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Posts posted by Raific

  1. Fact is, it has nothing to do with being lazy. It is an idiotic statement. There are times, no matter how good you are or how hard you try to help your team, you just have a bad streak. Making someone play PVP for 6+ hours just to get 3 win's it stupid. This is a GOOD change.
  2. I see the new PvP daily has changed. Now its "Played warzone matches " instead of "Won warzone matches".


    Which means it doesnt matter if you win or lose! It will still go towards your daily! So now theres no point in trying your best to win the game, because youll get the point anyway!


    Seriously, why did it change?

    Irony: Someone who sits around all day playing video games to grind top gear calling someone that does not feel like sitting on their butt playing on a computer all day, Lazy. Interesting.

  3. 15 seconds between uses seems fair. Plus a restriction that it can only be used while in combat.

    The abuse I was thinking of is people standing around guarding a node, getting bored, and hitting the "cry wolf" button. Sure, you'd learn quickly who the abusers are, but once they implement cross server queues you will have a lot less accountability and a lot more abuse of everything conceivable.


    I guess in an extreme case it COULD be abused but I still think that would be very rare. Perhaps I am giving the population too much credit but I still believe this would be a fantastic tool and should not be too complicated to implement. AND it fits in with the SW theme.

  4. I did put in the OP a time limit to prevent panic spams. Once you hit it, you cannot hit again for 10 secs. That could be increased to 20 or 30 secs as needed. Also, if their name is broadcasted in chat, you can put them on ignore if they are calling wolf too often or report them for spam.


    I can't see the helpfulness of this being out shined by the rare occasion of some tool falsely reporting an attack. I mean, they can do that now and I have never seen it.

  5. Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


    Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


    I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


    Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.

    I use to be strongly set against the Resolve systems. After beating my head on the forums with people I just felt "did't get it" I went out and just tried different play styles. Abashedly, I have to admit, I like the system. I still think TTK needs to be adjusted.


    Fact is, if you are 1v3 and get stunned to death, so what. You should not have survived anyway. I know it is tough but try the Resolve again with an open mind and do NOT release yourself as SOON as you get stunned. Wait for the Resolve Bar to flip THEN use it. Obviously take in consideration your health. You have to use your brain a little bit. I do not mean that as an insult, I had a hard time changing my mindset to use the system to my advantage.


    On a side note, I play a 50 Powertech (And a couple other classes). I have a 2 sec stun and a 4 sec. You do not know how many people fall for the same old trick. Hit them with your 2 second, they panic and hit their release. Then I hit them with my 4 second. Point is, just relax a bit if you get CCd. Do not just auto hit that release.


    I hope that helps at least one person from raging. :) For those that try to prove their point with insults, just go away. You are not helping anything/anyone.

  6. Right now the biggest advantage Pre-Mades have over PUGs is communication. Could Devs please look at putting a Distress Call Alert in? It can be a HotKey and/or a Clickable Button on the mini map that you can simply click once (every 10 seconds to prevent spamming). It would send out an Audible and Flash alert to everyone on the mini map that someone is in trouble and exactly where. It would be nice if it had WHO clicked it, in chat too!


    No More hoping someone reads you typed cry for help, spamming chat, yelling Right/Left East/West, Snow/Grass. I mean, this is star wars HOW can this technology NOT be available! :p

  7. Ive seen that as well. I assumed they were getting disconnected. I did not realize they simply did not know better.


    But you reminded me of something I had thought about previously. When you are lvl 50, what is the point with the XP earnings? I don't think it counts towards legacy and it most certainly does not make me lvl 51.


    Because if they put 0 people would freak out and complain they were missing out on something.. some how. YOU KNOW ITS TRUE!!! :p

  8. Except that you sacrifice mobility and utility, clicking raid frames. And slaughter it by using F1-8 keybinds.


    Again, why am i helping others get better?

    /Minaegi out.

    I fail to see why I would have to stop to click on someone. I almost never stop moving in PvP unless I have to use a focus heal, in which case everyone else would have to stop to. To be clear.. I MOVE and CLICK at the same time.


    And as for the last, I do not believe you are. I mean no offense but I do not feel your way is better, faster or more efficient.

  9. And under the irl laws of physics, pushing multiple buttons in succession and or/combinations is still faster than using your mouse pointer.

    If you want to prove me and the laws of physics wrong, go type something on a virtual keyboard using only your mouse, and see how it compares to actual typing, where every letter is keybinded and you do not have to click it.

    I am not quite sure that is a "law of physics" but you are correct when comparing Keybinds to Clicking all over the quickbar. But I do not believe we are comparing that exactly. The fact that you may have to click a few times to get to where you need could be slower than just a single click of the mouse. Especially since most healers mouse never leave the Raid Frame. Furthermore, if you happen to be with 5-7 others, that could take forever to get to the 7th guy not to mention if you cycle past one THEN he gets hit. Most of us are still Keybind the heals, just not the member selection. However, I would agree that if someone is Clicking a Member, then Clicking a Heal/Ability.. that would be very slow.

  10. Ok, let me put it this way. Since you specified that you keybind, then you must agree that keybinding an ability is more efficient that using your mouse to reach it then clicking it.


    Why can't you apply the same to targeting ?, keybinding your targeting > mouse work.


    Also there is a difference between being able to do something (being mobile, actions etc), and optimizing the crap out of your character interaction so every millisecond counts. It is 1 thing to do ok, and another to do it at the limit of game mechanics.

    That is why i was having a discussion with a fellow on another thread where he said he can not use Mind trap -> cap with assassin, where i said that i can. Why ? because game mechanics allow it, and his inability to do so is because he is to slow.

    When I am healing, my mouse ALWAYS stays over the Raid Frames. It costs me no time to click people. All my heals are at my fingertips so there is never any click fest or search. I can see if you have F1-8 bound to each team mate but I do not feel that would speed me up any amount. And as for tabbing through multiple people to get someone low on health, I just do not see that faster. Clicking 2-4 times is faster than "click,heal,done,move-on"? I am not criticizing, and applaud your technique. I am sure if it did not work well, you would not be doing in. I personally feel I am very optimized and can honestly say that I have never lost someone because I was too slow to click on them or died because I could not heal and move.

  11. The problem is, it forces PVP only people to go do PVE dailies...PVP people dont want to go do dailies every day, they want to PVP. And when you force PVP people to do PVE things, they just desub in the end...

    In PvP you lose no Creds due to deaths so its all + creds. In PvE, death = Creds so you should get more since you are taking a chance. There are plenty of ways to make Creds besides grinding Dailies and until they make it cost creds for deaths (which would suck) in PvP, a low income should be how it remains. If you are that lazy pick up slicing.


    Anyone who claims they ONLY PvP must PvP a TON! If that is true, they would have quite a bit of creds since they have zero cost in money sinks. Anything else would be vanity.

  12. About a week ago I get pulled in to a lost Match with about 3 minutes on a pre-50. So hit a few people.. got a few medals and I kid you not, some tool leaves with like 10 seconds left. 10 SECONDS!! I just had to know.. I /w him and asked. He ranted about why should he stick around loss after loss...


    My reply to him was "But you sat through the whole match, why didn't you just wait the last few seconds and collect the loss? You missed out on Comms, Creds AND XP!" I was not rude or sarcastic. I was just trying to help him in case he did not understand. He called me a noob and asked me if I needed a friend. :eek: I no longer replied.


    Some people "just don't get it".

  13. Premade or game mechanics have nothing to to with not being able to get 1 medal, in 5 minutes even. Regardless of class/spec.



    ^This. Exaggeration will only get your opinions ignored. Losing a match is only frustrating if you let it frustrate you. Sounds like you should probably stick with PvE.

  14. Even if you are mercenary healer, it helps you change target more efficiently while you repositioning yourself. Being completely immobile = dead healer whining on forums.


    Healers need to strategically change position over the course of the battle, use cc abilities, kite, help with burst if needed.


    If all you do as a healer in battle is go in and become nailed to the ground and spam heal on frames, then:


    1 ofc you don't see the advantage

    2: Op was referring to good healers who want to optimize their gameplay as much as possible.


    I can kinda see how you may be able to use tab target to heal but I click raid frames and have never had a problem staying mobile. Especially with good keybinds.

  15. I noticed that mine could be targeted by myself, so I've been keeping him out in an effort to screw up opponents targeting. Didn't think about it throwing off friendly healers, though.

    Since clicking on an opponent is almost impossible and you cannot tab target an enemy pet, it seems moot. But to each their own... I am rather baffled why BW allowed for a health bar on them and to be able to Friendly tab target.:eek:

  16. Nice vid, just one criticism... you say you will leave it to the viewer to decide whether the changes are for the better or not, but you clearly don't.


    No harm in saying you think its bad, but I wouldn't claim to not make a judgment before going ahead and making a judgment. :p


    100% agree with this. Obviously you are completely bias. This is not a open review on classes, this is a 1.2 bash.


    Other thing, come off the mic a bit. Hearing you breath in is like nails on a chalk board.

  17. I do think that the vast majority of CC/Resolve complaints come from people who either don't understand how the system is intended to work (not a surprise considering BW doesn't actually tell you anywhere in game) or just don't use their own CC and expect to be able to RP as Master Chief in warzones.


    Granted, there are people who do understand the system and know how to play who still dislike all or parts of Resolve, but those people aren't the ones posting factually incorrect claims, they are the ones discussing ways to actually improve the system.


    I agree with you but to discount anyone and everyone that disagrees with you is "ignorant". I do not admit to agreeing with your opinion on everything, but your points are normally well constructed and factual. You have even proven me wrong in prior threads. But to make a blanket statement that everyone is stupid and "in the wrong game" that does not agree with his point isn't very intelligent. We are all here because we like the game. Most people that are still paying for it are in for the long haul. We ALL want the game to last and get better. Even the worst ideas have some knowledge in them.

  18. And this is a flame bait.


    How classic compalint about resolve starts? "I was chain stunned to death, QQ, fix that, I pay my subscription and I should have right to play my char not look as it die (after charging into 1v4 without backup)". And then we have normal "you can be stunned 5 times in the row", "*insert class name* can stunlock you 100%>0% (ignoring those 2 snipers in the back tearing you apart)", "*insert class name* stun is not adding resolve (because I dont pay attention to this broken resolve bar)" and classic "I ]was stunned with white resolve bar (ie. when I looked at my resolve bar after being stunned it was white, so it was for sure white before I got stunned too)".

    You actually called my statement Flamebait after writing what you did? Irony...

    I do not disagree that some people exaggerated but stating that all who do not agree with you are "just wrong" or lazy in some way is absolutely ignorant. This discussion isn't about YOU, it is about the longevity of the game.


    It is called constructive criticism and last I knew BW welcomed it.

  19. But you see, they dont want any tactical element. They want to mash dps buttons as long as it takes for their target to drop. Charging inot 1v4 and winning. All this stuff. Maybe someone here should play fps?


    That is a pretty ignorant and childish statement.

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