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Posts posted by Godlymuppet

  1. I only spent a few hours soloing a couple of weeks ago never having done it before and not having done it since, so I'm not going to claim having a great deal of experience. I would like to get more into it, but haven't prioritized it enough to find the time.


    Anywho, when I did go at it I found some success. I started with Maelstrom Prison HM (for no particular reason), and got through it relatively easily. I died twice to the last boss (once to what I think was a bug, and once because I took my sweet time killing adds and progressing through the sniping phase, resulting in an enrage), but other than that it was smooth sailing.


    After this I went for Lost Island SM. I managed to get past the droid after a few attempts, but got stuck at the savrip boss (that's what the race is called, right? ;-p). I ended up losing patience after a couple of tries and summoned a compainon for it. The damage in the spit phases combined seemed - to me - like it was more than what I could manage with my limited self heals. It went down on the first try with a companion and wasn't really challenging at all in this manner. By the time I got to the last boss I was really tired and didn't have the patience to do multiple attempts. I tried it once without a companion, and when it didn't work I went ahead and summoned one. Admittedly, I failed once with a companion as well (Lorricks ground targeted poison stacked up incredibly fast and killed Guss in seconds, which I later solved by changing him between passive and active throughout the fight), but got him on the following attempt.


    Perhaps I could do it better, but my time was limited, my patience thin, and any potential soloing time since has gone to other things. :)


    For the record, I used a saboteur spec for this. The defensive skills in the tree worked nicely, not to mention that stationary scatter bomb rolling doubles as both incredible damage and nice defense (which helped greatly on the droid, for instance). The aoe of the spec also helped remove some of the pressure from adds without making me lose more than minimal dps on the boss.


    Anyway, I hope you keep up soloing, and I'll see if I can get around to do more of it myself. :)


    Edit: changed some sillyness caused by my phone's auto-correcting. If you find any other words that don't fit with the sentense, that's prolly what it is. :p


    That is truly amazing! I was actually meaning with a companion, so the fact that you did so much, before summoning yours bodes very well.


    I'll definitely progress to the hard modes then.

  2. The companion conversations, and companion side missions, are triggered by the companion's level of affection, rather than your character's level.


    Your character's level is a factor in companion side missions that are triggered by your companion's affection being at a certain level. For example, if the companion side mission is level 38, and your character is at level 30, the companion side mission will be red on your mission log, indicating you will probably not be able to complete it, yet.


    Not true at all. Many conversations are locked out before you get to certain points in your class story. If you increase affection enough at a low level you get no conversations. Then when you complete a certain part of class story (chapter two for example), you'll suddenly have 7 or 8 conversations in a row. Which means they were locked out before then.


    So level is important, in you will only progress class story so far without levelling.


    To answer the op question, you could complete chapter two at that level, but I'm not sure if some are locked out till part way through chapter three. Can't say I ever had batches of conversations after the start of chapter three though.

  3. I think it's fine to have a good scope of yourself and abilities, but you truly need to play other classes to gauge just how you compare. A DF has better sustained burst than scrapper, in some situations I've laughed at how quick you can annihilate a target. 3x 3k WS crits are fun, plus bleeds.


    1v1 we're still good, but war zones are not about deathmatching, unless the obvious solo node stealing. 65% of 1v1 with a "by the skin of my teeth" win shows there may be room for improvement.


    The problem with scrappers is this:


    All classes have had their dps adjusted, so roughly anyone can do good damage if they sit on a target and don't have anything interrupting their rotation. I.E. nobody focusing you means you kill your target and may end with some nice leaderboard numbers.


    If the opposing team has half a brain between them, and want to win, they naturally might want the target you are focusing (hopefully a healer or a tough dps) to stay alive so that their team is successful. In this instance, a tank might taunt/pull/push you or a dps (likely ranged) will cc or focus you. Sorcs/mercs/snipers all have a way to kite you, regardless of you *awesome* roll and since you're probably fighting in a group of people, say a team trying I secure a second node, you are likely going to be attacked/focused by more than one opposing player.


    In this case, your ability to survive 1v1 is meaningless, you have to do what you can to survive. Here scrappers have the least survivability of any other dps, so you're likely not to survive.


    It's fine to argue your case, and I wish you all the est in your endeavors as a scrapper. But if you believe a scrapper is still the best suited for the job when it comes to heavy, coordinated group fighting, I think you're delusional. 1v1 is still cool and fun, but it doesn't win you the war zone more often than not.


    The best competitive scrapper I've come across recently told me "I pretty much just heal now" in a recent conversation we had before I transferred off. I have yet to see another scrapper or concealment who was as capable as this guy and I've been playing my scoundrel/op alts on 3 servers this past 6 months. It's always good to know your weaknesses.


    Your right of course, warzones are not about one on one (except nodes, which I spend a crazy amount of time guarding, as no one else will). But that is the only way to truly compare classes.


    What you are saying is possibly why some of us can play Dps and do an ok job " if you focus on the objectives any class is a useful team member" I know that's not your words, but that's the jist.


    Sorry for derailing.

  4. One further thing ill add to this. The reason I'm ok on my scrapper and many others are too is because we like the class, it encourages us to be stubborn and after a lot of effort we can hold our own.


    That being said, I have finally got round to levelling a guardian (hate force users, but really want the buff), with that I can dominate anybody. On my scrapper I would win maybe sixty five percent of one on ones, normally by the skin of my teeth. On the guardian I have lost one fight one on one, I'm normally at sixty percent plus health too. So if I were to use the skills it takes to play a scrapper well and play a glow bat class, I could do even more.


    You can get good but part of me feels it is wasted time. You could be even better, are you stubborn enough to try it?

  5. That's your opinion. I've been a scrapper/concealment through the "hard times" (post 1.1) and even through this latest depression (post 2.0). There may be "tons of scrappers" on your server, but 90% of the ones I still see running around aren't too talented.


    The real point I was trying to get at is a shadow/sin has roughly the same single target damage of a scrapper, and will make shorter work of a healer than any scrapper will. They have better on-demand burst. Think what you want to think, though, if it makes you feel better about playing a scrapper.


    I will thanks. Also your no more experienced than me. My scrapper is from pre-order day 1. The crap ones (of which there were a lot are the ones that rerolled heals. There are a few of us about, not many granted, but when we come for you, you better have a lot of friends that come to your aid ASAP.


    Sins are more survivable definaty, I really would not say they have more burst.

  6. TL;DR






    End game PvP = You'll be a healer or you'll quit the class/game like everyone else did.


    Nope, the sheep roll heals or quit. My server has quite a few scrapers and concealments that stuck it out. They hit like trucks when optimised with enough power and surge. Nothing takes a healer down quicker. Well maybe my slinger does if they can't Los me.

  7. Lately I have been seeing just how far I can push my slinger. I have recently solod battle for ilum, false emperor and kaon under siege ( just normal modes so far). I have done this on all my 55's but find slinger has the best combo of defenses and high Dps.


    Has anyone managed any of the old 55 heroic flashpoints or normal lost island (the robot boss stopped me last try).


    I used to solo wow raids on my hunter and slinger feels very much like that.

  8. So, I still enjoy playing quite a bit. However, the chat in fleet and just about every populated planet is so crass and juvenile that it is a turn-off to be around. Tonight I log into some junior high discussion about panties. No joke. I have gotten to the point where that sort of thing is no longer even remotely humorous.


    If I turn off General Chat, I miss out on being able to help newer folks with their questions (helping folks is another fun part of the game for me) or any other legitimate discussion. I don't want to ignore all the folks, because I am sure that they aren't bad folks, I just don't want to be party to their public and juvenile idiocy.


    I guess I am not really looking for a solution. Just venting.


    Enjoy your night!


    Join an rp server, the average age seems to be much higher there. Our guild on the progenitor has many players in thier thirties or fourties. I have found that this is always the way in any game with rp servers, it's kind of an unwritten rule. Very little rp happens, just a more mature server /shhh don't tell anyone ;)

  9. And if you just HAVE to point fingers at a someone for being overpowered, point at PT/VG Tanks ( I won't. There's not enough of them to complain.) They have a jump, a pull, and a knockback, turning them into an Assassin/Shadow/Jugg/Guardian hybrid. Still don't think it's OP however.


    My vanguard and pt tank must be faulty. I can't find this knock back skill :(

  10. I direct you to this thread, where two guildmates of mine have described and posted videos of the remarkable feat of two-manning Hard Mode Eternity Vault.


    Annihilation Marauder is great for solo because they have the dps and the survivability.


    That's pretty impressive, but I'm after the hardest solo, just for those times when no guildies are on and you want to do something challenging without pugging.


    Mara does seem to have good survivability. Gunslinger has more than I was expecting, was pretty even with a vanguard tank when time to kill is considered, which is nice. But not being able to stealth past stuff takes a while. Not having a shadow though my stealthier is a bit squishy unless its heal spec, but then it's a bit boring.

  11. Hi,

    Is soloing Red Reaper with a lvl 55 Commando and Elara Dorne as your companion doable?


    This got me thinking. I used to have lots of fun in wow on my hunter soloing old raids. So I gave it a try on my slinger and easily solo'd red reaper and then battle for illum. They were crazily easy and considering battle for ilum drops black hole gear fairly profitable.


    Just what could be extreme solo'd in this game and which set up of classes would be best for it?

  12. DPS Ops/Scoundrels have it tough. Especially in an environment where numerous idiots judge PvP only through a certain set of numbers, without seeing the whole context of things.


    Unlike the EZ-mode healing builds (which, not only is it pretty easy to handle, but also in any team receives automatic cross-heal + guard + peel support), Scrapper/Concealment builds are inherently opportunistic, and require some of the highest levels of situational awareness in PvP -- if you are too impatient, you die quickly and contribute nothing to the team,, if you are too careful, you become timid and also contribute nothing to the team, and even if you've timed things right, if you don't play it out exactly right, you'll be left in a state where combat status does not finish, and your burst qualities are ceased for a long time... in which case you also start lacking in contributions to the team. To play it right, you need a keen eye for opportunity, precise timing to engage, and when the fight starts, you need enough experience to do it right, so when the enemy drops dead, you can immediately enter stealth.


    If played right, your opportunistic attacks can drive enemy players nuts, and you become the key to finishing off key enemy players at the exact right moments. See any fight that involves an enemy with less than 50% HP, and then you intervene with a massive burst to finish it quickly, one enemy down, immediately go into stealth, find another similar prey, finish him off, rinse and repeat, and you can become the "executioner" of the team, making sure the team's focused targets not only get damaged, but killed on the spot.


    Of course, the thing is, even if you play it right, due to the nature of how Ops/Scoundrels are played, the overall DPS count end-game is pretty low, as well as number of kills... and only good players really see and appreciate how much contribution you've done for your team.. since good players, in the field of battle, notice how a good concealment/scrapper ALWAYS pops out and helps you with finishing enemies off at least 40~50% faster than you would alone.


    Unlike the EZ-mode healers, ofcourse, since their contribution is marked in pretty numbers after the game is over. Another one of your everyday hardship for DPS ops/scoundrels. :rolleyes:


    I have to say im curious how you ensure you drop combat after an engagement. I had my scrapper as my main for almost all of Vanilla (can call it that now lol), the number of times id be stick in combat for 20-30 seconds after killing someone was so annoying. So if you have a trick for ensuring you can drop combat status, id like to know how.


    Its a great fun class to play, but if you are real team player, then your role in the game is very structured. Id almost always end up node guarding 9as no one seems to be willing to do the responsible role in PUG's), as i take the objectives seriously.


    If you get in the main melle you'll never get the appreciation your contribution deserves, because your damage does not get a chance to get healed, your tagets go down quick, so you do 30k damage while that smash tard does 100k, cos he goes after a healed target. 70k difference in damge, but you took your target out of the game.


    Real fun class, but unless you have a shadow on node guard duty, youd be doing your team a solid by doing that role.

  13. The only good thing that it did for my playing experience was allow me to level at a decent rate. I use stealth quite liberally and always hit planets and missions a few levels too low. Not a problem on Makeb... still working the story, but already hit 55.


    Then your doing stealth wrong.


    Of my 5 characters that finished Makeb, 4 (those without stealth) were 54.5 when they killed the boss at the end. My 1 stealth character was level 53, but only just. The entire difference was due to the sheer number of mobs he could avoid with stealth.


    So thats practically 1.5 levels due to avoidable mobs, which are added just to help you level up at the correct pace, my Scoundrel was very underpowred due to avoiding lots of mobs, the others were fine.


    It needed 1.5 levels of additional quests, not random mobs, it was lazy development.


    Having said that, the very curse that had my scoundrel underleveled while doing the Makeb story, is now what makes him the only character i would ever consider doing dailies there on.


    The others just do GSI on Tatooine, Hoth and Aleraan, whicle in the group finder or PVP queue. So if you want to avoid mobs, those are the dalies for you, you even get to go to the most iconic plants while doing them.


    Give me smuggling and bounty hunting daily missions on those planets and id be a happy bunny :)

  14. Honestly I feel like left hand = attack, right hand = move is just easier for me. I also have my interrupt on middle mouse key, because I like split second speed with that.


    I think I edited while you were typing.


    It took me a few attempts to get it down, as I'm slower than I used to be (37 now and had lightning reflexes as a teen).


    Was almost as hard as giving up smoking, that took a few attempts, but for both ill never go back now lol.


    I really would encourage you to keep trying, maybe do a gunslinger, they have a nice rotation in sharpshooter spec, that always feels real nice on the side buttons.

  15. I have a G600 and I use it for certain cooldowns but I could never imagine using it for a rotation. I just can't get my thumbs to act independently of my hand to move and fire in coordination properly. Independence of left and right hand to me is paramount for maximum speed. I'm sure you can get it "good enough" but I don't think entirely mouse driven will ever be 'optimal'.


    I felt like that for ages, that's why I almost gave up, but muscle memory does wonderfully things. I just have all key rotation abilities in the non Ctrl modified twelve side button binds. Probably get arthritis in my right thumb from it, but my thumb can find any if the twelve buttons without thinking about it.


    Now using the Ctrl modifier, that can be a bit harder to get down.


    Also when I said a whole lot of keybinds without using the keyboard, I was not saying I do t use the keyboard, just that I have lots if keybinds before even considering what I can do on the keyboard.

  16. I'm mostly pve'r. Played since !999 EQ. Can Tank, OT, Heal, Top damage charts, w/e in most games, but ... I'll admit it ... I'm a mouse clicker.


    I need a little help here. Anyone know of some positive ways to slowly learn to not mouse click if you dont even touchtype? What are some forgiving class/strats? Anyone know of a simple link or simple ideas to help?


    I don't need to top all damage, healing, and medals, but I'd like to really contribute as much as possible.


    Play with an Vaio 18.3" in bed while wife sleeps.


    Have a:

    52 Sniper

    43 Sin (played Dark till nerf)

    37 Merc

    36 Inq

    24 Van

    23 Mara

    15x2 Jugg

    14 Mara


    Any little advice beside thread killers would be really healpful.


    I had the same problem as yourself. Then I got me a Logitech g600, took a while to get used to, I'm talking weeks, but now I use just keybinds. I found it helped to arrange my action bars into rows if four across and three down, so they match the twelve side buttons.


    The G600 has a Ctrl modifier button, so you can easily have 24 keybinds just from the twelve side buttons. I have scroll up to scroll though enemies and scroll down to scroll though allies. I also have pressing the scroll wheel down, left and right bound, along with a button behind the wheel.


    That's a whole lot of key binds without having to use the keyboard.


    One thing that really helps is having key abilities on the same binds for all characters, like interrupt, stun, cc, stun break, signature class ability one and two (eg cover or pull).


    This was all mostly from advice from these forums. I did almost give up on the mouse though as it really did feel very wierd for ages. Now I can pull of all sorts of reaction based shenanigans in PVP :)


    Hope that helps you from one old timer to another.

  17. And I think that's probably reasonable for some number of people to think.


    But for the life of me I still cannot fathom why anyone would willingly keep giving money to an organization they believe is actively deceiving them in a brazen attempt to get more of their money.


    It's because even though we think they are just trying to milk us for every penny, we still enjoy the game.


    Much like smokers knowing its not good for them, they still enjoy a ciggie.


    My sub runs out in seven weeks. I'll be going free to play when it does, unless they give me a reason to carry on subbing (which as a PVP player is unlikely).


    Many probably took out long subs like me, but the direction they seem to be going is not what I was hoping for.

  18. Sure, that could work. That could be what they did. Then they could have run into a bug.


    The thing of it is, none of us armchair quarterbacks are ever going to solve the problem, regardless how long any of us have been writing software. We don't know the code. We don't know what the problem is, and the only way we're ever going to know is if BWEA chooses to tell us which they will only do after they've fixed it.


    MMOs are some of the biggest, most complicated computer programs ever written. Sometimes things that seem like they should be simple to we players, hackers, and mensch non-NASA, non-MMO programmers have much bigger implications.


    I keep seeing people who insist that BWEA delayed this to deceptively collect more cartel coins from people who just can't wait for the free name change. I keep wondering in amazement that these people can still post to the forums (read: are still giving BWEA subscription dollars) because I'd be gone in a hot second if I ever thought they were being purposefully deceptive.


    Its good that you have faith in them, many of us of a wee bit more cynical than yourself. As that cynacism is normally born from being screwed over by companies, your unlikely to win people over. We think they are profiteering, AE have form for it and we will never really know.


    We have sugested ways to do it, if it does not happen soon, then they are just screwing with us.

  19. Yes they can see who is a subscriber.


    But to send them a cert... I imagine they can send one cert to one character and that works great for all the accounts for which all characters are on the same server.


    What about the accounts with characters on MULTIPLE servers? Can't send out 2 certificates or management gets angry. Send to the wrong server and players get angry. No mechanism in place for transferring anything between servers on the same account. Now what? Oh yeah, they're stuck, aren't they?


    That brilliantly simple solution... won't work.


    The best solution I've seen is LordArtemis's. Give the cartel coin value of one character rename to every subscriber. It might be interesting to know why they haven't chosen to solve it in this manner.


    I am no programmer, but this should be workable.


    They already have the ability to display a currency across all servers, as that’s what they do for total cartel coins. They could add a second value beneath that that says unclaimed rewards (where they have the name change token, so you cant get other things), then when it is claimed on one character it has can be removed as a reward.


    That took me 2 mins to come up with.


    Heck it may take a little programming, but it would stop it ever being an issue again in the future and they cloud use it for any rewards they want to give out.


    Any reason that could not work?

  20. Imagine I run a business and I want to send a "$5 off your next purchase" coupon to everyone who's ever purchased anything from me. Imagine I have a database of all the purchases ever made.


    Now imagine I create a query to get that list of everyone who's ever bought anything.


    But there's a problem in it. Instead of sending one per buyer, it sends one per order.


    For anyone who bought from me only once, that's great. For people who've bought from me 20 times, that's not so great. It's going to cause me to exceed my marketing budget - what I've been authorized to "give away".


    Now imagine that my business is a game and the coupon I want to give away is one per account... but it actually turns out my software is trying to give away one per character.


    Is it the end of the world if I let that happen? Probably not. The players would probably love it.


    But my managers wouldn't. They'd probably fire me for giving away somewhere between twice and 12 times the freebies they've authorized.


    That's just one possible scenario and probably not the right one since it seems easy to fix.


    But if their goal is one per account, not one per SERVER per account, THEN how do they figure out who to give it to? And what if you want to use it on a character and SERVER they don't put it on?


    There ARE logistics involved, and they may not be easy fixes.


    One thing is certain: They are NOT holding back on the free name changes just to screw with you, me, or anyone else. And if you honestly think that's their motivation, continuing to pay them money is a fool's gamble.


    Your trying to be clever but failing badly. They can easily see who was a subscriber at 2.1 and send those players a cert. it's how they awarded cc at the launch of free to play and how my account gets a set amount of items for each character I create.


    Also it's a totally sound business decision to delay awarding the certs, to cash in on impatient people. It's not illegal to do that, but it is morally wrong. Also do give me any if you ran a business crap, I'm a professional business analyst, so I have seen practices like this quite a few times. Running a business does not automatically mean you care about your customers, just that you care about profits, see the Starbucks tax issue for evidence.

  21. Since the outfits are now fully modable, you can look how ever you like while still having max PVP stats (I'm on the progenitor and all my characters look awesome).


    So with that in mind. How do you do rp PVP? How is it different to normal PVP? The community on our sever seems quite mature if that's what your after.


    But if by rp PVP you mean be allowed to play badly and not try to PVP to the best of your ability, then you will likely be abused on any server if you try that.

  22. If you were to get just one set of gear for both pve and PVP, which would you get. I have no desire to raid, so do not need to be geared beyond flashpoint level.


    For someone like me which would be best? Can full PVP gear function to an acceptable level in flash point tanking? Can pve gear (66, 69) function to an acceptable level in PVP? ( no intention to do ranked)

  23. PvP needs more objective-oriented players like you


    I was in a Voidstar yesterday, we got to the datacore in like 3 minutes. Someone sent me a tell "pathetic... i feel sorry for you" then logged off before I could reply.


    I'm seriously scratching my head over it.


    Objective based play gets you insults these days. I regularly get accused of defending our node on hypergate, just to farm medals. Like I'd get less if I went mid? Certain classes are just better suited to certain roles. If you have stealth then guarding a node is the best use if your abilities. If you dont have stealth then you should avoid solo guarding.


    Playing just objectives seems to be a thing of the past. All that matters to leet puggers is stats at the end. Eejits.

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