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Everything posted by Kyntari

  1. What are the things that only a concealment operative brings? Look at the concealment tree, specifically tier 3 and higher. These are the talents that are unavailable to a 31 point medicine or lethality build. What do you get? I'm talking RWZ here, and only concealment DPS builds (someone else can address lethality DPS). various damage increasing talents various energy management talents a self-hot on stim boost a 2 sec root on your snare a 1.5 sec knockdown improvements to and reduced C/D on cloaking screen The problem is that even with the damage increasing talents, concealment damage is still nothing special, and the spec brings little in the way of utility to the team. Energy management, a self-hot, and a better cloaking screen aren't going to land you a spot in rateds, leaving the root and the knockdown as the 2 items of genuine 'utility' that are specific to concealment. These are nice, but compared to what others ACs can bring -- not that great. Now at this point I know some of you are just waiting to chime in and list a bunch of stuff that is available to all operatives, or even all agents. Some of these things are very useful no doubt, but the fact that they are available to more than just concealment ops means that they cannot be considered reasons to bring a concealment op to rated. The spec has some very real issues in high-level play, and only through a rational discussion can there be any hope of these issues eventually being addressed.
  2. Zoeller didn't seem to understand basic mechanics of this game, and was a PR disaster. Good riddance, and I hope he never works on anything else I play.
  3. DPS scoundrel/op struggles a bit at 50, but in sub-50 you should not be having those kind of problems, especially with gear kitted out like that. It's hard to say what is going on without more information, but I'm going to go with my first completely uneducated guess and say, you probably want to work on your target selection and timing of when you open. Also, once you get 40 and get Acid Blade ..... errrr Flechette Round, it's a noticeable improvement.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if they get nerfed. People are running around in WZ with a lot more power now, and the trinkets are a big part of it. Even ignoring the (totally valid) issues with them being BiS for PvE, they still seem just a little over the top right now.
  5. He's mistakenly describing the 6% nerf to healing received as a 6% nerf to all outgoing healing.
  6. Kyntari

    OPs nerf again?

    Is 3% more or less than 9%? Also, LOL at anybody who takes Med Shield. I mean, seriously.
  7. Kyntari

    OPs nerf again?

    Read it again? Carefully this time?
  8. I'd rather not play with/against people who don't try to win.
  9. When you go see a movie, do you complain after it ends that you received no reward for watching it?
  10. Can't lose your way to the best stuff anymore?
  11. At first I thought this would be your average transfers QQ thread, then I read it and it wasn't. I agree with everything that was said. For me, 'transfers' changed things from unbearable to fun again. It feels like launch 2.0, as far as the activity level.
  12. I think the sheer number of people transferring off dead servers onto overpopulated ones tells us all we need to know about which one players would rather have. The point is that when players quit because of overpopulation, the problem gets less severe; when they quit because of underpopulation, the problem gets more severe. This is why if you have imperfect information on what players future gaming habits will be, you'd best err on the side of overpopulation. And you think it's OK if everybody currently at endgame should have to put up with little/no raiding, long times in between warzone queue pops, and a defunct economy, because you enjoy the single-player aspect of this game? I'm on an overpopulated server right now, and having a blast compared to where I was last week. So is everybody else I know -- even if it means waiting 10m to log in, and lagging in fleet. The activity will level out once the queue-QQers leave, and oddly enough the very problem that drives them out the door will fix itself through their actions.
  13. Players can adjust to overpopulation, but they can't do much about their server being empty. BW correctly realized this and went whole-hog on their server merge approach. They were obviously told that they can't use the term 'merges' or 'shutting down servers' -- it's a safe bet that they were also told they only had 1 chance to get this right. Given that their 2 main features in 1.3 (group finder and rated warzones) absolutely require healthy server populations, doing anything half-***ed would have been suicidal. I give credit to them for being far more aggressive than I anticipated here.
  14. You can pvp heal before 30, but without Surgical Probe and Medical Engineering you really don't get a feel for the class, and you aren't nearly as effective. It's kind of like playing a healing sorc before having Force Bending and Innervate. If you don't mind it, then go for it.
  15. You seem confused. Rulesets for carebears already exist. I suggest you stick to one of those, instead of asking for PvP rulesets to be dumbed down because you find it too much to handle.
  16. If you want to heal in PvP, roll an Operative -- medic spec is hands-down the best PvP healer right now. If you want to sneak around, stab stuff, and burst people down, I'd say your best bet is an Assassin. As a medic Op, I can't remember the last DPS Op I ran into post 1.2 that was actually a threat to me or my team.
  17. Kyntari

    Master Strike

    I usually just stay in and pop Evasion so I can watch them whiff the 3rd hit. Puts a smile on my face every time.
  18. i noticed onyxia is also casting deep breath more since this patch
  19. You had me at first, but when I got to the part about open world pvp I chuckled. Well played.
  20. OP, careful what you wish for. You may find that you like getting farmed by teams of raid-geared dragon slayers even less than the current situation.
  21. That's what I do as well, only with the medic sets
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