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Everything posted by SinRMcSinR

  1. You know how many times my SI has said "JUST SHOW ME WHERE THE FUN IS" or "IS THAT... FEAR I SMELL?" I'm sure they can remix the voice clips to make enough new content for 100 new expansions
  2. Armstech, Armormech, Cybertech, and Biochem are all good production options. Take the gathering professions that support whichever one you decide on.
  3. back in my day, Twinking meant something completely unrelated to MMORPGs. I really do hope you're not talking about that kind of twink, since it would be off-topic
  4. I'd be happy with some sort of veteran reward. but, either way, happy birthday SWTOR
  5. 10 bucks. Sure, sign me up. Who knows, might get something else good out of it besides 5day early access, like the pre-order color crystal
  6. but the 2 extra gin and tonics will only give you about a few hours of entertainment. SWTOR gives you 30 days worth. so yeah.
  7. Nevermind, I just jumped like 800 places in line and am in on my new little Trooper.
  8. So, that 954 in front of me at this point, are those also all subs too, or are those F2P people?
  9. no no no Star Trek Online. I heard they merged all the servers into one and if you try hard enough you can find another ship to group with
  10. Gotta love the ONLY west coast PVE server being down. Oh well... I guess I'll go play that other popular MMO instead
  11. Republic has challenged Imperial to a Trainer Battle! Imperial sends out SNORLAX Republic sends out MAGIKARP! Imperial's SNORLAX uses FACTION IMBALANCE! It's super effective! Republic's MAGIKARP has fainted! Republic its out of usable pokemon! Republic blacks out!
  12. Sounds good, another month that I don't have to pay for might make me reconsider my thought to unsub... especially since I havent logged in for about a week
  13. Yep, its the exact same client, so just copy to an external drive, then copy to new drive.
  14. I guess they have bigger, more important bugs to hit with the can of RAID than something "Cosmetic"... like bugged Sith Corruption and bugged /follow
  15. I Think its worth it cause you need it for Speeder III /boggle
  16. I've had UAC off since I installed Win7, and saved myself days worth of hassle and trouble just to run Program XYZ
  17. First page again Is there a way to favorite a thread? or request it sticky or something?
  18. ^ agreed Damage meters lead to elitist ******es spamming them after every AOE pull We don't need damage meters, why don't we just use the old fashioned method of determining DPS 1) Is everyone alive? YES - Go to 2 NO - Step it up healers 2) is the boss dead? YES - Congratulations! NO - You must have reset it somehow. Try again and don't fail at resetting the boss
  19. by Short he means ~300 years since KOTOR 1, with a potential ~4600 years of canvas to work with before the events of Phantom Menace. We had a Star Wars MMO based in A New Hope era. It was called Star Wars Galaxies. And, until Sony ****ed it up with the Combat Upgrade and the NGE, it was amazing. NGE made it so anyone could roll a Jedi, which pretty much took the established lore of the era, doused it with diesel fuel, lit it on fire, and pissed on it to put it out. not to mention the fact that they took a ****** open-ended sandbox MMO and made it into another WoW clone.
  20. does anyone have proof that there's no DS/LS cap at 10,000 points? like a screenshot of their character with 10050 DS points and 50 LS points or whatever?
  21. What OP's talking about is if you take ONE SINGLE LS/DS choice, you can't get DS V or LS V. You'll be... lets say -10000 DS +50 LS, making your "total" -9950 DS, with no way to get more than -10000 DS points, making DS V impossible
  22. How I heal as a Sawbones Scoundrel: 1) click player in default group frames 2) 2 stacks of Kolto Something-or-other (my HOT) 3) Underworld Medicine to keep at least 1 stack of Upper Hand up 4) keep Pugnacity up 5) if someone takes damage, toss 2 stacks of my HOT on them, MAYBE underworld medicine if they're really low Mouseover Macros and Addons are a crutch. L2Play
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