frequent switches wont be allowed. Dual Specs on the other hand should be making into the game sometime after launch, as per Stephen Reid.
  21. This is incorrect. The only class of item you cannot remove the Armoring from is Purple Artifact gear from Endgame Operations (and PvP?). At every other level you can.
  22. Wouldn't you need to first identify where the first chestpiece drops, rather then just identify it as endgame?
  23. They were just not aware of the changes. Cybertech is now equally useful to all classes.
  24. This is no longer true. Artifice creates Power Crystals and Enhancements, which all classes use. Cybertech creates Armoring and Mods, which all classes uses. This was changed last build.
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