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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HoosierDuke

  1. You cannot inspect their equipment or change it, either, which makes performing companion maintenance a chore.


    Actually you can, and its the easiest interface available in game for managing multiple companions WITHOUT having to dismiss/summon.


    Bring up your character window ('c'), companion tab. Notice there are little arrows to the left/right of the ship companion's name ... click those arrows and cycle through all your companions. Gear can be inspected and changed at will.

  2. in that case let me keep up the quota ^^


    I play an Operative at rank 58 (no battlemaster gear , i have like t1 pve crap for the setbonus , so don't you dare tell me i'm overgeared)


    i direct this at every Operative out there that is still concealment specced... learn 2 go.d dam.ned play :D




    regularly (i.e NOT every once a full moon but literally EVERY battleground)... let's take huttball for example...

    I have :


    -crits for at least 4-4,7 k on full battlemaster geared war heroes that don't have a bubble on them (yes i use adrenals , rakata stim and get the berserker buff a lot ... sue me)


    -top the dmg with at the very least 350 k (i die horribly much) to 480 k ~ (things go my way)


    -have healers in full battlemaster gear using every cc available just to sprint away from me , ignore their own team and cower in terror somewhere else until i switch targets/get cc'ed .... or .... die horribly in about 10-20 seconds ... depending on the healer


    -am literally unkillable in a 1on1 that i open from stealth for anything that isn't a tank-specced tank , and i only lose to really really good ones


    -know where my dispel button is which immediately breaks 2 entire classes in any 1on1 situation because i can dispel the only thing able to hurt me from either one (did i mention that my class is the only one in the game which can pick and choose their fights ?)


    -i can and do 4-5 shot people with 15k hp if i get lucky crits


    -can stun people from 100-20 because biowares "nerf" was a huge buff (only optimists think their resolve bar is "half full" after 1 stun)


    -actually know how to press 2 butons that ensure you can never kick me down something unless there's an actual lag spike ....ever




    your dreadful "underperformance" since i was nerfed ?


    -i rarely get the 5k crit medal these days ... yeah that's it







    if you actually think concealment operatives (the burst spec) lacks any damage you are a bad player




    there is no discussion ... it's you





    so stop pestering us operatives ... it's fine the way it is.

    we're perfectly fine now with the dmg scaling and surge nerfs , if you fail with it you lack equip ... or more likely skill

    end of story






    sincerely ...

    someone who has more than 1 keybind and doesn't turn with their keyboard:rolleyes:





    so much truth....

  3. You have a point there, but giving us the ability to already reach the next milestone(s) which will most likely be a requirement to start getting the future, new sets will make sure we won't have anything to do in the future either when new content is released.


    Maybe the next point is beyond 100...

  4. The concept, yes. See Guild Wars.


    Would it be pratical? No.

    Top-end PCs are already exploding with groups of 20-30 players on Ilum. Image if this sorry excuse of an engine had to calculate all the collisions.

    Not going to happen.


    Wasn't collision detection in beta at one point?


    LOL, if so, I wonder if some of that code is still running, contributing to the performance issues.

  5. The Imp > Operative in question likely used the several knife attacks available to him, one of which is a CC. There is no way you can blame this solely on the backstab attack because the cool down time for that is much too long to spam it. He just rocked his Vibrobalde and you didn't react in time to stop him. Standard PvP situation. Working as intended. No nerfs necessary.


    Working as intended?


    Folks get wise to such nonsense.


    This class is over the top, can farm at will when played correctly (thank god 9 out of 10 have no clue), regardless of what the attacked player does.


    If that is working as intended, I'll take my money elsewhere, because it is total rubbish.


    And yes, you CAN have my stuff.

  6. nice necro lol


    operatives are terrible now, probably the second weakest class (sniper the weakest)


    LOL stop it with this nonsense...


    Though difference in the range of skill of operative players is rather drastic, a well played operative is one of the few classes that melt me fast.


    It could be this class attracts the worst players, ... for every decent op, there are 25 bad ones.

  7. Title says it all. You basically are handing 1st defenders an auto-loss if it's during off peak hours where folks are slow to accept queues. Please get rid of this stupid, non-sensical, slower than molasses and not in ANYWAY adding to RP, speeder bike ride at the beginning of Voidstar for defenders.


    While you are at it why not make med centers semi-permeable and allow folks to leave automatically after 10 seconds as individuals or 15 or 20 or w/e. Then you can prevent luck wins where you wipe out a large part of the defending team at the same time and then, due to pure luck they auto spawn (door is down upon release) on defense, and boom a new full team. This happens in about 25% of Voidstar games and gives the lucky door team an HUGE advantage. If it happens once no big deal, but a couple of lucky breaks, or the opposite where they all die and get the full 24 can make or break that wz.


    Regardless of the last part, for the love of gawd, get rid of the speederbike ride. Totally pointless and actually breaks the wz at times.


    The SPACEBAR press costs me more than anything ... who in their right mind put that in?

  8. ... then its time to either noble sacrifice (which also takes our life down each use) to gain force


    Don't tell lies...


    Only a fool uses NS in that manner.

  9. There is something inherently wrong with the system if pvpers enjoy lvl 1-49 moreso then 50.


    Good lord ... I turned 50 on Saturday afternoon, by Sunday evening I had Cent/Champ in every slot ... and that was good enough to be competitive.


    This was the fastest entry level pvp gear up I've had in any game.

  10. You don't need 3 people. You need one person with a brain.


    If you're a sentinel and can't force a healer to heal only himself until he's out of resource and then kill him... i'm sorry but you ARE bad at your class.


    No... they didn't go to 100% with -50% healing in one cast. What, you didn't use Crippling Throw? See my above statement about being bad at your class...


    I like this guy... he speaks truth... that said...



  11. I dunno how many caps Ive allowed, because out of HABIT I try to tab target the capper/planter RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME .... and it cycles through 7 other players first ;)


    And yes, you internet galactic gladiator wonders, I AM THAT BAD!

  12. Make a list...what are the things you see people do in PvP that are just plain stupid and make them bad?


    1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.

    2. Fight away from the nodes, ignoring the stealther who swung around behind to cap right in front of God and everybody.

    3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.

    4. Focus on trying to kill the ball carrier when the tank next to him has him guarded, the healer next to the tank is healing away, and you and one other guy are the only ones there to deliver damage.

    5. As a tank class - not using guard or taunts because you can't be bothered with the extra keybinds.

    6. Mindlessly zerging a well defended node by yourself, somehow thinking that trying the same thing over and over again is going to provide a different result.

    7. Being a hero - trying to carry that ball across to the end zone when you have 4 people on you, and there's a friendly standing there in the end zone ready to catch the pass.




    I practice all these on a daily basis .... trying REAL hard to keep my bad up!


    I do take issue with #5 though, its not the keybinds, its spending the GCD that I could be using on my awesome DAMOOOG abilities.

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