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Everything posted by Samy_Merchi

  1. Well, I can tell you that whenever I get turned down IRL it certainly doesn't feel good nor does it engender any warm feelings towards that person.
  2. Multiplication is commutative. That is to say, the order of operands is interchangeable. xp * 2,00 * 1,25 = xp * 1,25 * 2,00 However, I don't know if the 25% bonus does or does not stack with rest xp.
  3. Thank you for understanding the meaning behind it instead of nitpicking about literal interpretations.
  4. Are you trying to tell me that you interpreted that as me saying that I was forced to literally crossdress in front of my computer in real life? Really? Exactly. TOR is the best MMO in this regard by far. Well, that's probably because you sound like you don't care much about the dialogue/romance aspect. For those of us who love it, the level of engagement is VASTLY better than the others.
  5. Of course I'm not. Cross dressing involves actually putting on the opposite gender's clothes in real life. What I said is it makes me FEEL LIKE cross dressing, which was meant to convey the sensation that it makes me feel very uncomfortable, but for some reason this doesn't seem to penetrate. .In no way you questioned anyone's sanity. Then in the very next sentence, you do question it. Do please make up your mind. Ability to make dialogue choices, ability to build affection with companions. And yes, those are game mechanics because they involve you making choices in pursuit of some reward, as opposed to something like passive cutscenes which are there just for aesthetic pleasure. Why do you think they are *previous* MMOs? BECAUSE THAT LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT ISN'T SUFFICIENT FOR ME. That's why I came to SWTOR over the previous ones. If SWTOR can only offer the same crap as the previous MMOs, why play it in the first place? If I want to actually have a romance in game, that's hardly an option. If I want to actually have a romance, I am forced to play a heterosexual, yes.
  6. Sympathies. I wish you better luck next time.
  7. Of COURSE, that's a ridiculous question to even ask. You're basically insinuating that I have a psychological inability to discern between real life and a game. How would you feel if I started to call your sanity into question simply because of the preferences you have? Correct. I think any person with the intelligence of a shoe knows that they don't have a gun held to their head. So I'm not sure where you're going with something that even an amoeba can understand. My seventh actually. And before that I've roleplayed since the eighties. So if anybody is going to educate anybody about what roleplaying is like, I won't be on the receiving end. More or less precisely this. There's a difference between *characters* I find disgusting and *people* I find disgusting (which I don't). To go back to SithKoriandr's insinuation, the difference between game and real life, it is important to remember to discern it. To be even more precise, actually, I would amend my statement to read, I find male characters (note how we're talking about characters still, not people) disgusting *to play*. I don't necessarily find interacting with male characters uncomfortable, I have no problem scening with Corso or Jorgan or whatever, but pretending to be one makes me very uncomfortable -- essentially, the feeling of being forced to cross-dress. That is the feeling I find disgusting, having to wear the skin of a gender I don't like to play. Not the gender itself. It would be silly.
  8. Okay, I'm done. In my book, SWTOR has been categorized a hetero romances only game. I've managed to work my way into acceptance that my female characters will never be able to have romances, and I've managed (grudgingly) to create a few male characters that I don't find disgusting. So I gave them a six month sub. I expect I can get half a year's entertainment from the stories of the classes that I had been keeping on hold. I'm in for six months of this (effectively) het-only game. We'll see how I feel at the end of it whether I still want any more, or whether I'll run yet another Dragon Age 2 playthrough.
  9. Hello. I thought it would be nice to have a thread where we could all note down our experiences with downgrading to premium. If a thread like this exists already (I tried to search but couldn't find one) then I'd appreciate being pointed to it. In any case, I thought it would be nice if we could keep discussion to a minimum here (I realize I can't of course force it, but maybe you guys see that it'd be easier to find stuff on this thread that way), and just post our experiences with how the downgrade process works. For myself at least, I found the actual mechanics of how the downgrade works to be insufficiently documented and nobody really seemed to know for sure how things work, so maybe here we could have some kind of an authoritative source. As an example: I downgraded to premium today and noticed the following. * The login choose character screen has all characters automatically set inactive if you haven't been premium before. You have 6 character slots per server and 350 across all servers, if you haven't bought any character slots from the cartel market, that you can activate to play them. This is fairly well known stuff. One of the things I ran into was that sometimes one activation doesn't take and you have to activate and confirm a second time, and this may consume an additional character slot. For example right now on one server I have three green Play triangles for characters and below it shows 5/6 character slots used. This is not fixed by changing servers or quit/restart. If others have the same problem, I encourage submitting bug tickets. * Crew skills. Upon your first use on a character, you get a popup window where you can select which two crew skills you want to keep active. You can close this window to make the decision later. * Artifacts. Oranges are not subject. Purples are subject. Purples that you already have at the time the sub goes premium are flagged as usable, with the text "Previously authorized by subscription" appearing on their mouseover. So there is no, "purples are unequipped upon logon", nor is there a "purples stay on if you keep them on, but if you take them off you can't put them back again". All purples you have at the unsub point are usable, whether equipped or not, as far as I can tell. * Crew customization. The same seems to apply as for artifacts. At least those that you have equipped at the unsub point are flagged as permanently authorized. You can take them off and put them back on, even if you haven't purchased the crew customization item. I didn't have any unequipped customizations on hand to check if the same applies to them, but I would guess that if inventory-sitting purples are authorized then inventory-sitting customizations probably also are. * Rest xp. Upon logging in a character, all rest xp is wiped, and presumably permanently. * Commendations. My character that had commendations over cap did not get the excess ones wiped, but instead I have 36/20 and 40/20 commendations on various planets. I didn't try yet, but I assume you can spend them all as premium, and can't earn new ones until you're under the limit.
  10. I expect that about a year from now, we'll be looking at something like: "Imperial Agent - Chapter 4" 1500 cartel coins "Jedi Knight - Chapter 4" 1500 cartel coins "Republic Chapter 4 Pack" 5500 cartel coins "Complete Chapter 4 Ultimate Pack" 9000 cartel coins The good thing about the cartel store is that we genuinely can put our money on the stuff we actually want to have in the game. We don't just cough up $15 a month and the devs get to spend that on producing whatever crap *they* want to produce -- when we pay for the stuff we want, and *only* for the stuff we want, then the game will be a reflection of our wants. I hold out hope that, considering how many people say that class story is the strongest aspect of SWTOR, that more people will be willing to pay for it than for stupid cosmetic crap.
  11. Hey, has anybody gone from sub to premium yet? What happened to your rest XP? Did it disappear entirely when you first logged in as premium, or did you just stop earning new rest XP but the earned rest XP stayed? If you resubbed, does the rest XP that you earned during your previous sub come back?
  12. Yes, you can. Note however that if you have quests to board your own ship, then boarding the friend's ship will not necessarily count for the quest, so for certain quests you may need to go to your own ship.
  13. If you have 1,000,000 credits and downgrade from sub to premium (which has 350k cap), does the game wipe out 650k credits to put you under the limit or does it just prevent earning new credits until you're under the cap? If you have 52 Tython commendations and downgrade from sub to premium (which I think has 20 commendation cap), does the game wipe out 32 commendations to put you under the limit? If you have purples equipped and downgrade from sub to premium without artifact authorization, does the game wipe out your purple equipment, or unequip it to your inventory, or leave it in place until you manually unequip them?
  14. New order is a huge improvement. I don't want to have to always click to the second page to find the Z-name character I play after I've played some other character. Keep the most often used oneS on the first page, that's so much more convenient. Having said that, having the ability to choose is always better so that everyone can choose what's best for them personally. But if there has to be only one way, the new way is so much better.
  15. Um, then what does the "All players have a Global Active Character Limit of 350 Characters" patch note mean then? If you can buy additional slots even beyond 350, then what is actually being limited at 350?
  16. I in fact would. The main draw of this game was always the single player style cutscenes and story, that's why I play this over other MMOs which bore me with their simplistic accept/reject quest dialogue boxes.
  17. I'm sitting at the character selection screen and I can't really muster up interest to play any of my characters. I feel sad. I have to decide whether to play a girl or to romance a girl, and it's really tough picking just one or the other. Maybe I'll just go play Mass Effect.
  18. Same gender romance with companions Gray/neutral gear Chat bubbles Minigames Barber shops Legacy banks More leveling content for 1-49 Chapter 4 class/companion story progression
  19. Another aspect that complicates things that may have been mentioned before but not often, is romance conflict dialogues. When you have two romanceable companions, there's only one potential conflict dialogue. When you can romance four companions on a single character, that's what, six conflict dialogues. There's a Vette/Jaesa one to start with, but there is no Vette/Quinn conflict dialogue, or Jaesa/Quinn conflict dialogue, so ones would arguably need to be written from scratch. I don't remember if Pierce is fully romanceable but if he is, then you'd also need Pierce/Vette and Pierce/Jaesa conflicts written. Multiply this for every class. I can see how SGR for companions could be a lot of work if you wanted to do it properly. Just saying, though. Doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
  20. My interpretation of the State of Game is that there won't be any meaningful level of SGR in the game for the foreseeable future. I'll live with that. I don't like it, in fact I'm a little angry about it, but I'll live with it. I guess now I just have to decide whether to play girls and not have romance at all, or romance girls and have to look at a yucky guy in all my cutscenes. If they ever offer pay to gay though I will pay for it since it'd make my game experience so much better.
  21. In this specific case: - Ship travel to Dromund Kaas - From spaceport, Quick Travel to destination (no need for speeder) - Have your talk - Fleet Teleport to Fleet - Use the exit from Fleet to Hutta Having said that, yes, there are many points where the quest flow is non-optimal.
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