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Posts posted by Lormif

  1. Half way strategic? There is no strategy. It boils down to whichever team has the most sorcerers each and every bloody time without fail. It is not fun, it ruins the experience for other players. It is unbalanced that sorcerer-ball is so thoroughly dominated by a single class.


    If they won't debuff the ball carrier to disable ally pulls on him, then give players the damn choice of which arena to join so I never have to do hutball again. The only time it's fun, challenging and rewards strategy and teamwork is when there are no sorcerers in the WZ. It all goes out the window when the ball carrier becomes a damned frisbee.


    Alternatively, give every single class a gap closer/force jump type ability, a knockback, an ally or enemy pull ability or take away sorcerers shields so at least they aren't frikkin invincible.


    This is sooo wrong... and the fact that you insist on calling it sorcerer-ball does not help your standing.

  2. I also disagree with you. Though the stealth thing can help in limited situations, the majority of the time I get the ball as an Op, I end up burning my vanish, passing, or getting *****.


    The stealth thing is way too situational, and still depends highly on having a good ball carrier who can get in range to pass to you, anyways (All the while I am not contributing one bit to the battle.)


    And it is the exact same thing for pull.....

  3. By the way a Sorc on high ground doesn't have to be there just for pull. He could be healing or doing DPS from a relatively safe position, so just because you see a Sorc running on the high path doesn't mean the enemy team has to play 7 on 8, because the Sorc can always stop to DPS/heal from a very advantageous position instead.


    On the other hand a stealthed character running toward the goal cannot stop halfway to help, because stelath characters are melee so the only way we can help is if someone else is on top. Since melees aren't good fighters on high elevation (can get knocked off), this would be one of the worst ways to help your team. Therefore, the stealther is strictly playing 6 on 8. The ally pull Sorc can often contribute, so this is better than a stealth class sneaking in. It's true most of the time they won't contribute, but you often have to deal with it because there's the threat that the Sorc could just start attacking instead. Also, you get to your destination considerably faster while visible compared to stealthed, so you spend less time being down another man since the Sorc will always get to his destination faster than a stealth.

    That is a very general statement.. We cant control the direction of the ball carrier, and can only see about 1/3 the field from up there. so no, more often then not we can not.. In addition the longer we stay on the ledge the more vulnerable we become to being knocked off.


    Stealth to the enemy line is simply a very weak strat. Ally pull isn't some kind of godlike ability, but it is certainly a lot better than stealthing to the endzone.

    I can make bold anecdotal statements as well, however I chose not to because it does not help in arguments.

  4. Except for knockback and a friendly pull, which is useful throughout the match. Also, playing ahead of the ball does not mean just bee-lining to the goal line. Your point was that Operatives bring something special in being able to stealth to the goal line (which isn't special since assassings can do it, and do it better with sprint, and also can also bring a pull), which is so situationally useful it is laughable.


    Now I am not sure if troll or just dense.


    you do.. BEcause while I am running to the goal people SEE ME so can stop me.. When you do it, no one can SEE YOU. There are any number of counters to me running to the goal, where as for yours there are none.


    You can freely advance, albeit slowly, while I have to worry about getting knocked into the pit/getting killed.

  5. Whirlwind doesn't immediately break on damage. I've actually taken the whole 8 seconds while taking damage before.



    Traps the target in a whirlwind for 8 seconds. Non-player, non-standard, and non-weak targets heal rapidly while trapped. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely.


    The root turns into a 2sec stun. So if you were spam-attacking the person you could still get 26 seconds. You use the blind to gain distance.

    And while you are rooted you do absolutely can do nothing?


    Even if the resolve bar is full, because you decide to whirlwind, stun, and then shield break back to back, resolve still goes away after like 4 seconds. During that time you can still 5 second root somebody and get away. So, lol.

    And again, we are both out of the fight, because I can do no damage to you to break that.

  6. Invis to goal line puts your team at a 7 on 8 disadvantage for a long time, and if your team loses the ball you are now in the worst possible position to help your team get it back. When it works, it works because your team would have dominated them anyways. Sure, you can help your team and then invis later, but anyone can just play ahead of the ball and be in a good position for a pass, it isn't something special an Operative brings (especially since Assassins can do it so much better with sprint).


    Don't get me wrong, I love Huttball, and I don't feel that I am a detriment to my team, but I would help the team more if I played a Sorc, instead of an Operative. However, I think my issue is that every Sorc can utilize the pull, which makes the hybrid sorc even more powerful. If the pull was put at a high tier healing talent there wouldn't be as much of an issue.


    running to the goal puts your team at a 7 on 8 disadvantage for a long time, and if your team loses the ball you are now in the worst possible position to help your team get it back. It it works it works because your team would have dominated them anyways. Sire you can help your team, then run later, but anyone can just play ahead of the ball and be in a good position for a pass. It isnt something special a Sorc/sage brings.

  7. I said Pull Effects.


    The Pyrotech's Grapple is a Pull Effect.


    you said pull. Since pull in this thread has been rescue, and the bh ability has been almost entirely named by harpoon/grapple, it would require a logical leap to make that connection..


    In addition it is not just dominiated by force users, but anyone who stealths has a bigger advantage. So also need to remove that, so once you pass half way you cant stealth.


    And then we are back to the stun fest that I mentioned earlier.



    In other words less skill, more luck.

  8. they can remove the actual speed debuff from the ball carrier , so he would walk/run at the same speed he would in/out of combat. But can't be pulled/can't intercede/can't leap.


    the arena isnt that bag you can cross it in 4-5passes from the middle


    And then BH pull will be super overpowered with no counter...

  9. notably absent from your examples: agents, operatives, bounty hunters, commandos. yes its a fun zone for jugs/guardians/marauders/sages/sorc/vanguard....but its terrible for 50 percent of the player base.


    Invis to the goal line and then get a pass score...


    Harpoon/grapple ball carriers from rafters/goal platform to prevent scoring....

  10. They implemented a pass feature you know?


    didnt you notice in sports like soccer/basketball.. players pass the ball when the zerg is comming on them.


    and the team would actually require teamwork to win not just


    force pull over fire - sprint over fire - intercede on the sorc.


    because pass will matter when you move so slow you know?, oh you are going to tray to form a chain, well you better hope you do that before you 1 person who gets to the ball is chain stun killed, oh you wont be able to....

  11. so what you are saying is. to win "you absolutely need a sorc/bh/mara" to counter the other team.


    which isnt imbalance at all.


    a warzone shouldnt require a CERTAIN class to be able to win. This is where we see that every warzones are imbalanced.


    The ball Carrier should by immune to all friendly/enemy pulls/speed buffs


    since you already have a debuff on you that slows you.


    And then it will just be a master focus fire for 15 minutes.

  12. They are gonna get rid of tank jumping and sorc pulling.



    They wouldnt of added pass if they wanted all these acrobatic moves to be involved.



    when they ask for a team play style game they want pass to player to player, not pull player to you or jump to a teammate. :p


    Then they will get rid of bh pulls, stealth, and other things too I guess.

  13. Why pass the ball if you can pull 1 tank to the victory.


    Ball Carriers shouldnt be affected by any Pull/Speed buffs/leaps.


    You wanna score ? kill the players that are trying to stop you.


    right now every WZ is biased towards force users.


    and bounty hunters with pulls

  14. I disagree with this point. Friendly pull can pull a stunned carrier to safety, which can be a real game-saver. It can also keep a ball carrier in range for heals when they are just running in a blind panic. Just a minor quibble. :]


    That said, I don't know if I agree with the OP that it needs to be nerfed. People need to pay more attention to what is going on around them, rather than just tunneling the ball carrier. I don't want them to turn Huttball into a simple capture the flag game just because people aren't willing to develop better situational awareness.


    And a good passer can pass the ball to a stunned person at the goal to win.. It is the same thing, just in reverse.

  15. It's really fun trying to clear a Sorceror off a rafter as a melee class that can just be instantly punted from the rafter down into the pit, rooted for a long time and then takes even longer to get back up onto the rafters...


    Now, I'm not sure what the biggest issue with Sorcerors is in Huttball but the balance of that map is pretty screwed up. Pity us poor Scoundrels who are reduced to contesting the middle and hoping that there aren't ranged DPS on the enemy rafters killing us. A Sorceror and a Sniper up there and, well, I become reduced to a HOT machine for the most part.


    its really fun trying to clear a melee off the rafter as a ranged class that can just be instantly thrown from the rafters and then not have things like force leap to jump back up to them..

  16. I am not sure of the timer on force leap but all that class needs is for you to hang out equally spaced and boom he is gone. Or a force leap, pull, pass, score.


    This is why you need to punt those folks into the pit.


    rescue, the pull has a 1m timer..


    Force leap 15 seconds, watchmen spec can get it to 12

    There there is Zealous Leap, another 15 second jump to targets for sents, just with a shorter range.

    and Guardian Leap for guards,, which is basically the same thing and the pull for sorcs/sages but with only 20 second cooldown.

  17. The class is able to score 17 medals no problems, something is seriously wrong, I tried to carbonize \ dart \ grapple scoring sorc, he removes cc, then he bubbles and charges throught flames, If I am lucky and don't get stunned, I try to grapple him back 90% of the time grapple doesnt work on sprinting sorceers. What sorcery is that? :D


    I am getting tired of this...


    Please tell me this is some bad trolling attempt....

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