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Everything posted by Draccman

  1. If people are coming over from WoW wouldnt they atleast want the same simple features that WoW has? People might be willing to take a huge step down for some lightsabers, but in a few months people will go back to WoW because it has the basic features an MMO of 2011/2012 needs. Of course I wont, I am sick of WoW, but damn this game needs to get with the times. Paying 100k to respec is not fun.
  2. Did eternity vault, didnt feel heroic at all. Bosses have few mechanics besides enrage. 2 of the bosses didnt even feel like bosses because they were so simple. The final boss was a bit more interesting, but still had very few mechanics, and we only died to enrage. Enrage is how Bioware makes fights difficult. Hate to compare to WoW, but Bioware is nowhere near World of Warcraft when it comes to designing encounters.
  3. But the pve is lame and uncreative with enrage being the only deadly mechanic.... hmm.
  4. I have some expertise and I do good damage over the course of a warzone, buy my burst damage is non existant. Madness spec: http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7040/473k.png Good damage, other classes are totally capable of this overall damage aswell, but I have no burst. Lightning spec is supposed to be the burst spec, but its damage is pathetic. It is just not possible to kill someone in 3 gcds like you claim. My highest hitting ability is death field on a 15 sec CD and it crits for 2.5-3k. We dont have the 5-7k crits that operatives and juggernauts have.
  5. Really? My sorc damage feels very mediocre. Not that im complaining, I think madness spec is in a fine place damage/utility wise. Would like to see lightning be more bursty, the end talent does absolute crap damage (death field hits harder). Im happy playing madness spec, although I feel forced into it since lightning spec is pretty worthless. Burst spec without burst, lawl. Sorcs dont need a nerf, go take a look at operative burst or those juggs/guardians who crit for 7k aoe with that force smash or whatever it is.
  6. Are you insane? It takes 4 days played to get 50. What time of the year is it? Every college student is off, of course people have time to spare.
  7. Theres a sorc in my guild who doesnt even pvp that much and he has full champions gear in every slot except 2. Hes only like rank 25 or something. I have probably opened the same amount of bags he has and ive gotten like 4 pieces. Gabe amantelengalololo or whatever his name is should be fired. He obviously has no idea how to implement a proper pvp system.
  8. This game is archaic, how dare you ask for stuff like a combat log and buffs you can actually see. This is a throwback to the good old days. heheheh
  9. I paid 1.5 mil for a stupid giant dumb looking car mount and im not complaining.
  10. Where would that be? I can interrupt them at range, so if they are in a position to not be interrupted they are also in a position where they cant hit me.
  11. RNG is dumb, make the gear a grind you have to work for. Make it tiered based on valor rank and make each piece cost a **** ton of warzone commendations. Enough with this bag BS, make people work for their gear. The people who get lucky dont deserve it, and the people who get nothing dont deserve to be so unlucky. **** system is ****
  12. 2004 WoW was great, but its not 2004 anymore. Although some of the love for vanilla wow we all see through rose coloured glasses. My statement stands, half the people who say they are against it in this thread are level 30 or so. Casuals.
  13. Everyone who doesnt want dual spec is either a casual or a subpar player. The game NEEDS dual spec, and a ton of other things while they are at it. This game feels like 2004 wow with the amount of stuff it is missing. DUAL SPEC, GROUP FINDER, LETTING US CHOOSE THE WARZONE TO QUEUE FOR, PROPER AUCTION HOUSE
  14. Apparently it is too difficult to implement. Dont see how, just throw in a 3rd ****** vendor with some ****** useless gear and a ****** recoloured mount. Easy to tier it aswell, Always between -999 and 999 for neutral. Just tier it based on how much light/dark points you have total. EASY, dont know why it is so difficult, coming to think that everyone at bioware is incompetent.
  15. I dont see how it is difficult to provide server forums. They actually said it was difficult... WHAT? And the thing with hoods being up/down. That is not difficult, im sure making a hood up/down animation would be challenging, but im sure people would be happy with simply checking a box to have the hood up or the hood down. That is 2 models, one with the hood up, one down. That would take some work, but its not difficult. I mean assassins creed is full of hoods going up and down, why cant you do it? Guess Ubisoft is a more competent developer? Gotta love those french Canadians eh I am honestly amazed how they say everything is difficult, get some competent employees if everything is so damn hard to implement. AND YOU ARE GIVING US MORE OPERATIONS NEXT MONTH? Please, dont waste your time. Fix the current issues with the game instead. And when you do give us new operations give us some challenging mechanics instead of this hard enrage crap. If you cant make fights difficult without having a harsh hard enrage then you need to fire whoever is in charge of PVE encounters. I honestly dont know how any of this crap made it past beta. You have guild lists that dont work, was noone ever in a guild in beta or did you just not give a damn? Do people at Bioware not play their own game? Clearly noone played a bounty hunter, because they cant finish their story. Whoever coded the physics for falling down cliffs should be fired, its so easy to get stuck in this game. It actually makes me think you outsourced the unstuck code to some proper programmers, since it actually works most of the time. The way gear works is totally backwards to the way I and many people I have talked to think it should work. Why get tier 2 pieces randomly and then get tier 1 commendations? Oh sucks to be you, didnt get random pieces, here have a consolation prize of some crappy tier 1. It should be the other way around. You should get your tier 1 pieces from the pvp bags and then get commendations for the tier 2. That way people actually have to put in time for their gear and not get lucky and get it all in one week. Ilum... has anyone at bioware even played ilum? There is no incentive to keep the objectives and the place is WAY TOO BIG. I cant even see either base from the middle of the map, how can you have meaningful pvp in such a huge place. Guess ill just keep trading objectives to get my dailies done. Operations assign gear to whomever they please, which is totally fantastic when the same people get chosen over and over and dont even need the gear and dont have the option to give it to someone else in the raid who needs it. GREAT *********** IDEA Why even have a Q/A if you arent going to say anything concrete. You just say maybe. Grow some balls and say YES we are going to have dual spec, I cant say when but IT IS COMING. None of this we discussed it crap. Legacy system... cool, I have already leveled an alt to 50 I really dont want to do it again. Graphics... Don't know if this is an issue with you or just the fact that Nvidia hasnt released an optimized driver yet, but im sick of the random fps drops when nothing is going on. My GTX560 is more than capable of running this game at 80 fps, I shouldnt get random drops to 20 fps. But hey, ill let you off the hook, it might not be entirely your fault. TLDR: Grow some balls, give us some answers, dont give us new operations until your game is fixed.
  16. Did you really think that Bioware was capable of making encounters hard from difficult mechanics? The only way they know how to make an encounter difficult is by having brutal enrage timers. I stepped into Eternity Vault tonight and we managed to get the first 4 bosses down and the last one to 4%, the only reason we ever wiped in that instance was from an enrage. Mechanics were bloody simple and proved no challenge. Mind you this was on normal mode, but it was still disappointing that the only way they can make a fight difficult is with this archaic design.
  17. Sounds like you did a pretty **** job at your class. I played a ret pally from day 1, I even did MC/BWL as ret, although later on for AQ40 I did succumb to pressure and go holy. A ret pally was worthless as a healer in a raid, throw around a few heals and you would be oom. Offtank? Yeah, maybe when the whole raid is dead and you bubble tank vael for 12 seconds at 1% and finish him off, but thats a hero move, not offtanking. Bad players are afraid of meters and addons. I personally dont give a crap if they put meters in, but I would love some PROPER dot timers so I dont have to play a damn guessing game with my class.
  18. If this is intended then it is the dumbest idea ever. People who dont need upgrades are getting them, while people who DO need them are getting screwed. So this game isnt about being fair, its all about luck.
  19. So we ventured into the Eternity Vault tonight, so far weve killed the first 3 bosses and it seems to be auto assigning loot to people no matter if we have it on master looter or not. So we basically cant decide who gets loot, and the same people keep getting chosen to receive loot. Is this a bug or intended or is there some stupid thing we are missing?
  20. Draccman

    PVP Gear bags....

    So I have opened 12 bags on my sorc, 3 bags on my sniper and between them I have not seen a single piece of gear. I would think it was bugged if not for hearing about people who have opened like 16 bags and have their full sets. Oh and i got excited because i almost have enough commendations for a piece of gear, but i just realized that the commendation gear is WORSE than the random pieces you get in the bags. So people are fully geared, and im still running around in crap gear because my dice rolling skills suck.
  21. Stop asking them to not add stuff into the game
  22. If you are lucky you do. I have opened 10 bags and not seen a single piece of gear, others have gotten gear every other bag.
  23. Draccman

    10 bags no gear

    I love this pvp gearing system... Other guidie gets a piece every other bag, I have yet to see a single thing.
  24. Ok so I played through the IA story on my sniper, imperial intelligence gets disbanded, you go rogue, very open ended ending allowing for more story later. All fine and dandy. So now my sorc is nearing the end of her story and I noticed on corellia that moff pyron is talking bout calling in favours from imperial intelligence... BUT FROM PLAYING THROUGH THE IA STORY I THOUGHT IT WAS DISBANDED! So do the class stories just not give a crap about eachother or is this just a writers slip up?
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