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Posts posted by Raific

  1. Not what was said at Guild Summit and was stated their that Snares and Roots would be added to the reslove system.


    More BW fail.

    Do you have the link to that? I had not heard that but I did not read/watch it all.

  2. But is very frustrating that you carefully save your CC breaker skill and when you finally use it, and have full resolve you get rooted and kill because there was nothing you could have done to prevent that...


    As I do completely understand this frustration, I think you are missing something. And I mean no offense by that. PvP is not about you living or getting top DPS. It is about winning a match. Team play. Yes, I know your reply is, how can I help if I am dead?


    The answer is, if they are off killing you, they are not at the objective. It is tough to make it black and white but if you are rooted, you can still play a very important part in the PvP match in many ways.

  3. So, because there's this village idiot who does not know how to poo at the right spot, we're supposed to penalize all the villagers who knows where to poop and how to wipe their rear?


    Instead of suggesting the people using stun "think" about something, how about the people who whine about stun "think" about how to not suffer so much from it, like the rest of us who have no problems, are currently capable of?

    The fact that there is Thread after Thread of unhappy people and a steady decline in PvP players shows that this IS a serious issue. Even BW has mentioned this. Is your goal to have only the few of you that understand and appreciate the system the way it is, playing PvP?


    This "rest of us" you speak of is a very small minority. As no one can say that you are completely wrong, you are certainly not completely right. As soon as you come to terms that there needs to be some kind of adjustment, the sooner all these discussions will make more sense to you.

  4. If you hand out free CC immunity too often, CCs become pointless and PvP becomes a DPS race (more so than it already is post 1.2).


    I really do think that the best option is to refresh the CC Break on player death. Also they need to fix the horrendous TTK which would solve a lot of the current complaints (after all, being CCed multiple times isn't so bad if you actually get to live between or after them).

    This I 100% agree with. TTK needs to be fixed and overkill of CC immunity would be just as bad as too much CC.

  5. Resolve is working fine... what is not working is the fact that roots does not count as cc so they don't contribute to fill the resolve bar... You can have full resolve and still be rooted, and sadly this means dead with the TTK that its on right now...


    Every stun, root, snare and all types of cc should contribute to fill the resolve bar and should not work when it is full.

    I believe you are looking at that too narrowly. I know it seems like a no-brainer fix but if you add that to the Resolve bar you could end up detrimentally effecting the classes that need to use that to kite or get away. That would essentially change an entire class design. I believe that would be a very bad idea and end up upsetting a ton of people.

  6. You'd have to raise the Resolve cap from 1000 points to 2000, or halve the amount of Resolve each affect adds in order to make that system work.

    That would completely invalidate this idea. The idea it to reduce Stuns, not give the ability to add an additional possible Stun to a stun lock chain.


    I do agree that upping it might not be a bad idea but not double! This would put pressure on the Stun Happy people also. It would force them to "think" before trying to stun lock someone. They might actually end up releasing them! Ideally, this makes my smile. But, with the lag the way it is, I do not see this working, practically.

  7. That is actually not a bad idea. At first I was thinking, "Well that completely defeats the purpose of holding your stun release". But who cares? Let us use our stun release for when we REALLY need to get out of a stun.. like when 4 people are around us an we have to get away.

    Added it to my suggestion list. :)


    Good call mate!

  8. How do you expect people to believe, or fix the game when you can not reproduce your claim.


    I saw bigfoot, and played chess with him... and then got kidnaped by aliens who made me their king for 50 years then somehow i ended back in my home with just a second has passed for the rest of the people and i did not age at all.


    That's about how "you" sound when you are "opening your mouth" on the forum and expect everyone to believe you.


    Prof of claim......... or ti&ts... or gtf&o. :)

    I do agree that many people exaggerated claims but your demand is extreme in most cases when trying to catch a rare bug. I also agree that videos would be helpful and convicting but you honestly expect someone run a recorder the entire time they are playing in hopes to catch a bug? If that does not seem a little ridiculous to you, I suppose we no longer need to discuss this.

  9. He quoted someone who claims that some stuns do not generate resolve. Since he used "SOME" not "sometimes" then it should be easy to reproduce, am I right?


    Fair enough. I assumed he meant it was a bug, not an ability. I have never seen a stun ability that does not create Resolve build. As much as I dislike excessive stuns, I cannot say that I have ever seen resolve not build on any stuns, bug or otherwise.


    The ONLY resolve bug I have personally seen was hitting someone with a stun that does not have full resolve and it not effect them. Sometimes it due to a class ability, sometimes lag.

  10. Care to give an example, video maybe?


    Not everyone runs around recording their own games for the chance to catch a bug. It is much easier to record something that you can reproduce, not so much when something happens rarely. I am not saying it is true, just pointing out the flaw in your demands.

  11. Same arguments, same people, different thread. Remember guys, we are all on the same team. We want the game to be even better! Stop tearing each other up.


    Fact: Resolve is Working as intended per BW.

    Popular Opinion: TTK + Resolve system = Fail.


    Black and White: You cannot be Stun Locked for +16 Secs

    Popular Opinion: Stunning is too much of a factor


    Side Notes:

    -most people cannot live through 8 seconds of Stun Locks

    -many people do not understand 100% how resolve works (The posted video is a nice tutorial.)

    -You can be Stunned, run a few seconds, Stunned again, run a few second Stunned again.. etc.. (Not stun locked but none the less frustrating which in turns reflects the exaggerated expressions on the Forums.)

    -Very few people enjoy playing it how it is now. It is NOT a bad system, it just needs some tweaking.

    -Seems Lag is adding to the confusion with the Resolve System. Sometimes it does seem "off".



    Slower Resolve deterioration

    Reduce Time of Stuns 50% time (They should be a strategic tactic, not the ultimate deciding factor)

    Reduce Cool Downs on Stun Release abilities

    Reduce overall TTK (Time to Kill)

    Immediately Block/Release all Stuns as soon as Resolve Bar is full

    Fix the damn lag!

  12. Absolute worst case CC scenario is as follows:


    A. CC Break is on CD

    B. You are competing against at least 2 enemy DPS who do 1.5k DPS

    C. You do not have a friendly player nearby who can heal you

    D. Your Health is less than 21K



    1. You are stunned by enemy DPS1 for 4 seconds granting you 800 Resolve

    2. You take damage for 4 seconds during the stun while DPS1 & 2 beat on you (10.5k Damage Done)

    3. You are stunned by enemy DPS2 for 4 seconds granting you 800 resolve plus 400 bonus resolve plus 800 resolve you already had (giving you 2000 resolve)

    4. You take damage for 4 seconds during the stun while DPS1 & 2 beat on you (10.5k Damage Done)

    5. You are now dead

    As for your "Boinked" position, it is true that there are graphical display issues with the Resolve bar on the selection reticle. Please rely on the fully operational Resolve bar next to the character portrait in your UI


    Presenting scenarios of how PvP would pan out is a bit vain since the entire reason I believe we both PvP is due to the chaotic and ever changing events. Nor can I cannot debate specifics, I will say that I would like to see a decrease in the use of Stuns as a tactic. Even if stuns were a couple seconds, more as an extended interrupt or something. I cannot pretend to have the answer, I just know that stuns seem to be a little out of control. However, I would hate to see them make them almost pointless also.


    The one thing I believe we can agree on is that we want PvP to be fun and captivating. There is a steady decline in PvPers and much of the reason is Stun/Deaths. There are also thread after thread just like this. It needs to be looked and and refined.

  13. I agree the OP is obviously exaggerating a bit but I think people are getting too hung up on the literal use of "Chain Stunned" that is thrown out there. Is it any better when you get stunned, run for about 5-6 seconds stunned again and then immediately stunned once more and maybe with a knock-back, slow/root or pull mixed in there? Come on people, the Stunning in this game is out of control. Stop defending it.


    Furthermore, the Resolve Bar is boinked. Anyone that denies it needs a reality check. Many times it works incorrectly both ways. I don't know if it is lag or just bugged but it is hardly flawless. So lets all stop flaming each other and help the Devs make better. The exaggerations do not help either.

  14. So the game isn't broken for pre-mades...but the pre-mades left because the game was broken...??


    Im pretty sure being in a pug as a tank still allows you to guard. PUG doesn't mean run around by yourself. Teamwork is important in a multiplayer game.


    I just read through Pathiss' post history. Don't waste your time. LOL He will not get it.

  15. This is exactly the problem. You get some Solo happy tool that thinks they should be able to jump into a group and kill a group working as a team. Then they run on here and scream and holler that someone is OP.


    When my Tank friend and I go in to PvP together, we can hold off a large group for a very long time. Until that group gets smart and starts to counter our tactics. It's all about tactics but too many here think its all about DPS and smashing the same 3 keys.


    So far in SW I have seen many talented tanks and healers but see much less talented "DPSers".

  16. I am a merc healer btw. I was just saying op healing was not nerfed. They are now on-par or better than the other 2 healing classes. 1v1 healers should be able to survive yea...but pre 1.2 we could survive 3v1 for way too long.

    I cannot disagree with this statement, Khoraji. I believe each healer is on par with each other but per situation, each has their strengths and weakness. Anyone, like Pathiss, who believes one is super OP and the other are doomed is just someone that really doesn't understand how to play the class as intended. A quick scroll threw the forums will present each class in a "OP/FOTM" as well a "Class is doomed". Too many people just want WOW II.


    Fact is, the healer classes are very well balanced ATM. Some tweaking here and there but all these exaggerated claims are just silly nonsense. But in the end, all we have is our opinion and chest pounding, dont we Pathiss?

  17. Heal spec was not nerfed...

    Heal Spec was a joke before they Fixed it. All healers are decent now. They have not made Ops healers much better, they just made it so they are not so frustrating to play anymore with the silly micro managing the TAs and Spray Cans.


    Further more, I am not sure why every thinks you should be able to solo kill a healer. Healers SHOULD be hard to kill. If they were not, no one would play one in PvP. We are the first to get marked and normally have a parade following us trying to kill us. Even now Healers are not abundant in PVP. Keep up your B****ing and you will find yourself more and more in a match with no healer. Then you can B**** about that too.

  18. Stun the Op when he gets less than 30 percent (or close enough). He dead.

    ^ This. I play an Ops healer and many times people will get me with this. What some people forget is Ops have long cool downs and all our "Insta-heals" people THINK we have are very situation and heal very little. If we are spamming that, we are doing nothing else.


    As for Sorcs, Knockback and Sprint away with a Bubble + your own insta-Heal. If you cannot use that to stay alive, please /quit.

  19. Close but not quite. I play all three healers. You are dead on with the sorcerer healers. My merc has a touch more survivability than what you mention because I can avoid more interrupts and I am beefier than a sorc.


    My operative, you wont kill period if have my cool downs available. I can snare, stun, and flash bang as CC options. I use cool downs to shield probe or dodge attacks for 3 seconds. I can't be interrupted period under 30% health unless you stun me ...and if all else fails, I disappear into thin air.


    Honestly, operative would be borderline overpowered with the old TTK ...but are about balanced with the current TTK. Sorcs are scewed though.

    This person does not play an Op.

  20. I thought the OP was referring to the time to kill being lower.

    Which we won't really be able to judge until more people get geared up.

    Ahh. I haven't really had a problem with it and I am only running between 400-500 Exp on my two 50s. Unless I get jumped by 3.. in which case I expect to die. :D

  21. Oh. My bad. I guess I am just oblivious LOL. Man, the more I play the more I realize this game has WAY more bugs than I had thought. It's starting to get disappointing.
  22. I heal in PvP and realized that since 1.2 I am not seeing all my group members in my Ops Frame. I had thought we simply were not filling up the group but was stunned to realize that several times now I am not seeing 1 or 2 players in the group frames. Meaning, I cannot heal them unless I search for them in the battle and click directly on them. And we all know how well THAT works! Plus, I have no idea what their health is at. This makes it impossible to heal my Ops group!


    Has anyone else experienced this? Sorry if this has been discussed already.

  23. I created a bug ticket about this last night and actually got a response. It is a known issue and being worked on. Why on earth they are not announcing this so people are not so aggravated is beyond me. Or, perhaps they did and most of us just missed it. Hopefully this is fixed fast because about 90% dropped items are aimed for the classes that are NOT in the group.


    (I would strongly advise trying to fill the spots with one from each base class until the fix.)

  24. Could you please clarify and expand on the listed snippet? I believe many people where under the impression that we would be able to pull set bonuses from most gear, not almost none. It seems like only the top tier set bonus can be relocated at this time. Any chance this will be expanded or lower tier? If not, what is the reason?


    Players can now remove Armoring modifications that have set bonuses from items and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot. This does not apply to all items with a set bonus, only those where the set bonus is attached to the Armoring modification.
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