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Everything posted by Draccman

  1. People reported bugs 4 months ago in beta and they are still in the game. No large bugs? There was a bug yesterday that allowed people to get INFINITE CREDITS, who knows if its actually fixed yet, but thats a PRETTY BIG BUG. Of course its impossible to create such a huge game and not have bugs, but when tons of bugs are reported in beta and they arent fixed people start to get annoyed. Its like we are paying to beta test for them. This is easily the buggiest game I have ever played, as I am constantly being plagued with bugs. From the wonderful UI randomly going unresponsive, to people seeming to fall off places when they arent or people not actually being where they are ETC ETC. Its not stuff like an item having a bugged tooltip or incorrect stats, its huge gameplay bugs. Its almost like Bioware employees didnt play their game before releasing it. Too busy drinking blood and eating babies courtesy of EA I suppose.
  2. You are not funny, I hope you look at all the replys you get and feel bad.
  3. Because tanks arent already impossible to kill
  4. Yeah those damn sorcs with all their dots kill people too fast... trololololo If you dont like how your gear is itemized rip out the mods and put new stuff in. I ripped out all this useless alacrity garbage and put crit/surge in. When you get a repeat on a pvp piece you have look to buy a piece that has stats you would like even if its a different set, then just rip out them mods.
  5. Gabe Amantelgetrolololo has no idea what he is doing.
  6. Or the republic will complain that there are 500 imps just camping the zone and they cant kill anyone.
  7. You really dont need to pass. Get a jugg to carry and a sorc to life grip when hes out of charge/intercede.
  8. You cant deny this game has serious performance issues. There are barely any differences between high/low or on/off for anything except shadows, shaders and bloom. I have an i7 2630QM, GTX560M @900/1800/1600 and 8 gigs of ram. I know its a laptop, but its not a bad machine by any means. I have serious performance issues all over the game. Every other game I own I can find settings that will give me perfectly fluid framerates, most games I play on high or max settings. I dont see why I can play Crysis 2 on very high /w dx11 and high res textures and get 40-50 fps, yet sometimes in the battle for alderaan I see my FPS drop to the 20s. Clearly a warzone with SIXTEEN players fighting is more intense than Crysis 2. 70 fps in stormwind with everything on ultra, 15 fps in the fleet with everything on low. SWTOR TROLLIN ME? You say it wasnt bad, yet you were playing at 10-15 fps? Thats about as bad as it gets before it becomes completely unplayable.
  9. I dont see why the gear wasnt tiered based on valor rank. IE. Rank 30 implants/ear, 35 bracers/belt, 40 boots/gloves/, 45 pants/chest, 50 weapon/offhand Just have it all be bought for like 2k warzone marks a piece or something. And please get rid of the damn merc commendations, or just award them in ilum for killing a player or something. Its a shame to have a ranked pvp system and not use it for anything.
  10. Play a useful class and lifegrip the ball carrier.
  11. We will rejoice, until we find that it takes twice as long for us 50s to get into a queue Give me a new warzone please, and let me choose which to queue for.
  12. Ventured into hardmode eternity vault today, killed the first 4, Soa seemed a bit buggy with those lightning balls going invisible and still killing people, but whatever. I dont find raiding in swtor to be enjoyable. It is hard to min/max without damage meters or even proper DOT TIMERS. As a dot class it is *********** miserable to try and manage my dots without timers, especially when I have 2 other madness spec people in the raid, I have no way to tell which dots are mine. The raids are not challenging. They are SIMPLE mechanics with tight enrage timers. Soa is as close to a proper fight as there is, atleast he shows a few different mechanics, but it is still quite simple. Lets break it down. HARD MODE ETERNITY VAULT: 1. DPS boss, los (or heal) when he does aoe. Don't stand in red circles. Spread out because he blasts people. TANK IT, SPANK IT. 2. DPS boss, run back when knocked back. Move to new platform, kill adds a couple times throughout the fight. TANK IT, SPANK IT. 3. Solve the puzzle, a puzzle a 3 year old could surely solve. Some adds come, but they are of little consequence. If you thought the other fights were easy, well you are in for a treat, this is even easier! 4. Pick a partner and lets dance. The boss where there is no group cooperation. Solo your mob. Free lewts! 5. Soa, looks to be the only challenging fight, though if that is because he is bugged I cannot be sure. You get to go platforming, kill mind traps, run away from lightning balls etc. Molten core was more creative than this crap, its really quite embarassing. Im not sure if I want to continue to raid, since the gear isnt even useful for anything other than raiding and it makes me look like a *** member.
  13. Dont know about flashpoints, since I only bother to do BT, but eternity vault is beyond a joke on hard. First 4 bosses are free loot, since they are either tank and spanks or stupid free loot puzzle bosses. Soa seems hard, but he might be bugged since invisible lightning balls like to kill people. Loot seems totally messed up and random. Sometimes we get rakata tokens, but on one boss we got columni bracers. Hard mode eternity vault dropped the same loot as hard mode black talon, makes sense right?
  14. If you are so concerned about community you should be rallying to get server forums or something, not having bioware TAKE FEATURES OUT OF THE GAME, when it is already absent so much. Get some sense, noone wants this. I very well suspect this thread might be a giant troll, oh well.
  15. You are an ignorant moron if you think everything wow does is wrong and terrible. I am so sick of hearing this crap around the forums. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that wow did A LOT of things right.
  16. I am really confused as to what you are trying to describe, perhaps show some screenshots? I have an orange chest that I put a lvl 56 armoring/mod and a lvl 58 enchantment I got from eternity vault and the stats all work fine on it.
  17. You are stupid. That is referring to the green LOCKBOXES, not the champion bags. Guess you didn't read very carefully.
  18. Wait till 50 to complain. I hate all these low levels coming on the forums and complaining or defending stuff. GET TO 50 FIRST so you actually know what is an issue and what isnt. No, I didn't read your post.
  19. GCD is fine, alacrity just needs to be fixed to not be so ****. Needs to affect dots and GCD. In SWTORs defense it took wow a few years to get haste right, so JUST FOLLOW SUIT ALREADY.
  20. Yoda would not say "all good things come to those who wait", it would be more like "to those who wait, all good things, come they will". Some bugs are just so bad, they are talking about releasing a new flashpoint and expanding the hutta boss. The operations they have dont even work right. We fought garhj or however you spell him today, a 1 shot the week before, but this week he decided to not do anything except jump up and down and never change platforms, we shrugged it off and went back for another go, this time he spawned new platforms, but one decided to completely disappear as we got to it. Finally on our 3rd go he decided to cooperate and do the fight properly. An easy boss with almost no mechanics, yet we wiped twice because he decided to bug out. Im getting off topic here, but I dont even know how much I want to raid considering Bioware is completely unimaginative with bosses, and the raid loot makes my sorc look like a *** member. Soa was ok, but the rest of the bosses were just tank and spank fights or free loot (LOL PUZZLE/the 8 guys after it).
  21. I have never heard of this, maybe you should report it.
  22. Some bugs should never have been in the game in the first place. Having Bounty Hunters unable to complete their class story? DID ANYONE AT BIOWARE PLAY A BOUNTY HUNTER THROUGH THE GAME? Guess not, since it was impossible.
  23. Ive never seen someone hit 400k in huttball, ive done over 300k many times as a sorc. In voidstar I hit 473k once.
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