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Everything posted by Slugamaniac

  1. I went from level 46 to 50 on my BH in about 6 hours. This is bad, how, exactly??
  2. /signed Mentioned this in a couple other threads as well, would love to see this. Edit: or to put it another way: -Gree faction reputation: bound to legacy -Gree weapons and armor: bound to legacy -Blue sphere mount: will be bound to legacy as of patch 1.7.3 Making the Helix components bound to legacy as well just seems like a logical step, all things considered.
  3. Yeah, would love to see the helix components BoL since I have a few scattered across 6 level 50 toons from the first couple weeks of the event. I never wanted to equip all my alts with the Gree weapons but but having all those unused components seems like such a waste.
  4. Same toon with the gree lighsabers. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/921097/pics/original/1514636.jpg
  5. This quote has ensured that, as a subscriber, I will NEVER, repeat, NEVER spend money in the cartel market again.
  6. It's also taught me that world boss ganking is still VERY much alive.
  7. My only concerns for Episode VII is this: while he did a bang up job with the Star Trek reboot, he is also responsible for shows like Lost and Revolution. Lost I watched religiously and for the life of me I still don't know why. The end of every episode made me **** my head to one side like a confused dog while uttering "Huh? *** was that?" Much like watching an episode of The Worm Hole, I watched the show for answers and didn't get any. I even tried to watch a few episodes of Revolution until I figured out that the show/writing/acting/premise was just plain horrible. In an interview, Abrams claims that the science about the show makes sense. Sorry, no, it doesn't. And don't bother watching any of the episodes, it's time you will never get back. So Mr. Abrams, word to the wise: filler does not work, substance does. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far, even if your target audience is composed of sci-fi or fantasy geeks. Anyone who has read The Hobbit (or NOT read it for that matter) and then subsequently seen the movie can attest. After seeing The Hobbit in the theater I have absolutely NO DESIRE to see any of the subsequent movies about it, despite the fact that it is my favorite book behind Dune. Granted, a 10 year old could have given us something better that episodes I-III so just about anyone would be better than Lucas to direct the new movies. I just hope that episodes VII-IX do not follow a similar pattern.
  8. My newest look, almost full dreadguard now. http://www.enjin.com/profile/921097/pics/detail/album_id/114068#pid=1369583
  9. Need for your spec, greed for everything else. I don't mind under geared folks needing on crafting mats in FP's since I give them the benefit of the doubt for actual crafting. Besides, those mats are stupid cheap on the GTN anyway if you really need them. If something REALLY useful drops for a companion (and no one else needs it) I ALWAYS ask first before needing on it, that way if anyone else wants to need it for their companion then they should have the opportunity to need on it as well. It's very refreshing to note that most people are pretty gracious about it.
  10. 1500-1600dps average feels about right. This was our average from our 8 man NiM kill of tanks last night. One of our dps DC'ed near the end of raid so I don't have an exact number for all the dps involved. We had 1 melee and 3 ranged (1 sentinel, 2 commando, 1 gunslinger). Our method for dealing with DD was front loading all dps on Stormcaller until the first DD, at which point melee and one ranged (both of which who ate a DD) peel off and focus on Firebrand. Melee stayed on Firebrand the rest of the fight, ranged switched to Stormcaller until next DD went off. In this way we were able to avoid a second DD after each defensive system phase. Once Stormcaller gets down to 20%, ALL dps switched to Firebrand to burn her down. All the ranged dps and our healers would alternate the remaining DD's that went out until Firebrand was dead and then all dps focused Stormcaller down until she was dead as well. During the shield phases we kill the first transdouchan as a group, melee or one dps would finish the 2nd one while ranged booted the exploding transdouchan out of the shield and range dps'ed it down. One other mechanic, we have our shadow tank (that is tanking Stormcaller) taunt Firebrand during incinerate armor since our guardian tanking Firebrand was getting positively nuked by that ability.
  11. I always laugh if I got accused of hacking since I've never done it. In fact, I consider it the highest complement another player can give me. :D
  12. Hehe, I liked the fact that they DIDN'T have rep in the game when it started but since I had 40+ reps at exhaled (with 4 more in the works before I quit) in that 'other' game then I must secretly really like rep grinds. Glad to see it will be legacy wide. I wonder if there will be any significant rewards for becoming legendary with the factions (i.e. BIS items to purchase with credits)? I kind of like the look of the new armor. Now if they could include an identity disc as a weapon with that new armor....:D
  13. OP, sorry mate, but your making a mountain out of a mole hill here. You've taken one bad experience and blown it up into a "US vs. THEM" argument. Bad flashpoint? Leave group and re-que. Never been in the FP before? Let people know so they know what to expect and hopefully they will let you know what is expected of you as well. Example: while leveling my marauder to 50 a couple weeks ago, Collicod War Games popped in my daily dungeon. I had never finished the FP before since the first boss fight was buggy as hell at SWTOR's release. I had heard that the FP was fixed and decided to stick it out. Low and behold, the first boss fight was no longer buggy. Right after that fight I let the group know that, despite this being my 6th toon, I had never finished the FP and is there anything I needed to know at this point? Low and behold, they told me everything about the rest of the FP and the party proceeded to blow through it with no deaths or wipes. Don't be "that girl" that causes the rest of the group to bang their heads on their desks. Speak up, listen, learn, and above all, be considerate of others. Nothing in any of your responses indicates you are even remotely sorry for the wipes you caused. Please take this as a learning experience and become a better player from it.
  14. Love this idea, I would go back and get ALL of them if something like this was implemented!! LOVE IT!!!!
  15. As always, looking for more peeps to fill our ranks. Come join the 16 man madness!
  16. I love seeing threads like this. Keep up the good work!
  17. I actually look at pugs as a way of appreciating my guild. Other then that they can be fun in their own way because you don't know the skill level of the players or sometimes you are suprised that there ARE good players out there. For example, I did a group finder EV on my fresh lv50 maurader last night. Everyone knew the fights accept for the tanks. With a little explanation we were able to get though most of the fights without too much trouble. -Droid - 2 wipes, tanks not understanding mechanics -Gharj - 2 wipes, one from a DC'd tank and another due to someone pulling too early -One shotted puzzle boss (I know, right?) -One shotted council (still amazed on that one) -2 wipes on SOA, this due to the fact that people didn't understand the platform mechanic and tanks didn't understand the pilliars in phase 3. Once we explained everything clearly we got to phase 3 with no deaths and subsequently killed SOA. So take PUGS for what they are and try to have fun with it.
  18. Hey Jedicarve, glad to see you want to improve your gear and raid more! As a raiding sentinel, hopefully I can give you a few pointers that may help you to improve your present gear to make you more desirable for a raid leader to take you on. For starters, like others have mentioned, your gear is not terrible. Much of the BH gear is endurance heavy and unless you have a full rakata set already in the bank it ends up being difficult to gear up properly since BH coms are easy to get if you simply run heroics every day. That being said, here are a few guidelines to follow when purchasing gear or switching out mods. -Augment for strength vs. power. Strength provides for more consistent damage and will also give you a slight crit bonus. This should allow you to swap out mods/enhancements that are crit heavy for power. -Mods/enhancements = power. Always go for power mods. Crit is a lousy stat for sentinels as diminishing returns does not favor stacking it. The only time this switches is the more power you have the more crit becomes important. As a rule though, power is first over crit. -Switch out your relics. I'm seeing a tanking relic and the matrix cube in your mr.robot profile. Grab the war hero relic (nice power boost) and try to get the elemental or energy dread guard relic (see this thread for details on the proc relics...http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=562338&highlight=dread+guard+relic). -Guild up. If you can find a decent guild that will take you on you may be surprised how willing they are to help gear up new recruits. But the most important thing is (I can't stress this enough) KNOW EVERY FIGHT LIKE THE BACK OF YOUR HAND! This is 1000x more important than the gear you bring to a raid and will be the most attractive feature you can tell the raid leader before a potential invite. If you haven't done the fights on HM or NiM get thee hence to youtube and do some filmwork. Here is my present profile on Mr.Robot, criticize as necessary. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/96aa4ec7-b95f-495b-93d7-b7e70c344fa1
  19. Solve puzzle in temple = free upgrades for T7. Problem solved. Also, as the poster above mentioned (or if you know nothing of the lore behind Darth Malak and Reven) bringing a humanoid into a fight with the emperor = VERY bad idea from a story perspective.
  20. Not only am I getting in game emails from these clowns but I actually got a whisper from one of them last night while on Belsavis. I wish something could realistically be done.
  21. All I really wanted was a smart phone and a new set of vmoda earbuds. Didn't get either one. x 1000
  22. Another 16 man HM TfB clear, gratz to our new members who got phat lootz from the run. As always, looking for more skilled players to join our ranks.
  23. Use Kira until you get Doc. After that, he will be your best companion, bar none.
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