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Everything posted by KadKatarn

  1. Just beat KotFE. Happened to me as well. I fully support this. At least the option to re-start Chapter 9 on its own so we can go back and fix the mistake... It's not like it was a decision we just have to live with--it was explicitly due to poor design/wording and it feels unfair.
  2. Wow. I just finished KotFE and I enjoyed it but I learned that I missed my chance to lock-in on a romance with Lana because of how misleading that cutscene was. I didn't click the "FLIRT" option at that moment because the camera was aiming at Theron. I had no idea it would mean I would miss my chance at a Lana romance. It was unclear because "I need to speak to one of you" while the camera is aimed directly at Theron suggests I'm going to wink at him and say it or something. If it had been on my character, or a shot that showed everyone then it would be more clear. I sincerely hope Bioware gives us another chance early on in the next chapter. I'm very disappointed that it wasn't clearer.
  3. I've been subbed since January--I have the Nico Okarr Duster, blasters, and companion, as well as the KOTOR swoop bike in the inbox for all my characters. I got one token for a level 60, and when I open the Cartel Market it says "Buy more level 60 tokens in the Consumables page!" I've looked through every page of every Cartel Market section and I see no level 60 tokens. I also see no Cartel Market button on the main menu or during character creation. What am I missing? Have they not added it to the Cartel Market yet??
  4. That sounds like speculation as I haven't seen a source yet that mentions those. Frankly, while the loss of jobs is sad, Lucasarts' shift is a good one. Which of the Star Wars games we know and love did they develop in-house? The Force Unleashed 1 was the closest they came to anything decent, and even it was a joke. Lucasarts still exists, they're just a licensing entity. In my opinion they shouldn't have been staffed as a game dev company in the first place. 1313 was an example of that in its derivative, ostentatious nature. While I'm still not sure how I feel about EA owning exclusive rights I'm pretty confident that this is MUCH better than LA being left to development. I just miss devs like Factor5 and Raven Software.
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