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Everything posted by Reenolols

  1. ffxi (7 years) war (2 years) aion aoc wow (>1 month) Wow very meh. Ffxi pvp while completely terribly designed, kept me around for 7 damn years... cause you're so close to the peeps you pvp with.
  2. Sorcs owned, maras buffed.. nothing surprising for a company that listens to the forum crying all day. But I'm happy about the ranked stuff and all that related jazz.
  3. Ops the best healers with these current patch notes. Sorc nerf is just crazy, merc nerf is just a little across the board. But ops getting buffed at all make them easily the top.
  4. Fatninja the commando, yeah he was there. Moonshyne wasn't; haven't played with him much but he seems decent from when I have. Should organize some stuff with udl & LE, good practice
  5. Thanks Ala. I honestly can't think of a pub team capable of what limited's A team is, so I'd have to put them at the top. Made me see that ops aren't awful in the tank/healer organized scene, happy I was told to come on op =P.
  6. bumping with 15 seed power (y 2 seeds so bad?)
  7. Had an 8v8 scheduled against a very competent republic guild (best on server, no one even comes close), and they rolled with 3 sentinels and 2 vanguards. (sounds like gg to anyone?) We had 2 conceal ops, and a heal op. You can watch Reeno, Molo, Elbron (dps, dps, heal) if you want to single in and see how they do. Operatives have problems, but the doom and gloom of how worthless they'll be in the competitive scene is just ridiculous. Their burst is just stupid and can instantly turn anything into your favor. Survivability on any class is fine with competent tanks and healers around. I don't call people good unless they are, this is a vid of the best of the best vs the same. Can see that the class actually can stick to targets and repeatedly unload 2-47xx crits. (I hit their fully geared sages for 4700, it was instantly gg in round 2.) My gear is not TOP of the line, I don't have the best min/maxed pvp/pve mix currently available. Recorded by guildmate, not me.
  8. An example of what organized 8v8 is like, and maybe how some classes perform(Ranked wz preview). Best two guilds on the server. (Pointing out mistakes everyone does is pointless, considering nearly no one has done organized 8v8, and strategies are nonexistant.) Not my vid; guildmate recorded. ALERT: Operatives being productive and not worthless are in the vid. Nerf inc?
  9. Remove speeder and the requirement to hit spacebar to enter. I should be able to hit join and go get a drink. The speeder and spacebar thing are both uneccesary things that ultimately make this wz even worse than the "suicide to win" strategy it already brings.
  10. Go ahead and roll a mara, and then compare it your darkness sin. Maybe you'll see how it really is.
  11. What? Melee are just fine in hm & nm if they play correctly.
  12. Tank spec sins immunity is much worse than undying rage. No side effects, 45s cd (45s seriously?), clears every single negative effect. And don't give me "it's not complete immunity!".. white damage is dodged 30-50% of the time by tank sins depending on their gear, WITHOUT deflection, and they have 50% mitigation with 20k hp. They also do plenty of damage with proper enhancements, it's not a joke at all. This thread is such a joke with tank sins being in existence. (And no, I don't have any problems with any class, tank sins included, but that's due to outplaying people; ie: every tank sin is absolutely terrible at their class.)
  13. While mara survivability is definitely better than vengeance juggs, the damage is not THAT far apart. Both classes in full glass cannon gear & played to their full potential do a crazy amount of damage. Not far apart at all. (I know from the last few days playing with the best dps jugg.)
  14. 2 assisting dps will lol all over a silly 4 sorc team.
  15. In cent gear annihilation spec you should be able to kill or at least take ANY healer completely out of the fight. You can be against the best healer in the game, and you can take them out of a fight, barring a commando/merc during that 12s of their shield. It's all learning how to do it properly.. Can't really explain, just about managing every cd properly. When I'm in BM/rakata with proper enhancements/mods, I can't imagine what this class can do.
  16. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRdfGzZhMb.1 Every single talent above deadly saber is completely necessary in my opinion. Short fuse is one of the keys to having 30 stacks constantly, must have. Many people ignore phantom, and I find that insane. Instant 45s cd 3 sec immunity to everything is amazing. Can time it for Thermal dets, react to rage smashes, or just go invincible for 3s for your healer to get set. Phantom is unbelievably good, solo and in group play. Ferocity.. absolutely necessary. Predation makes you not get kited, be able to run away, get to objectives first, let your healer kite around los with a train on them.. etc. 1/2 Close Quarters is all you NEED.. There's times where it'd be just a little bit easier to have 2/2, but that's a no-go with enraged charge.
  17. Hasn't bugged for me yet (not saying it doesn't, as there's a ton of bugs in this game). They probably have full resolve when you use it.. have to keep track of the resolve bar. White bar = you can't use any cc but snare/root until it's empty.
  18. Not that I really care.. but for comparison sorc's stun has no travel time. There should either be a travel time for ranged or there shouldn't.
  19. It happens everytime you leap through the vent.. wish it was fixed, but til then you just gotta make sure your los isn't through the vent.
  20. It's been sorcs #1 counter to ops since day 1. Didn't matter pre-nerf, but now a sorc/sage that snares and kites properly will lol at you. (One sage on my server of every sorc/sage does this though, so it's no biggie).
  21. I did 8700 pre-nerf.. That was when i had bad crit/surge enhancements instead of power/surge enhancements :/ or I wouldv'e 9k'd.
  22. It is pretty awful. Remove doors and make 75 kills win game, do want.
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