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Posts posted by Raific

  1. News Flash: You should not be able to Solo a Healer dead if they are decent and concentrating on keeping themselves alive. And if two dpsers cannot kill one healer, you need to step away from PvP.


    As for Ops: We have Two HoTs, not 3 or 4. One we have to apply twice to get it full power. Please do not pretend that is two different HoTs. We have ONE instant and we have to have that prepped with a TA. It is certainly not enough to keep someone alive.


    If you are going to protest for a Nerf, at least have your facts straight. Exaggeration only make people ignore you. It sounds to me that you just want easy kills in PvP.

  2. And my point is that I never stated that all persons who dislike it are ignorant. I stated my position as being that most people who dislike it are probably ignorant of how it works which leads to a disparity between expectations and reality (cognative dissonance). My follow up point was that if Bioware did a better job of educating players on how to use Resolve then it would probably have much stronger support as the system itself is a good one.


    At no point did I argue with your point. I did attempt to clarify your misunderstanding of my point which was a result of my quoting your entire post instead of simply the relevant phrase.


    "Most" may be a good assumption as to how many people do not completely understand how it works. I cannot argue against that point but I do not believe even if they did, they would enjoy it any more. There has been thread after thread about people expressing their dislike for the amount of stuns in SW PvP. Be it that you understand Resolve or not, this game's PvP revolves around stunning. The joke about Stun Wars is not far off.


    I can't see how anyone could enjoy dying in PvP combat while having almost no control over their character. BW needs to fix resolve so it is not a major deciding factor in PvP or come up with a different mechanic. The only classes I can see defending the excessive amounts of stuns in this game are stealth dps classes which is understandable. If anything, have them do what they did to mezz, make it fraction of the PvE version. A 2 second stun would not be that bad.

  3. Thing is, this "bunch of numbers" and "paper work" is exactly how resolve works. People complained that sorcs were OP, does it make it truth? Not really. You think sytem is broken? Provide some facts, because I think it is not and I provided facts. You can go and watch random pvp video and you will see I am right.


    Here is a fact: Most people do not like excessive Stuns in PVP. They feel it ruins the fun of the game.


    I like the concept of Resolve but I think that stuns should play a MUCH less significant role in PvP.

  4. snip.


    Dropping a bunch of numbers is just what we are talking about. That is just "Paper work". If there were just a few people that yelled about this system, then I would just say they are game surfers that complain everywhere and will move on. But since there is such a huge outcry on this, perhaps... just maybe you are not right. I know, hard to accept but try looking at the big picture, not just defending a broken system with a bunch of standalone tests.


    I did not come on here and rant that it needs to change or I will quit. I came on here expressing my concerns about an exclusive part of PvP. Your insults and name calling is not needed. Your fact's and opinions are welcomed. The people that are still subbed and offering ideas to make the game better, have worth.

  5. Yes I was just reading that, thank you. And I was just trying to get some feed back not get into a name calling, insult match. It is rather childish but your info was still helpful.

    Q: A lot of us that PvP have made adjustments to compensate for the resolve system right now. But do you have any plans to make adjustments to it in the future patches. For example in Huttball, we have to carefully learn how to control our stuns so we can keep them in a fire etc. It is also got to a point where even having a completely full resolve bar, I still get rooted or things like that.

    A: We have two completely off the resolve system effects, those are immobilize and snare effects. The resolve system is designed as a visualized diminishing returns system so the idea is that you can actually see when people are able to be controlled, and that really is the design goal of it. The resolve system is designed to minimalize the amount of time you are stunned, put to sleep, and knocked back so it only provides immunity to knockback/sleep/stun. Snare/slow, root/immobilize are intentionally not using the resolve system because from a combat standpoint we designed these effects to be part of a kiting/anti-kiting game which is completely separate from resolve.

    Some classes that don’t have the need to establish range or establish closeness requires these abilities as part of their rotation in order to do their damage and be effective. Root/immobilize – stop you from moving. Stun – stop you from acting. Don’t get confused between the two.

    So to be clear, root/snare/immobilize/slow are not part of the resolve system. They do not build resolve and they are not stopped by resolve. That was by design. We are working on ways to improve the visualization of the resolve system and make it easier to understand.


    Also, calling it Chained Stunned might be a bad way to put it. Getting Stunned, out for a second or two then hit again right after is just as frustrating. I will honestly say that I have never been stunned continuously for 12 seconds. I dont think anyone can claim that. I think that is where Paper and Practical differ.

  6. I do thank you for the other threads. I will read them in more details. I also like that BW tried something new but it simply is not working. I think it needs to be refined or changed.


    Any my MVPs say I do just fine, thank you. :)

  7. You cannot be stunned 3 times in a row.


    Resolve works perfectly in conjunction with your CC Breaker as long as you never use your CC Breaker unless your Resolve bar is white.


    If you believe that Resolve is not functioning properply, please submit a bug report.

    Really? If you are at 99% resolve and get Stunned you take the Full stun. So you are telling me a stun = 50% Resolve bar? Have you PvPd yet? Do you know what Math is?


    And the Resolve Bug has been reported many times.

  8. I haven't seen a post about Resolve for some time and do not wish for it to be forgotten. Resolve is not working. It seems to be a great concept but the practical application is complete fail. I play a 50 Healer and actually think they are fine in PvP but to be stunned 3 times in a row is just garbage. Then as your 3rd CC it ticking off, so is your resolve bar. By time you get out, you only get a few seconds of immunity.


    I know that seems like an extreme case but my experience says that it happens way too often and is chasing a lot of people away form PvP. Fact is, I have not heard anyone that actually likes Resolve the way it is. I may be wrong but do not think so. Furthermore there are many people complaining that even with full bars they still get hit with something. Even if its part lag, it is not working if so.


    I hate to say is but I like the idea that if you get stunned, you should get a 15 second immunity regardless if you use your release or not. Slows, Roots, knock backs and pulls should not be effected. Just Stuns. "Mezz" or Saps ... that may be a tough one. Not sure if they should cause the immunity or not.


    Yes yes I know I need to L2P but that is besides the point! :D

  9. It is interesting to read this post that people are gearing up too fast then the one below it about how it takes too long to grind to get BM gear. Perhaps you are both exaggerating? Just a guess! Enjoy playing PVP for what it is and not the trinkets at the end. Your time invested it not about the trophy you wear is about the butts you kicked.


    4 Step Process to Healthy Gaming

    1) BREATH

    2) RELAX

    3) Go in to the game and have FUN

    4) get away from your PC for a short time!

  10. So BT(HM) was always a starter run and just a nice quick, easy run. After the patch we were rather surprised when we got to GXR-7 Command Droid. He is a real PITA now! Even for moderately gear people. He is completely uninterruptable and randomly attacks with his Full Auto. Perhaps the latter was always in play (i'm not sure) but the first, I KNOW was not like that. Did I miss this in the notes?


    If he hits a less geared player, it is all over for them especially if they are melee. Granted, he is an optional boss but they should not that make him this tough for an overall, MUCH less difficult HM. How can they make such a change and not put it in the patch notes? Anyway, I am rather lost could someone enlighten me?


    Here are the Patch Notes:

    The Black Talon

    (Is this a typo? did they mean GXR-7 -->)GXR5 now properly animates during Full Auto. Its Power Punch can now be resisted, and its stun can be broken. Power Blast now properly animates with the the correct visual effects and deflection appearance. His basic attack no longer places a blank debuff on players.

    Probe Droids spawned during the GXR5 fight now have the correct icon.


    Sgt. Boran's Medic now animates properly when healing. His Sniper's Snipe ability now chooses targets more intelligently.


    Ghulil is now immune to interrupts in Hard Mode and uses backhand correctly in Normal Mode.

  11. So far it still seems 50/50. That is compounded by the fact that we normally are only missing 1 class. For that class to drop 50% of the time seems almost like it is a bad joke. Perhaps my frustration is skewing the numbers in my head but we at least deserve some feed back from the Mods. Not knowing really bites and there are a ton of threads about this. Why have they not responded at all?
  12. Hello there,


    We saw your thread and thought you might be interested in some of the changes coming in 1.2 in relation to loot in Flashpoints and Operations. You can find more information on the 1.2 patch here.


    I would like a response to this also. Our guild has continued to pick up gear for classed that were not in our Ops/Groups. Did BW change this or is this a bug? A little insight one this would be nice!

  13. I call BS but... its not like WOW. Its pretty straight forward but it also depends on the type of healer you want to be. Sometimes faster heals are better, others like the crits. In either case,


    PvP: Battlemaster Medic

    PvE: Rakata Medic


    Some like to mix other gear in there or aim for a more crit/surge focus over faster heals but that would have to be a personal pick depending on your healing style. Either way, for PvE you have to start running Hard Modes, then Ops. It all about the visit to the Vendor. For PvP you just grind. You don't even have to be good!

  14. It covers the 4 people it effects personally I like it the way it is simple for pve its low profile so aside from probes it isn't obvious who is healing the person.


    Also the 2m your not going to notice to often but it does make a difference since radius isn't just a circle its a sphere, which is nice since I have found that in multi level area like hutt ball I can ignore LOS. Iv have used on myself on the top scaffoldings and it has hit the people running people. Where I notice it a lot is SOA where people are constantly coming and going so I will pick up people sometimes, who missed out on the Sorc healing aoe just due to bad timing.


    Good points about Huttball. I have found it most useful there but to be honest, EV is where I found it to be the biggest pain. If I cast it on someone (Because its better to heal myself with Diag Scan) and they run off, I just wasted a ton of energy on a single weak HoT.


    Thank you both for your input. Always looking for good insight where I might be "missing it".

  15. As for people having to stay in an area, yes they do. If you cast it, they have to stay by the person who it is centered on to get the full range of healing. If they move away, its lost. (Unless I am missing something.) The fact that the graphic is lacking, makes it even worse.


    As for the increase in time, I would have a hard time calling it a nerf but annoying, yes. One of the largest benefits to a HoT is they fact that you can load it because you know damage will be coming and you may not be able to react to it. Having the effective time short and cool down time long is kind of annoying since it creates a gap.


    But again, that isn't my point of discussion. My point is that on one side they claim they are not to be compared yet they increase our cool down to what everyone else has, which seems to me to be a direct comparison. A contradiction, if you will. ;)


    Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for the patch. Healing is going to be much more relaxed for us but it just annoys me about the lacking effectiveness of our Group Heal and contraction in declaration.

  16. There are some nice buffs to us over all. Many changes just reduce the time restrictions to get out optimized heals. Not really a buff in the amount of heal.


    Medical Consult now also increases the duration of Tactical Advantage by 2 seconds per point.

    Medical Therapy now additionally reduces the Energy cost of Recuperative Nanotech by 2 per point.

    Patient Studies now additionally increases the speed at which Diagnostic Scan channels by 15% per point.

    Recuperative Nanotech has been rebalanced. It now has a 15-second cooldown, heals over 6 seconds, and heals for approximately 10% more than before.

    Surgical Precision now additionally increases the maximum stack limit of Tactical Advantage by 1.

  17. I see your point but like you, we do 8 mans. Having that Sorc healer is MUCH more handy than a 4 man healer. And I also agree, comparing them is tough but that is why them increasing our cool down to 15 secs while keeping our HoT time at 6 kind of annoys me. It gives us 9 seconds of missing that HoT. And lets face it, that two meters isn't going to make THAT much of a diff when you are only healing 4.


    Granted, if you spam it you will find yourself out of energy fast but the times that you would actually use that heal, energy reserve is the last thing on your mind.


    Does that "mist" cover all that are being healed or just the main guy? I know which person I drop it on. It would be handy to see who is being effected to I can spray-can the others. (I am at work so cannot test it.)

  18. Can anyone help clear this up. Our Recup Nano is getting a buff/nerf in 1.2 but compared to the Sorcerer's Revivification, it still seems sub-par. The increase in cool down was to "bring us in line" with "Others" yet a Sorc seems to have a clear advantage for group heals. The fact that Sorc can heal twice as much as Ops is HUGE! If they are going to "Bring us in line" why not bring us in line with the other items too!?


    Recuperative Nanotech has been rebalanced. It now has a 15-second cooldown, heals over 6 seconds, and heals for approximately 10% more than before.


    Cool Downs:

    Sorc: 15/Op: 15


    HoT Time:

    Sorc: 8 secs

    Op: 6 secs



    Sorc: 8

    Ops: 4


    Range (Radius):

    Ops: 10 meters

    Sorc: 8 meters



    Ops: Instant

    Sorc: 2 Secs


    Visual Effects:

    Sorc: Big Purple Glowing circle

    Ops: Is there one?

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