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Everything posted by Zombifikation

  1. Ha! You're a *********** tool. That was more to point out that tracer spam does far more dg, and takes pretty much no skill, which is a luxury. No, i don't spam powershot, though it is nice if I have my CDs up or have the time to stand still. Sorry my spec actually takes effort and not binding half my keyboard to one ability and facerolling. Which is also why i said a root would be nice for kiting purposes, since melee tends to eat us unless you can knock them off a bridge or something. I mean, us pyros can't just stand there and spam tracer through their dps. (That was sarcasm, i case you're too stupid to figure that out)
  2. Pretty much this...why change the daily at all for 50s....stupid. Unless you get lucky with teams or are in a premade you won't win 3 in a row. What was wrong with the daily from 1-49. It wouldn't change anything, you still only do it once a day, you just don't get boned by the gear imbalance and premade spam as bad if you only have to win 1. Or play 3 as he said.
  3. I think the answer lies in making the less popular classes more enjoyable to play, and/or tone down the more popular classes, as let's face it, the reason most people run sorcs is bc they're the fotm right now.
  4. Hmm, do you have a wife? A gf? A social life, with real living and breathing friends? Adults have jobs, its what we do, we work, you're not special. I prefer to not spend all of my free time playing a game, and if I did I would want it to be by choice, not because I'm forced to do so to compete. Gaming shouldnt be a 2nd job. I'm a gamer at heart, its something I love to do, but I also like to spend time with the gf and spend time with my friends, and do other things that don't involve sitting in front of a computer, but I'm a competitive person and like to be good at what I do, but I don't have time for a 2nd job on top of my other obligations...especially if I'm not getting paid haha. Now I know some of you will come back with "well that's your choice, so you shouldn't be able to beat me because I choose not to have a real life.". Wrong. I think people are afraid that someone who doesn't spend as much time as them would hand them their *** if the playing field were equal, and then their little digital world would come crashing down and they would actually have to look in the mirror and realize that they will never get those hundreds of hours back. PvP should he about skill and fun, not who can grind harder so they can roll lowbies better. As I said, who cares what the mmo trend has been, where is it set in stone that everything has to be a massive grind no matter what? I understand there needs to be time taken to learn your class, fine, but when you do that, then the competition should start, not another grind.
  5. Hmm, didn't read past the first page, because I'd imagine the back and forth continued on. So, all the hardcore no lifes feel the need to bring up progression, and how mmos are all about it. What progression really boils down to is time. Anyone can get the gear, but since some people have no real life responsibilities, they get the gear 10x faster and are that much "better". Grinding doesn't make you good and pretending it does is stupid. No, this isn't an fps, but why can't it be more like that? Why does everything need to take hundreds of hours? Because the first mmos set the pace and the others followed. If gear were not a factor then skill would matter. Someone said on the first page that you shouldn't be equal as a fresh 50 because you could kill him to easy( that's pretty much what I got from it). Do you realize how dumb that sounds? "I have no life, so you shouldn't be able to kill me because I have more time to play"....hahahahahaha. Get rid of gear based PvP, have a grind for cosmetic looks only and let's see who's better now that everything is equal. Let's even add a detailed stat/ranking system so you have something else to grind for. Quit being *****es and hiding behind your gear like it makes you good (which with a rng gear system is not possible).
  6. Arsenal is boring as hell, that's why I'm pyro. However as a fresh 50, there's no way I'm going to do more damage than the tracer tards, would be nice to see them so something with tracer spam.
  7. So, im pyro spec so I can't speak from personal experience. However, ive been seeing some people go hybrid spec. They go deep enough in arsenal to get tracer missile and such, but then dump the rest in bodyguard. You still have to heal your arse off, but at least you can dish out the damage with tracer and railshots if needed. Don't have an exact spec, but I'm sure someone around here will post one.
  8. Tbh, I don't think we need an interrupt, though I wouldn't mind a root effect or something like that. After a melee class gets to open on you, you're pretty much done. All melee classes have some kind to ranged attack as well as ways to disengage better than us. By the time we do manage to get some range and start kiting, you're pretty much dead as is...were glass cannons in heavy armor, pretty dumb imo. I'm pyro, not herp derp traced spam, so i don't have the luxury of killing something in 2 seconds. Would be nice to have one more ability that can give me some range on melee classes. Ranged classes its more of who gets the drop and losing them is easy if you need to get away, but kiting is a pain in the *** with all the distance closers, slows and interrupts available to other classes.
  9. So I hit 50 yesterday, didn't get anything from the 7 bags I ended up opening, but w/e. I have around 13k hp atm, with some mods that still need some updating. However, the point of this is to those who don't get "why people PvP with bad gear blah blah blah.". Couple things you need to realize. 1. Some people only like PvP, and want to do just that. They shouldn't have to pve for PvP gear, c'Mon, what is this, WoW? 2. Some people might not have the credits to fully upgrade their gear but still enjoy PvP , though prolly not so much with the gear gap now. 3. How long do most of you spend pvping every day? Not everyone has 4+ hours a day to PvP, let alone do anything in a game, and don't have the resources to gear up that quickly. So, they shouldnt be allowed to PvP at all because they make your team look bad? Get over it, some people have lives. 4. This ties in with 3, but this game, because it is a sw game, will draw a large group of fans from the genre at large. Granted, most of these people will probably end up being drawn more to pve, but not all, and they might not have the same kind of free time as the epeen swinging no-lifes that give them sh*t for trying to play their way.
  10. +1 to the Op. Especially the point about constructive criticism over whining. I feel like a lot of valid points about PvP issues go unheard because the person making the post seem like some whiny trash and no one takes them seriously. The PvP community as a whole needs to get better at that, I think. Also agree with the guy above me...valid point and a well constructed critique of PvP currently.
  11. Boom, pretty much nailed it here. Gear in swtor =/= skill, its about time played. Time played is a stupid way to gear for a PvP system, as those with less time will gear much slower and remain less competitive longer. Hell, add a competitive stat system and have everyone choose from a set of gear when they hit 50, and then let skill decide. I understand that people like a challenge and like going up against better geared people, who doesn't, but the gear gap is pretty massive as it stands, and as some have said, for every time you beat a bm whither your crap gear, there will be plenty of times when you dont, and get stomped simply because of the gear gap. Let's not let this games PvP go the route of so many other mmos and do something different with this situation.
  12. Well, they could always add lower expertice mods that people could add to their existing gear so they could at least have some of it so they don't get stomped so bad...just a thought. I for one am maxing out my toons on commendations and pvp from late 40's->50 so I can get some bags when I ding. Should make it a little easier, though I'm used to pvp grinds (Ugh, vanilla WoW) so it shouldn't be too big of a deal.
  13. It would be great, and would work well for the the force users, but the BH/Soldier, and IA/Smuggler use a lot of different equipment. Would have to have some kind of equipment trade in. Not sure how easy it would be to implement but, meh.
  14. Not a bash to you, just using this as an example. The fact that there are all sorc premades says something...they need to be changed slightly. I'm getting sick of playing hutball, and actually trying to play the ball, while sorcs on either team completely ignore the objective so they can sit on the walkways and spam lightning to pad their stats.
  15. Skill does prevail....when everyone has equal gear. If you take away end game PvP gear, you might as well take away end game pve gear as well, so those players dont have an advantage either, right? No. If you take away expertice, but buff other stats then it will be the same as pve gear, thus eliminating the point of PvP other than just to play for the hell of it, and people would just get bored.
  16. Haha, absolutely stupid. So...we should get rid of PvP gear so that pve players can stomp all the hardcore pvpers? Or should everything be based on a horribly flawed wow'esque ranking system where only those with no life outside the game have a chance to get anything? No. No. No. Who cares what someone else's toon looks like, or what kind of gear they have. If you're so much more deserving then stomp them into the dirt. We dont have xserver wz's yet so people will know the good players from the baddies.
  17. Pretty much. It would then turn into wow, where you would have to pve first before attempting PvP. Now you don't have to. Sure its a grind, but when isn't something in an mmo a grind? Everyone will get there eventually and be equal apart from skill, where the true players will shine through.
  18. I know.this has probably been pointed out, but I'm willing to bet that other inquisitor with all that healing was probably the reason for his record....just a thought...I've never had much of a problem with assassins tbh.
  19. Nobody wanting to do an instance is a problem that's been around in all mmos, that's what guilds help take care of. If nobody wanted to pvp and you did you'd run into the same problems, games ending bc there werent enough people. Finding groups isn't enough of a hardship to justify the argument. They want to keep the gear separate. I quit wow for a number of reasons, but the primary reason was that you either had to have an awesome arena team or pve gear to compete in PvP. I got wotlk late, and all my friends had geared up already and I was having trouble getting on teams or into raids bc I was a fresh 80. So...they took a dump on casual players at the time...it got changed back eventually, but I was irritated enough not to resub (that and other rl reasons). I have a feeling bio doesn't want that to happen here. They don't want you to have to pve in order to compete in PvP and then get the PvP gear later.
  20. Nice idea, and I can see where those opposed are coming from. However, how about just increasing the cap? This works in with the arguments about how new 50s have trouble without PvP stats on their gear. Even doubling the cap could go a ways to helping out new 50s. If you pvp for a couple levels in the late 40s, to cap out, you still worked for.the gear without being able to buy an obscene amount of bags, would just give you a higher chance to get some of that 50 gear when you finally ding.
  21. While I agree that the stat is rather...unnecessary, there's no point to removing it at this stage. It sets PvP gear and pve gear apart for one. Secondly, you will get the gear with it eventually, it might take some time, but the same is true for those who alredy have it, they had to get it too. In my experience with similar stats in mmos, having a couple pieces is all it takes to be useful, especially if you are skilled, and especially considering the current state of pvp, which in tor is not ranked competitively yet.
  22. Agree, and I really don't think they do listen to the whiners all that much unless they feel its warranted. The whiners do a twofold job of bringing the issue to light, but simultaneously annoying the hell out of everyone else. PvP type content has been around for too long for devs not to realize that most of the whiners are a vocal minority. That could be a rare bit of optimism on my part, but id like to think that most of the decision makers know better.
  23. I hope that if they do nerf mercs that its just to Tm spam. I play pyro and don't feel like that tree is out of balance given our lack of cc and interrupt. it takes more skill to los and kite than it does to spam tm.
  24. I'm perfectly content with it atm, id say 8/10 due to issues with the game having barely been out a month. I don't feel that the classes are imbalanced to any broken degree, and any issues seem like they can be fixed rather easily. A lot of complaints about the bag system I've seen are by the basement dwelling minority. While I agree that the random bags may not have been the best choice, it does help even things out for the time being. Realistically it favors casual players, as it should be, since they make up the largest portion of subscribers. The system may not be great, but at least there isn't a huge disparity between the casual and the no lifes who play 10+ hrs a day. Sure, you should be rewarded somewhat if you choose to play that much, but that shouldn't mean that those who can't dedicate that much time should get nothing....like wow was for a long time with their PvP/arena system.
  25. Not to mention its insanely boring to spam 1 ability 80% of the time. I went pyro in the mid 20s bc I was bored already, haven't looked back since.
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