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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HoosierDuke

  1. In a world you thought could get no worse comes... posts so full of win, that you can litterally taste your unsub getting closer with every keystroke...


    How about when you lose a Wz you actually DIE!!


    A USB device, with electrodes hooked to your man area, with some electrical love thrown your way every time you are killed. A x10 jolt when your team loses.


    THAT would be some sweet motivation!

  2. With the decrease in outgoing healing, damage reduction and the increase of outgoing damage, how are you finding the pace of PvP in SWTOR right now? It feels too fast and zergy to me, personally, like if you get the drop on someone there's nothing they can do before death and vice versa.




    Its not for me ... if there is no adjustment (and I don't expect there to be one), I'll be moving on.


    I enjoyed PvP prior to 1.2 to a great extent ... a few tweaks were needed, but overall it was pretty damn fun.


    This stuff? Meh, I seriously got blown up in a single GCD by a Marauder tandem tonight. Stims, relics, whatever ... its a bit over the top for my taste, you can have it.

  3. Quite frankly, the reward was too big before for losing. I think this will force more people to make premade WZ groups rather than just randomly queue. I know I have been unable to win one all day on The Fatman Imperial side on my own.


    If folks were not doing premades before 1.2, chances are good they won't bother after 1.2 ... they'll just move on to something that suits them better.


    The developers here are clueless, the people that defend them, even more so.

  4. exactly.


    Its a poorly thought out system if losing does not give at least 75% of what winning does... it only serves to create a gap between factions and ruin competitive pvp.




    And sadly, it reflects the same "thought" they have applied to almost EVERY PVP move they have made in this game.

  5. Should have waited for the patch to go live before hitting that button. Not BW's fault.


    No, thats malicious and false advertising on BW's part ... it is COMPLETELY BW's fault.


    NO WHERE during the entire PTS process had they hinted that ranked WZ might not make it into the patch. They announced the release of the patch, without mentioning this.


    They knew exactly what they were doing, it is pretty pathetic.

  6. Thats wierd because one my server the republic can win almost every match in one night and then lose the next night.I know most players on my server have level 50 alts on both sides..

    If you dont like losing don't pug...Nothing worse then joining a match and seeing the 11k health nubs all over your team.


    What I wouldnt give for an 11k fresh 50 ... we sprout the 10K versions on my server!

  7. About PvP the thing that none of these MMO's have included lately is /sticking your group leader .....yhis might sound trivial but its really huge imo......you have 8 people in your PvP group and there all wandering



    Even PuGs in DAoC would maintain tight formation approaching a fight then spread

    on INC.......but also all 3 realms have a "speed class" (Bard,Minstrel, Skald) that usually drive their groups

    while barking commands in Ventrilo. It makes for INTENSE action too say the least.


    If we could just get a Developer into a DAoC 8man and or Bomb Group they would feel totally immersed in the PvP/RvR.....and I bet they would sit down and think how to build on this great PvP concept.


    TLDR :Put the option too /stick your group leader in these games , and no /Follow just is not the same. Also add a main speed class too each faction AND a main CC class to each faction. In Swtor everyone has CC and its ROUGH!!!


    Of course fix Ilum or start over with a totally new open world rvr/pvp zone....they do these 3 easy things and the PvP in SWTOR would be vastly improved


    Revised TLDR ... I want DAOC with lightsaber's please!


    Maybe you should also start a campaign to bring back the BUFFBOT! Makes the SUB numbers look great!

  8. It's totally possible for one team to win a warzone without doing ANY PvP for a sustained period (Think about it before responding with a quick troll) and that's a core design flaw- and a HUGE one at that.


    Thats a stretch ... if the other team is trying.


    Seriously, talk about a troll statement.

  9. Where is the Mythic PvP team that gave us great objectives and rewards like DAoC and Warhammer?


    That made me chuckle....


    The "Mythic Touch" is evident all over this game ... as a matter of fact, when I first played the beta, I told a friend the game reminded me of War (not WoW), especially in polish and feel .... and never keeping track of Mythic after I left WAR, was unaware that they had been bought by EA and had been incorporated into Bioware.


    Once I found out about the acquisition, my statement made more sense than it was originally intended.

  10. I've seen that




    Ability lag like we had at release ... not to the same frequency, but noticeable enough ... pressing an ability, and watching the GCD and CD kick in 2-3 seconds later.


    Since Tuesday's patch.

  11. This is the same problem that has cursed many other popular games: healers are too powerful.


    I understand the need to balance to accomodate PVE but seriously when healers heal for 4k+ and we dps hardly ever do this --> WHY???


    Good luck getting this puzzle resolved


    Healing issues?


    GW2 is that way >>


    Of course, if one cant master the skills to take down a healer here, how in the world would one think they are going to survive there?

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