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Everything posted by theadjectivenoun

  1. I think DOTs should prevent people from capturing points. your taking damage. unlike in WoW you can have 50 dots on you and still take the point, I really don't want to see ToR go the route of WoW. then PvP would be even more boring.
  2. or roll imperial and nearly always win. solves the leaving problem.
  3. i know something even easier...unless they fixed it...team up with 1 person. it sets the emperor's level to 0. 1 hit 1 kill. happen to me, but after that we had to use a warzone to escape since it did not allow us to leave the area.
  4. but I would LOVE to see his outfit be made available in the CE store...
  5. this was back on the xbox...I would love to see these games get revamped for the 360 and have 72+ hours of gameplay to fully explain the games...besides the nihilus fight was weak, very weak... they really need to revamp kotor and publish them on the 360...with achievements and dlc leading up to tor.
  6. Michael Bay could have done better with the prequels...the whole bacteria thing just made me hate episode one and anything that mentions bacteria as the force. I just hate how GL needed to prove the birth of Jesus, that it was bacteria, and in terms Jesus is a Jedi knight.
  7. so basically from your statement SW:ToR is having the 6 month curse...so we should see it going free to play?
  8. *Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.* Biochem Energized and Exotech stims and adrenals no longer require Biochem to use. Energized and Exotech stims and adrenals are no longer bound, allowing them to be traded or sold to other players. Rakata reusable stims and adrenals have been reduced in power, providing buffs equal to Energized stims and adrenals. The Exotech Med Unit schematic obtained from the Eternity Vault Operation now functions properly and can be learned. I guess they failed to realized that the rest of them needs over hauled too.
  9. My reasoning was in Mass Effect one. Where the Female Shepard told Harkin (I think) that if he called her Princess one more time that he'll be picking his teeth up off of the floor.
  10. Guess you are going to have to quit playing, they're not going to hold your hand and give you items. and basically Empire always wins all PvP that's probably why republic doesn't PvP. be greatful you're doing end game content, I'm a level 50 tank and nobody on the server Shien runs nothing, I'm thinking about quitting myself, not going to pay 15$ a month to get to max level and sit their all day bored because there is nothing to do.
  11. since I see no option to hide the spoiler but this is an exploit and a bug. if you go into the Doomsday final quest with a PC, it sets the Emperor's level to 0 making him being able to be killed with 1 hit. 2nd When you try to leave 9/10 times you'll get stuck and can not leave, the fleet pass won't work (for me), and you can't relog. one way is to enter a warzone and get booted. 3rd the puzzle is still bugged, regardless what you do, the blinking lights don't help and you get no confirmation if you do it right or wrong.
  12. theadjectivenoun

    PvP flop

    the rate it seems it'll probably go F2P in the few months....(-.-)
  13. Pointless - Empire always camps the Republic landing site.
  14. actually they are recycled which is kinda of lame -.- Don't want the DA 2 effect.
  15. Will until Bioware actually makes crafting useful and not useless, it's a good guide but when you can PvP and use comm's to get better then what you crafted, crafting is useless.
  16. thank you somebody else finally realizes that crating is not needed in here....i see this going F2P like rift and we all well have to drift back to WoW or something...
  17. yes cause I love queuing up just to play huttball empire v/s empire...yeah...that's a lot of fun.
  18. there is no warzones in here just good ol huttball, i have yet to see any other warzone besides huttball, can we please have cross server pvp or have retardball removed.
  19. George Zoeller already said he doesn't care for the consumer, so your complaints fall on deaf ears.
  20. I see that crafting in here isn't really need only thing we really need is artifice for the crystals - maybe cybertech for the vehicles and biochem. the rest are a waste and really not needed, once you get a orange you don't need the rest, I hate to admit it but WoW has a better crafting system and SWG Pre-cu did. I only upgrade my gear one time, and changed my lightsaber 3 times, the light saber should be the only thing we should be able to mod, and scale with us, not the item we get once we leave coruscant and dumond. I hope the devs learn the error in this and make crafting useful and not useless, but George Zoeller already said he doesn't care for the consumer, so we won't see nothing changing...guess I'll be going back to WoW.
  21. actually I can deny that, first time kill, yeah WoW is boring and they'll continue to make the dungeons and raids easier and easier, cause the casual gamer wants to be spoon fed and their hand held.
  22. Actually the fact that there is no add-ons and such forces the players oh I don't know to play. many addon's didn't force the player to do anything, just click a button, on here it's more then that, and I love the fact that there is no add-ons or anything like that. they day they add DPS/healing meters is the day we see them start to nerf the raids to easy mode like all the raids in WoW are.
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