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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HoosierDuke

  1. As of February 1, 2012, there are 1.7 million active subscribers.


    As of February 1, 2012, that number is GROWING.


    Thank you.


    p.s. Before you jump in with a comment about how the press release is a lie, please note that material misstatements by a US publicly listed company (covered by the SEC) in press releases may constitute a violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 10(b) and 13(b)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Exchange Act Rules 10b 5 and 13b2-1. Unless you are suggesting that EA is risking violation of federal securities laws just to boost their numbers, the press release is credible.


    p.p.s. My point is simply this: clearly SWTOR is not going anywhere for a while. In fact, all indications (and statements by EA, who would have their monthly management accounts indicating subscriber trends) show that the base is GROWING (unless, again, you believe EA would lie and risk the wrath of the SEC and shareholder lawsuits including big institutional investors and banks with an army of lawyers).


    Not that they would lie per say, but as we all know, its pretty easy to twist numbers around to suit your needs. My actual ingame experience is quite contrary to this report. I have to be skeptical.


    FYI, WAR was still going strong after the first month as well.... and its still online. No doubt, TOR will be online for a good long time to come. The question is, how much of a player will it be, 6 months, 12 months, down the road. Time will tell ...

  2. No I'm not talking about AC switching, just a standard multi spec that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to do.


    Watching a stream on twitch tonight, a level 50 healer logged out of the game and left, because he was frustrated by thought of doing his dailies in a healing spec vs a dps spec ... and the inherent cost involved in switching. I hear it all the time ... I WOULD go do that, but I would have to respec, and I don't want to spend the credits.


    The current TOR respec system has failed, its time to just come into the modern era, and allow multiple specs on one character.


    At the very least, change the respec fee to a reasonable flat rate.


    This insistence on NOT allowing it, almost feels like being trolled by the developers.

  3. This just smells funny ... actual in game numbers are totally different (fleet, planet, pops during primer time/weekends are way down, especially since the 1 month date has come and gone).


    I'm betting there are some very creative number twisting going on there.


    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this survive. Lets be honest though, anything but numbers like that and their stockholders would be in an uproar ... server activity does not reflect what they are reporting however.


    At some point, non fudged numbers will catch up, and sadly they will be even worse, as more and more folks move on.

  4. CC is annoying but necessary. I'm pretty sure the healers, later in levels, get a dispel to help out as well as your escape ability, and resolve.


    Now with that said, I'm not convinced that resolve isn't working properly. I've watched it tick down WHILE I was I in a CC.


    Oh I know, I can sap someone taking a point in alderan ... they wait it out, start taking the node again ... resolve is back to ZERO .... sap again. Unless they use their trinket and and get right back on the node (if they pop the trinket though, 9 out of 10 times, they run around looking for me first ... allowing resolve to reset), they cant cap that node.


    Wash rinse repeat ... for as long as needed.


    Given the nature of the resolve mechanic, that seems totally broken, I agree.

  5. auto cast turn, because I cant even make circles around him wile attacking, so he can't land a cast on me.(


    Certainly, this is the CHEESIEST mechanic I have seen in ANY game. Oh I take that back, the glorious DAOC had the infamous /stick mechanic. Soooo much skill ... lol


    I have to say though, playing a Gunnery commando alt, just spam Grav Round while spinning around for the win is just too much fun. Well not really, got sick of that pretty quickly and respecc'd full Assault.

  6. I spec'd healing for like 2 matches, got my 2 medals, died a **** ton once the other team figured out I was a healer ... said why bother, respec'd back to DPS and have never looked back.


    That coming from a dedicated healer in every other MMO ever played.

  7. If it is difficult, whats wrong with a good challenge?


    There are other games that provide faceroll leveling, if thats what you are looking for.


    OTOH, I've been through Quesh on 4 different toons, none of them really had a problem ... maybe you should look at your gear, utilize CC more, not saying you are bad, just take a look at what you are doing, and what you could be doing ... and if all else fails, god forbid, group up with someone else.

  8. And just hit 50 gratz .. enjoy the fruits of your labor in whining. now you're going to get farmed by geared 50's because that's all there is for you to que up against. you had a chance to keep killing people 49 and under but hey .. you were soo buisy crying about how unfair it was that you forgot to realize that you needed them to have a chance in the mass ques so you wouldn't always face geared oponents.


    but no . instead of asking for it to be reverted back so it would work as originally inteded these people are now whining about it being too hard to get gear (honestly if they think that it's too hard to get gear in this game i don't know what they expect. maybe ding 50 here is your full free epic set of pvp gear???)


    Imho revert the pvp ques back so 50's and 49 and under are in the same ques. That way there will be less geared players per battle and then it will seem better for the fresh 50's. That will fix that whole issue.


    Of course here comes the 1 million whine posts about how they need to make pvp easier to get and / or wanting all the geared people out of the ques (next they'll say it's unfair that best geared players can kill them).



    LOL if you need you're lowbie fix, go farm them in Tat ... and oh yeah, l2engrish!

  9. Think OP is talking about the situation where you're just outmatched (premade vs. pug) and the the other team is just farming you. I've seen it happen before, and I agree it's stupid. A better solution is to combine all server queues, and preferentially match premades vs. premades. This sorta thing doesn't happen much in pug v. pug



    I'll second this motion!

  10. actually, vanguards are still pretty decent damage dealers. They aren't as good as commando, but ignoring a vanguard thats on you at close range will eventually be your death. They lack spike damage, but they put out reliable damage per second and have a good amount of utility, mainly in harpoon.


    Vanguards are the most OP class in the game right now, bar none ... when you take into account, the mix of their control, damage, and survivability. There are other classes that are better in one aspect, but no one class puts it all together like a vanguard can.

  11. Form groups and join guilds.


    People are quitting the game over the lack of full 8 man queuing. I'd guess more are quitting because it isn't there than because pugs getting stomped by premades.


    The issue is this. Right now the option doesn't exist at all. You can't play seriously because 4 other people on your team might be terrible. By giving us the option, you're not losing an option, you're gaining an option.


    If you want to turn your brain off and mindlessly grind valor as a solo queuer, I really have no sympathy for you. If you want to actually PvP to win, and be serious about it, you can't. Less options in MMO's is ALWAYS worse.


    So if you are against 8 man pre-mades, go make some friends or join a guild that likes to PvP, believe me the game is much more entertaining and much more enjoyable win or lose when you are doing it with 7 friends.


    I'm totally FOR 8 man pre-mades...




    This argument is valid ONLY if I am fighting other 8 man premades ... thats where the fun actually is.


    If you want to turn your brain off and mindlessly pub stomp wz pugs in an 8 man pre-made, I really have no sympathy for you. If you want to actually PvP to win, and be serious about it, the only option is to fight other pre-mades ... anything else is ALWAYS full of lose.

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