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Posts posted by Razyr

  1. Last night I got home from work, helped the kids with their homework, we did the nightly chores around the house and caught up on the day. After dinner I sit down at the computer and log in, quick patch download, get to the character selection screen and...


    ...realize there isn't anything I want to do that I haven't done a million other times in other mmo's. The game just isn't offering anything exciting once you get through the story. There isn't even the slightest bit of sandbox play. Crafting is pointless, no, utterly useless. There really isn't anything fun to do.


    This isn't another 'ragequit' post. I'm not quitting, yet. I've defended this game for the last two months, only to discover that after the initial story, it's boring as hell.


    At least in EVERY OTHER MMO I have ever played I could roll out an alt and explore other classes, see different aspects of the world and explore new areas. Here it's the same linear path, same quests, same same same.

  2. TL,DR: I am a huge fan of Star Wars & BioWare, and have given the game a solid chance. It needs more content. Please fix.


    [Reserved for responses to thread]


    chrisftw: I'm not looking for more Flashpoint grind, although some people may enjoy it.

  3. To: The SWTOR Development Team


    For some time now I have been a staunch defender of the game. I have passionately corrected people misrepresenting differing aspects of the game here on the forums, tried to stand for the integrity of communication and sometimes even gone slightly overboard in poking fun at people that have thrown tantrums.


    I enjoyed leveling my Bounty Hunter through the story lines. I think the PvP is ok. I think you've done a decent job with the Flashpoints. I understand bug fixes take time, and that mmo's are very complex systems that are intrinsically complicated. I'm ok with that. Yet placing all of that aside, the game is kinda boring. I'm having a tougher and tougher time logging into my account. This also applies to the other accounts I pay for in my family, my wife, and two of my three kids.


    At 50 the game really becomes another hamster wheel that we ran away from after 6+ years of World of Warcraft. That game really burned us, and the people we know, out of that mode of play. Sure the Flashpoints are fun the first time or two through, but they start to become another grind. We can usually count on PvP to offer that vibrant, spontaneous content so many people get a rush from, but to be honest, it's good, not great.


    What is really getting me is the rail system for questing. Why can't we get outside the limits? In every other mmo I've paid for the player is encouraged to explore, multiple zones are offered to gain experience in. No two characters should level the same. Finding myself spacebaring my way through the same content just isn't fun. Period.


    Tthis is where I really have a problem. I can't seem to get excited about any alternate character because I've seen the content before. It's a replay of the exact same thing I did last month, and that's just not fun. Certainly the classes have their own story, but weighing if the class story is worth so many hours of repetitive questing leaves me staring at the character selection screen. Lately, after a few seconds at that screen, I get up and go do something else.


    It shouldn't be like this.


    You are an outstanding game company. You have the resources you need for a variety of content at your disposal. You have the largest science fiction / fantasy IP in the history of human media to work with. Please give us different things to do. Let us have houses, or decorate ships, or make crafting worthwhile or... anything other than that same, sad grind that Blizzard gave us so for very long. We're tired of it. Dear sweet God above, we are sick of it.


    I'll give you some time to do this, I understand content doesn't happen overnight. Please communicate clearly that you are doing something (anything) other than more Flashpoints and screwing with the GCD animations. I make a good living, and it's not an issue for me to keep the subs going for a month or two while you guys and girls buckle down.


    If you keep on the track you've been on, people will leave. I was raised on Star Wars, and I raised my kids on Star Wars. Lightsaber fights were common in my home (they still are); we are the fanbase you wanted to tap into. If you can lose us, then you'll easily lose the majority of people that aren't huge fans in love with the Star Wars Galaxy.


    Hope you have a great week, look forward to seeing some type of response or action in the weeks ahead. Thanks.

  4. I would play it even if it wasn't Star Wars, although I have to admit that is a factor in why I play. On the other hand, I dislike that the game is set 3,000+ years before the movies; I really wanted the post-Star Wars Galaxies mmo to be set after the movies, allowing the players a better illusion that we could affect the Universe in some way that mattered.


    Still, for an mmo this has an excellent foundation. BioWare has already shown that they are keeping the entire development staff on to develop content and fix bugs, something no mmo has ever done. They are rolling out very quick fixes and have committed to a large amount of future content. And I know people will laugh at this, but I actually like the chracter design they have developed here. it's a matter of differing tastes I guess.


    Thanks for starting this topic, it is an interesting read. I hope more people post their opinions as the day continues!

  5. In the immortal words of Rend Blackhand, "Foools! Kill the one in the dress!"


    Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D


    More pants would be nice, the end game gear won't be end game for much longer (we will get new sets, it's how these things work) and I flat out disagree about the slave / dancer outfits; we simply cannot have enough of these available in game.

  6. Dear SWTOR Design team,

    Over the last few years I have watched nearly every available piece of information concerning this game. I have read the Twitter feeds, followed the Facebook pages, read the interviews and was fortunate enough to get into Beta. Because of this, when I see many of the complaints a handful of players have, I understand that these are issues that have either been discussed and are being looked into, or have solid, rational decisions behind the design system being questioned.


    Needless to say, I am a fan of the game.


    However, I have one major issue that I would like to see discussed in greater depth is the idea that players need to be placed on a very direct, limited system in regards to the games design. To be clear, I dislike the linear method of questing and exploration that has been developed for the players. What worries me is that I have seen almost no discussion about this from the Design team. This makes me concerned that this may be the driving concept behind the new content you will be releasing in future patches.


    Every single MMO I have ever played (and there have been quite a few), allow far more freedom when it comes to leveling characters. Certainly some overlap occurs in a quest based system, even with the old random quest generators of Star Wars Galaxies. Yet each MMO allowed players the opportunity to jump off the rails, switch up what areas they could take quests in.


    I think this ties into the common complaint we see that the worlds don't feel alive. I would like to see some of the borders knocked down on these planets, give players the chance to drive off in a random direction and discover a new quest hub off the beaten path... don't force them to stick to the rails with every single quest.


    The situation is so restrictive that I currently dread making another Sith character, because I have seen Korriban so many times it makes me sick to consider it. To be fair, part of that was the characters I made in Beta, but that same feeling is beginning to appear in the more advanced planets as I level alts.


    Think about it. You have hundreds of worlds in development over the next several years. Mix it up a little, people enjoy the freedom of choice. Thanks.


    (Sorry if this post drags on or gets muddled, I'm down with the flu today, so focusing isn't high on my list of functions)

  7. This is one of my few complaints in regard to SWTOR. With the bugs, desired features and many other things we see complained about on these forums, I know BioWare will address them in future patches.


    However this "keep the player on rails" design mentality bothers me a little. Every other MMO I have ever played has allowed more freedom when it comes to questing and exploration than SWTOR. I know the game is new, so hopefully as we get new planets, many of them will allow greater choices to level characters and to explore each world. As of right now, it's not very enjoyable leveling alts along the exact same path my previous character has played.


    I know they're taking space off the rail system, here is hoping they take the questing off rails as well. :p

  8. It's not pvp, bugs, or lame content. It's the contract they have with Lucas Arts. This means that years from now we will still be staring at this lame game while the possibilites with the franchise are side lined. Does anyone know details of the contract? Does George have an escape clause?


    Please explain? What part of this game is lame? your post frightens and confuses me. Have a nice day.

  9. What is interesting is those numbers are from word of mouth and internet buzz alone. the real world advertising campaign has just recently started, with ads in major periodicals and on various cable stations. It's going to be VERY interesting to see how well those numbers increase between now and April, once the prime time spots have cycled through (on major networks, like Fox, NBC and USA).


    Well done BioWare, everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnKYF_ZZQDE - His main points begin at around 4:20. He explains all the points on why he quit swtor.





    My thoughts are that you do nothing on these forums but craft slanderous posts to detract from SWTOR and BioWare. A quick look at your posts show that's pretty much the only reason you create a thread or reply to someone else's post.


    Which is fine, because either your account will run out soon, or you will continue paying BioWare, thus showing you are a hypocrite. Either way, we can disregard anything you may happen to post.

  11. Well in all actuality it will be 250. Each planet will have a reb and imp phased planet so that you dont ever see the other side.


    Why have PVP and PVE servers if you make it so you dont interact with the opposite faction.


    This is speculation, so I won't be adding it to the list. BioWare has firmly stated that their target goal is 500 planets by the year 2025. They did not give any indication if some of those planets will be faction only, be available only through Flashpoints or Operations, or if they will be fully explorable planets such as Belsavis or Tattoine.


    Updated main post. I will now be adding "-In game" to items that actually make it into the game.


    Keep posting whatever info you find, I'll add it to the main page!!! :D

  12. What is absolutely shocking to me is how anyone could not think that The Empire, as portrayed in Star Wars, is one of the most vicious, evil and sadistic organizations ever portrayed in science fiction. Why could anyone be surprised that as an Imperial, your character may enjoy torture, senseless slaughter or even sexual violence?


    This precedent has been firmly established by the Star Wars Universe for over 3 decades now.


    Let's go back to 1977 when Star Wars first burst into the scene. We see The Empire building a super weapon to destroy entire civilizations. And then they use it, for no other reason than to make a point. Not to save The Empire, not because there was some great historical turning point at stake that threatened all they had established, but simply to make a point. "...millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." is how Obi-Wan felt it, rightly so, because millions had been callously murdered.


    Let's not forget Darth Vader, willing to choke a man to death in plain view for merely a differing opinion. Nothing more, they simply didn't agree. Yet I have never heard ANYONE complain about this behavior. Ever.


    Then you have the torture of Princess Leia, a legally protected dignitary. The device used on her made water-boarding look like a day in the kiddy pool.


    The same behavior is exhibited throughout the remaining movies. Extreme torture is used, mindless killing, slavery and so much more. Is anyone really going to argue that a shock collar is more outrageous than a man slaughtering a school filled with trusting children in cold blood? This was all at the hands of The Empire.


    This sudden uproar about a few choices the player is presented, but is not required to make, is suspicious. Either the handful of outraged people have been willfully blind to the vicious acts portrayed by The Empire in Star Wars over the last 34 years, or have an alternative agenda. What that could be may be garnering attention for themselves or simply degrading SWTOR in order to pull potential customers away.


    So let's get some honesty. If you are truly outraged by the choices BioWare has offered to Imperial players, which happen to be fully in line with how the organization has been portrayed, we want to know if you're an idiot living under a rock for the last 30 years OR if you have some other agenda. Come clean, we are waiting for a truthful answer.


    Either way your opinion can be disregarded.

  13. PvP server working as intended.


    So true! I love my PvP server, Dark Reaper!


    I was out, on Tattoine, leveling my lvl28 Marauder, when here comes a lvl34 Knight. Bam, I'm goo on the side of the road. This guy (girl?) is camping a canyon area with one way in, and I have to access it to complete my quest. He gets me maybe 3, 4 more times. I almost took him once because he was being so sloppy.


    Finally jump on my lvl50 Bounty Hunter, travel through the countless loading screens, get to Tattoine, jump on the bike and hunt their ***** down!!! Was able to help some other level 25-30's get their quest done.


    On the way back to the spaceport, I was jumped by 3 lvl 50 repub's. I was so toast, but I had a GREAT time. On a pvp server you'll give out a beating and take a beating, just go with it and enjoy the ride. It's that extra bit of surprise content Developers can't code into a game.

  14. Depends on the group and it's position. My first 4-5 attacks are always Elemental based damage to increase threat.


    Single targets: Grapple, Rocket Punch, Flame Bust. Oil Slick or Carbonize to help the healer if they need it.


    Tight group: Death from Above, Rocket Jump, Carbonize, Flame Thrower and then a Sonic Missle or Grapple if someone is hitting the wrong target (we mark em up for kill order). Rocket Punch & Flame Burst the first kill target.


    Spread group: See above, but I will DFA a group of targets off to the side, then Rocket jump into the main group with a Carbonize and Sonic Missle. Grapple and Taunt gets saved for any of the side group that wants to mess with our healer. Rocket Punch & Flame Burst the first kill target.


    So far I haven't had any serious issues tanking. Single targets and boss fights are the toughest because we run with an Assassin that has much better gear than any of us, so he's usually high up on the threat ladder. But I enjoy running with him, he keeps me alert. :)

  15. So you post online while at work? Isn't that stealing from your employer? Are they paying you to browse and post on SWTOR forums while on their dime?


    I post at work, and although the questions were not directed to me, I will answer since it pertains to me.


    No, it is not stealing from my employer. I have a specific number of projects that I make up the scope of my job, once I complete said projects, I have free time to do with as I please, as long as what I choose to do does not interfere with continued operation of the company.


    If I have 1 large project that takes 50 hours of the week to complete then I am paid the same as if I have 15 small projects that take 2 days to complete, with 24 hours of forum posting, surfing the web or munching on Cheerios (they're good for your cholesterol).


    Now if I was to take this extra time and complete work on a project from a competitor, that would be unethical. Or if I racked up extra-ordinary expenses, that would be theft. But i don't do anything like that, so yeah, I'm up in your forums, posting up replies.

  16. I've seen this asked for in every mmo I have ever played: Please adjust loot drops to only include items usable by people in the group.


    While I realize that a system like this could potentially provide players with the ability to influence drops to a limited degree, the overall benefit would far outweigh any potentially slight game imbalance it might cause.


    Look into it, pretty please.

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