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Posts posted by Lormif

  1. So why is it that snipers mercs and the like have dark side taint all over there facethey dont use tje force


    Using the force and being tied to the force are 2 entirely separate things. The idea is that everything you do, good or ill, is still tied to the force.. It is kinda like a Buddhist principle. You may not be a believer in the religion but you do still is part of it.

  2. Leia isn't even sort of similar to consulars ingame, and even if she was, han solo plays a far bigger role in the original series and smugglers are the least played class in the game.




    People play consulars because they're absurdly easy to do well on, not because star wars was all about consulars.


    So all of these consular somehow magically knew before they played (the ones who were not in beta) how easy the class would be, or do you love making hasty generalization fallacies?

  3. You do know that Luke was using force lightning when he was the emperor's apprentice don't you? If you really believe what you say then you are ignorant.


    You also have to realize that the consular really was not defined at that point in the lore makeup. It was not really till later, when I think Lea was training and such that they started to think of diplomats being jedi, which eventually became the consular.. I think if there were more defined roles earlier in the lore they may have had clearer roles.

  4. Did that include himself? Keep reaching. Luke was = to Vader (whom is more powerful then all but a handful of people in the entire history of the Star Wars Universe) in a year of training, much of it self taught.


    BTW the balance of the force prophecy was about Anakin, because he was born of the force. Whether your interpretation is based on him being the father of Luke or him killing the emperor it doesn't matter. It was Anakin who was born of the force.


    Off topic anyways. What class was Jacen/Caedus. Did he throw pebbles at people?


    How many sage/sorc do you see running around with the name ROFL.


    BTW Kevin Anderson is about the biggest hack writer I have ever read as are all the other writers outside Zahn.


    Keep being a Caedus fanboy. It wasn't that Luke couldn't clownstomp him in seconds, it was that he didn't have to and someone else needed to learn something. Luke had no competition at that point, in the past, in the future or ever.



    he was consular..As for how many I see, I actually have seen a lot, with different spellings.


    Also I have never read where he turned into a sith, work and school took my time, however while look may have been "born of a god", when it came down to it, Jacen BECAME a god. When he was one with force he was capable of doing anything..


    As for being a fanboy I am more of a fan of Mara.


    also one of the best writers, R.A Salvatore wrote a good section of that series, and lucas approved everything.

  5. Luke was pretty much god incarnate. He had the same force potential as Anakin per Lucas. Was Jacen born of the force LOL.


    This is where you can bring speculation that Anakin's birth was basically created in a lab but it is all non canon and reaching.


    Luke > everyone else but an Anakin (who would have reached his potential) and it isn't even close. It was a Arthurian messianic tale about a messianic figure. Who was that messiah? Luke. No different then Rand al' THOR in the Wheel of Time series, or Jon Snow in A song of fire and ice (he is the son of rhaegar and lyanaa, but that is going to be the plot twist and is not yet known, even in the books).


    The only reason so many people love Jacen is he is an emo antihero. Same people probably like Twilight.


    Luke could have killed Jacen in seconds. Do not pass go. He was the messiah of the whole series. He would have killed Revan in seconds as well.

    And then Jacen was the messiah in the new jedi order. He figured out how to destroy that generations empire, become one with the force (actually completing the prophecy everything thought Luke would in unifying the force). Then there was lea who Luke when tested her said he had never seen someone with as much force potential.

  6. You mean like Luke being by far the strongest Jedi or Sith ever. What was he?


    How about Caedus?


    About the only person that was a total bada@$ in lore that didn't totally rely on melee was palpatine and he still used melee and Cbaoth but Luke would have clownstomped him with melee when he was older (see Yuuzhan Vong War).


    I seem to remember one Sith saying to one Jedi that their fight would have to move to lightsabers because the force was useless...Maybe you can help me with that "lore expert". I guess that doesn't count because it is from the films. In another fight Yoda and Palpatine got the sabers out. Why?


    BTW all the extended universe books sucked outside of Zahn's (fantastic books) and the only reason I read them all the way through was boredom.


    In lore? Non melee are weaksauce. So yeah. Good call.


    in the lore outside of the films. How about the solo twins? Jacen was actually the most powerful that I know of, he became one with the force while living.

  7. It doesn't make your bubble useless. The CD on it is waaay too short for all the power being put into it through your ability upgrades in tree. Something has to go with it. So either kiss the CC good bye or length the time between re-apps, period.


    Ok useless is too strong, it has a use, but it would not fullfill that use, we would then be able to make up for the some of the hps of the heavy class, but not the armor reduction that we lose out on... so therefore it would not fullful its use.

  8. Making the 20 second de-buff which prevents a target from being re-bubbled not begin the 20S CD until AFTER the bubble has been dropped or destroyed. It's irritating being chain bubble stunned by killing a sorc bubble that was about to drop and is immediately reapplied for two AOE stuns in the matter of a few seconds.


    that would make bubble near useless, may as well just give us better armor, or atleast add 50% to the absorption.

  9. You gain the advantage of having the first 1-2 ticks go through regardless of interrupts though. I still don't see how it's that big a difference.


    again, so I get half damage when everyone else would get full damage, how is that not that big of a difference.. so 50 is not that far from 100?

  10. I don't get it. How is it a disadvantage that it's a channel? Would you prefer a full cast time ability? Instant cast as a main filler/damage ability isn't an option for casters because that would be hilariously overpowered.


    Channel means when you hit me part of the cast is gone. All that talk about slow, any ranged strike removed part of the spell. It makes it so more then just an interupt affects it, ALL damage affects it. That is a big draw back..


    For a normal cast even if you hit me I take a little push back but I still hit you for the full amount, not half the amount.

  11. Do you know what will really fix madness/telekinetic balance hybrids? Adding a 1 or 2 second cool down to the actual skills madness and telekinetic balance. Also slightly increasing force cost to the activation of telekinetic throw, and the sorc equivalent. Whoever on the BW dev team thought it would be a good idea to give a skill moderate damage mixed with a modifier that slows movement that also slows down the target's ability to use certain skills no cooldown is a freakin idiot.


    and made it a channel to balance it out.... So it is interpretable, and has knockback and such.

  12. LOL. No...


    Of all the stories on the republic side the sage/shadow one is the most boring and poorly written and executed.


    The only way you could relate to the class story is if you thought episodes 1-3 were AWESOME (when all the jedi became stupid, and walked around in ambien comas) compared to the original trilogy.


    In which case I would tell you to google search redlettermedia.


    And how does that matter to which one they relate to outside of the game?

  13. So they make a trilogy all about what is basically a jedi guardian, that follows a jedi guardian, and doesn't even have people throwing crap with the force until the relatively crappy second trilogy, and you're going to tell me that fans relate more to consulars than jedi guardians with no justification behind it?


    about a jedi knight and his sister the consular you mean?

  14. What? You're actually going to argue that star wars fans are more used to sorcerers (seeing as force lightning was used, what twice in the original trilogy?) than they are to either jedi knight or sith warrior spec? Or bounty hunters? Or smugglers?


    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LEARN TO READ. I said it was the class most related to fantasy which most RPG players are used to.

  15. You found that you had a 50% Sorcerer/Sage population on your servers WZs and you thought that was all people that rolled the class because it was cool?


    Well seeing how it is the class move related to a fantasy rpg that most are used to, and what most people who like starwars relate to, yes, I did think they did that.

  16. What does there being more Sorcs at launch have to due with the 10-49 bracket where people are rerolling the most OP/easiest to play classes?


    BTW in beta at the start of of every phase (when new players came) classes were well balanced in representation.


    Everyone rolled Sorc/sage by the end of most phases. Why? Animations were better on the sorc side and the class was op as hell then.


    We also had beta polls where all the classes were well represented. By the end of each phase? Sorc/Sage, Merc/Commando were in the lead by FAR.


    Why? Easy to play, the hybrid spec was OP as hell and it didn't take long for people to figure it out.


    Same thing that happened in beta is happening on live on pvp servers. Now you claim to be a smart guy. That is data. Come up with a theory...


    Class story? Everyone hates the sage story and it is being rerolled to as much as sorc. Lightning? Elemental shamans were the least played caster class in WoW because they sucked at pvp.


    Hybrid spec being op as hell and easy to master? Ding ding ding. See ret paladins in WoW when they were buffed to stupidity.


    When you have a faceroll class, with a stupidly OP spec and it becomes more and more overpopulated? History has taught us that spec is nerfed to the ground. We are not asking you to be nerfed into the ground. The pure madness/balance spec is as good or better then any ranged class in this game.


    If things continue like this? Enjoy being ret pallied! Don't say we didn't warn you though. Any decent sorc/sage wants the hybrid spec to go.


    Why? They don't want to lose dps viability in pve, they don't want to be overnerfed, and they don't want even more people rerolling this class.


    My idea of moving the madness talent in the madness tree (and same with balance) to the 31 point talent? Would solve everything.


    A) Class would be a late bloomer (like scoundrel/op, JK/SW melee) and wouldn't be rerolled as much.


    B) No hit to pve viability as dps.


    C) Lightning is a better leveling spec anyways and what people usually pve with, so people could learn their rotation for raiding better. Add to that dual spec is on the way. They just confirmed this again recently.


    But whatever. As I said before. This thread and bad players calling other players bad for feedback on classes they have played, almost makes me wish you just get the "to the ground" treatment that op/scoundrels got and will get (with surge nerf).


    Funny that the same people in this thread claiming the hybrid spec is balanced called for nerfs on other classes and then wanted them nerfed further.


    I will shed no tears for you. I play a marauder/sent. So I could care less to be honest.


    Your post is not even worth responding to. I could no less then 5 logical fallacies in this one post.....

  17. Oh you've 'seen' other classes. How about play em?


    At 50, btw. None this 10-49 crap.


    Unlike most, I play both classes and have come to the solid conclusion that sorc/sage is easily 2x better at healing than a heal ops. Plus sage/sorcs don't have broken core talents nor do they get nerfed every patch.


    But you wouldn't know this; to busy insulting me instead.


    So wait, we have to play all the classes to know when they do well? that is fairly illogical.

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