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Everything posted by Rylorn

  1. Approxy with 1017744 Damage http://i.imgur.com/5ZuFE.jpg
  2. 10/10 Loved it! You are a great asset to the server, Mey. /terrible pun
  3. I see people together displaying fashion, how are us solo fashion experts supposed to compete? This just isn't fair. Edit: I will have to coordinate a fashion team and take a screenshot soon.
  4. Thank you for directing players to my post, I try to keep it updated instead of making new replies, and wonder if anyone reads it. I stand by what I've written, but I promise I acted alone.
  5. Too late, we already have most of a circle.
  6. First of all, sorry to hear this. Judging by the forums(not just from this server,) there seems to be quite a lot of frustration between players that commonly play in groups and those that don't. Solo players disliking the dominance of groups, and groups feeling the need to always group to avoid the unreliable solo players. If more of the stronger imperial pvpers were split into smaller guilds, I think we'd be having close to the same problem. The guild tags would have more variety, but the problem would still persist as long as players had fun teaming up. Players that reach out to other players and are decent, can make friends and find groups. A guild isn't a requirement to find other players for those who don't want to join one. I highly encourage everyone to do that, not because I am forcing my own thoughts on anyone, but it can really make a difference in your own enjoyment. Sometimes I queue up solo, and all is well. Other times I queue solo and before the next match I will scramble to bring some other players with me so I don't get stomped, it just is the nature of the beast right now, and friends in warzones make a big difference. Everyone looks for something to blame. I sometimes resent the amount of it laid on Grim, but then again, that is also the beast's nature.
  7. I agree. I just can't think of Makeb as an expansion, even a small one.
  8. The healing rate is less than the normal skills also.
  9. The Elite War Hero vendor sells the regular War Hero relics, and not the Elite War Hero relics for Bounty Hunters.
  10. Allowing players to pick their warzones would increase queue times. How much time would you sacrifice each queue in order to avoid playing the warzones you don't like? That seems like the only relevant question here. 5m? 15m? 30m? I would sacrifice 10m on every queue if I could avoid Voidstar. I would sacrifice 30m on every queue if I could gurantee a Huttball on every match.
  11. I support this. However, I would rather see more species added to the game, and in general more customization of all kinds be implemented first. Resources are tight, first add tons of cool extra options, then add the ability to re-customize.
  12. I agree. It seems like the game is just a @!#$! for threatening to kick you, only because the game is also being a !@#$! for not letting you leave. The void star doors are so annoying in particular, because you are mere feet away from where you want to be.
  13. Here is what I see as the worst case scenario. In ranked, some team compositions will have 8 fixed players, meaning each player will play one build. Other compositions will have maybe 6 fixed players, and 2 players that can change as needed to accommodate different teams or warzones. I think this creates some competitive imbalance. This unfairly creates a stronger need for certain classes solely based on their ability to change specs. The new bar for playing at the highest level becomes farming 2 sets of gear, which is unpleasant. I think if full dual speccing, or spec profiles were added to the game, the illusion that this wouldn't be a problem would be lifted. With that said, this is a legit tactic right now, have fun.
  14. Rylorn

    WZ Selection

    The queues would slow down a little, but I'm more than willing to accept that if I can play only the warzones I like.
  15. Victory, I will tell my friends who stopped playing they are allowed to to return to the game now.
  16. We got an answer. The answer is that your starship is your house.
  17. I am happily waiting for this to happen. I haven't forgotten.
  18. Doors are a blessing in disguise, they prevent the average player from trickling in alone and dying repeatedly. If you think the average player is smart enough to overcome this, guess again.
  19. Rylorn

    Need a Death Match.

    I think you are going to like Ancient Hypergates next year.
  20. - Not being able to copy my character onto the PTS so I can help test - Where is Ancient Hypergates? Or at worst some information about whats going on - All the new players are bads - The "state of the game" post doesn't make sense (still love this game)
  21. Couldn't agree more. The problem isn't how often the updates arrive, it's the overall rate at which improvements are added to the game. The 6 week schedule isn't even close to being met with a reasonable amount of content that doesn't include a crazy amount of defects. The original vision for this game, was AAA game, premium price. Now the vision is B game, but much cheaper.
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