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Posts posted by Raific

  1. Patch notes and the PTS is exactly to QQ our lungs out!!!! And try to change things. Do you think its impossible to change the dev minds? True Bioware hasn't yet bowed to popular pressure, yet that doesn't mean we shouldn't express our rightful concerns and hope they react to them!


    You are absolutely right.

    However, do you REALLY think that these QQs have gone to the Test Server and tested these changes out? Or do you think they are just reading and running here to yell, scream and threaten? The Notes start out stating that there are many behind the scenes change. People are so scared that they will get jipped they insta-rage. Do you truly think the Devs will listen to someone that yells about the notes without testing? I truly hope you are not that naive.

  2. Anyone that needs a Damage List to justify that their class if good or not is not only ignorant but a drama-queen with self esteem issues. I have played a PT from start and be it that RS is Random or Planned, the class is STILL damn good. You want DPS, go play a Sniper and get over it. The class if fine and you Theorycrafting doom and gloom in your head then spewing it out here like its fact is just yet another silly QQ post with the same nonsense.


    I would still like to see a little more love in AP.

  3. It's being raised because they're adding more badges.


    Yes and of which you may need more time to acquire. And if you are on the losing side, it will be even harder. If the first attackers don't get through any doors then you are defending and they pop the doors, game ends and you may get 2-3 badges at best.


    And just to be honest, I would rather have end also. (Hence, Surrender option.) I hate being in a one sides WZ. I am just giving you their presented reasons as to why.

  4. Second, this whole situation only becomes a problem when there are no defenders across the bridge. So, how is this the case? When the defending team is good enough to kill off the attacking team, without dieing. So by allowing this exploit to continue, bioware is basically punishing a solid team for not dieing. Yes, some people can suicide, or be allowed to die, but then they have to wait for the force sheidl to come down and there may not be time enough for that. Also, i dont persoanlyl think it is fair to require a team to have to have players kill themselves, in order to stop the attackers from exploiting


    This is exactly my issue and why when someone said this is not an issue with a Pre-made, he miss the mark. If you have a good team but somehow they get the door open or you have guys waiting to be released, you are WAY behind and will not catch up to defend.


    Well put, thank you! Hopefully BW hears/reads this!

  5. If the second team wins via progress, that means they've already played an entire half on defense. That's plenty of time for badges.

    Yes with the 4 badge limit you are correct. But unless I am mistaken, the limit will be raised to 8 in 1.2. In which case, not really.

  6. The "fix" is more in player skill caps, and the dev's need to realize that the people who are here threatening to quit etc if something isn't done, are the same people that are going to quit when ever the next "new thing" comes out anyway.


    I 100% agree with this. /Quitters are just childish ragers that will threaten that each time they are unhappy. And they will always be unhappy. They are the same ones that claim they will be leaving for the next game... over and over. Let them go. Game Pops are always better a year after. It gives time for the annoying QQs to move on.


    However, I still thing Huttball needs to be repaired. :p

  7. couple of other things...


    -there needs to be a clearer deciding factor in the case of a "tie"

    -if the team attacking second progresses further than the first team, the match should end right there. The second team already won, why is it wasting everyone's time?


    These issues were already address.


    - They are making it so in case of a tie, it goes to the fastest time compromising the door.


    - They will let people go past because of Badges. If it ends too fast people will not achieve their proper amount of badges. It's not ONLY about winning and losing. Its about doing the best you can win or lose.


    With that said, it would be nice to have a surrender option! They can make that a Badge for the Winners for all I care. Sometimes I just need to get the hell out of that match! LOL

  8. Ahh got it. Well glad you gave some solid feedback. I cannot say I disagree with any of it.


    My biggest fear is that everyone hates huttball and is yelling about that. Voidstar has some serious issues that need to be looked at and seemingly, getting buried with all the "Sky is falling" QQ posts.


    As of right now, the best WZ in my opinion is Civil War. Hopefully the new one will be good also!


    Again, thank you for your feedback.

  9. You are clearly a Sage/Sorc defending yourself. I am not sure why since it is all over the forum and even a something that BW has hinted is an issue.


    Pull them down? Well first, I play a BH/PT so I can also give you their PoV. Pulling does not work as easily as you claim. I also play a Sorc and think you are not being honest with yourself if you think they are equal.



    Many of the times when you pull from High to Low, it uses your timer but the person does not come due to the platform interference. (ANY obstruction will stop the pull.)


    Resolve, I have to make sure their resolve is not maxed. I can't count how many times I have pulled someone only to have them pull right back up because Huttball has 60% total population (or more) of Sorc/Sages.


    LoS: You can pull someone UP very easily, pulling them down you have LoS issues. (AND LAG!)


    BH are much more rare in PvP, BH/PT are even MORE rare. The chances that someone has a Pull ready to go is MUCH less than the chance someone has an additional Pull read to go. Statistically speaking of course. And THAT is a fact that can be backed up by BWs own parsing reports.

  10. Recently Bioware sent me a request for my thoughts and opinions on SWTOR. I am not going to lie I sent them 4 pages back in response to this request and the bulk of that response was issues with Huttball and Voidstar.


    Voidstar is just simply messed up. It gives all of the advantages to the attacks and none to the defenders.


    1. Round 1 defenders face a 30 second speeder ride regardless of when they enter the match.

    2. Spawn barriers for the defenders can stay closed for up to 30 seconds.

    3. Spawn barriers for the defenders drop for less than 3 seconds.

    4. If you respawn as a defender and miss your chance to leave when the barrier goes down, you may end up getting kicked from the warzone for lack of activity.

    5. Speeder bikes on the ground in the finally spawn location have to be manuevered around. And since you spawn behind them, unless you have a speed burst you will not make it out of the door if the barrier drops when you spawn to that location.

    6. As someone else said, mini map is almost useless and covers up some of the right toolbar.

    7. Round 1 defenders without a full team are simply screwed. As attackers, you can afford to wait for more members to show up. But as defenders, even when more team members pop in they still have a 30 second speeder ride to deal with before they can even help.

    8. Even after a door is blown, sometimes a defender will respawn at the previous spawn site. This means they have to run through at least one room before they can get back in a fight.

    9. The bridge gap leaves the possibility open for a quick double door tap. All it takes is timing. Blow the first door and die. You then spawn right above the bridge gap. Jump down, leap across the gap, and you can be placing a bomb on door 2 before the defenders can even respond. It is game over at that point.


    Voidstar is by far the worse designed of the three available warzones. I cringe every time it pops up.


    Nice write up! If I may be so bold to ask, why would they ask "you"? LOL Just curious.

  11. Aside from the 3rd point, these are only problems experienced in PUGs. When Rateds come out, the main problem with Voidstar is that nobody will die and no doors will ever be opened. The doors are far too close to the graveyard for the defenders. Ultimately, this warzone is a huge coinflip.

    Um Pugs are most of the PvP groups. So if you are PuG you do not deserve to have a fighting chance? Your logic is flawed. Even with that said, I still do not agree with you. A Pre-made will have the same challenges unless they quickly kill themselves as soon as the bomb is planted.

  12. I do not want to derail this thread so sorry to the OP.


    Its not their CC that makes them OP. Its their combo.


    -The fact that they can Pull an Ally that is Full resolve

    -Two Sorc can double pull someone pass all obstacles

    -Knockback is pretty awesome on the Catwalks and their cool down... just wow

    -Slow is a death sentence to a ball carrier

    -Lightning (specced) is a nice one stop shop in there

    -Sprint as a ball carrier? Um ya... Thats fair! Even better when they get pulled up by another Sage/Sorc.


    Just what I see. And just for the record. I do not believe they need a Nerf. I think Huttball needs to be fixed!

  13. what makes sages cc so op in huttball?


    that you can stun one while he is on the fire square? is this stronger than being able to root one there, or push/knockback or pull one there?


    I cannot tell if this is a sarcastic reply or a Sorc/Sage trying to give a doe-eyed innocent/ignorant look.

  14. I wish people would not use Huttball as the common PvP standards. Huttball is broke, not CC. The CC is really only OP there and more specifically, the Sage/Sorc. (And for the record, I dont think Sage/Sorc are OP or broke, they are just broke in Huttball.)The CC is not that bad in Open PvP or the other warzones. If you are 1v3 and get CCed to death, fact is you would have died anyway!
  15. I can see extending it a bit but honestly, at that point it is pretty much game over. Also, if you give it too much time, having a single place of defense (in the rare case) could be really bad. It would just be AoE hell.
  16. I agree 100% with you .

    However some times the battle for first door lasts the entire bloody fight resulting in a big messy bg :)


    I would

    a) make the cap time smaller so that the doors get capped faster

    b) reduce the door release timer ( spawn point )


    Not a bad idea. I want PvP Warazones to be about skill and team work. This would increase that even more.

  17. While I do agree that the half group thing sucks, that is an issue for all Warzones.


    I agree, The Jumping the gap thing is not bad since there is risk.


    I am kind of baffled why you think its OK that someone can slice the bridged, sprint the bridge and slice again before any defenders could intercede. How is that PVP? This also means only the very first door is due to group skill. The rest is all luck. I really hate losing a match due to bad luck! And sadly, the timers favor bad luck for the defenders.

  18. With so much screaming about Huttball, I have seen very little about Voidstar. As an Imp, it is refreshing to see something besides Huttball pop up. Shortly after that feeling has cleared, the dread of chasing behind people in the Voidstar or watching helplessly behind the Force Doors while people clear two checkpoints, sets in.


    These are the issues that I feel need to be addressed in Voidstar. Otherwise, when Huttball is finally fixed (if ever) this will simple be the next in line for frustrations. Looking for feedback or different opinions.


    Problem: The Bridge can be cleared then sprint to the next door before the Force Doors release the defense. This gives us no chance in defending that door. The couple people that may be down there get slaughtered.

    Possible Fix: Put an additional Terminal that needs to be sliced at the other end of the bridge. This would cause for an interesting Bridge battle and give the defensive team time to prep for the attack again.

    Additional Suggestion: Leave the Force Doors open until the Bridge Terminals are sliced.


    Problem: In the last Stage, the attackers can open the Force Wall terminal, race down to the last doors and slice them before the defenders are released.

    Possible Fix: Leave the Force Doors open until the Force Wall Terminals are sliced.


    Problem: Several people have noted that attackers can some how plant bombs while remaining stealthed.

    Fix: Fix this bug/exploit!

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