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Everything posted by dbears

  1. TL;DR.. solved my own problem by doing some experimenting. Bioware needs to fix the tooltip which doesn't update when you get the extra 6 seconds from Lethality. Take a read anyway if you want lol. My Corrosive Dart tooltip says "..deal 5021 internal damage over 24 seconds." My Corrosive Grenade tooltip says "..dealing 5912 internal damage over 24 seconds." Knowing that both durations are the same, it would make sense that Corrosive Grenade would do more per tick that Corrosive Dart since 5912 > 5021 right? Well that's not the case. My Corrosive Dart hits for 717 on the initial hit (no procs, debuffs, etc.) so with that plus the 8 ticks over the 24 seconds, it deals 717 x 9 = 6453 damage. My Corrosive Grenade hits for 657 on the initial hit (no procs, debuffs, etc.) and I know it debuffs the target to take more internal/elemental damage, but it doesn't appear to affect the initial hit (makes sense). So 657 x 9 = 5913 which is only 1 damage more than the tooltip which i guess can be accounted for when rounding or something. .. After i wrote all that i decided to drop Lethality as a Discipline and try Corrosive Dart without the extra 6 seconds. The tooltip didn't change, and it still ticked for 717 damage. Aaaaaand 717 x 7 = 5019 which is practically 5021 like the tooltip says. So i guess the tooltip doesn't get updated when you take Lethality to account for the increased duration. I'm posting this anyway so maybe someone at Bioware will see it and fix it.
  2. Hang on tight to that reasoning, girl.. If it looks like a bot, smells like a bot, even acts like a bot.. it's apparently not a bot unless you prove it.. somehow..
  3. Except you're the minority on this issue. I'm willing to bet the majority of people agree they are gold spammers in the making. Even you.. common.. even you know what this is. A group of bots farming a group of adds continuously to level up to get to the fleet.
  4. LNF.. as our self-proclaimed "community ambassador", shouldn't you take these matter with a little more open mindedness instead of dismissing peoples thoughts right away? #DontReElectLNF2015
  5. I feel like it's the age old scenario of "it's in the game so I should be able to do it." Before anyone loses themselves about that comment, I totally agree that the adds health should be reduced. The adds on HM only have like 8k or 9k more than SM iirc.. With less health, they'll die quicker. If they die quicker, there's less damage going out. Less damage going out means less healing required which would solve a lot of problems PUGs experience. I used to clear it twice a week with ease with the two raid groups I'm in. Since moving on to nothing but HM progression, I only ever take my alts (usually with PUGs) in there now. The thing I don't understand is.. Why can DPS do great damage in Sword Squadron fight before the walkers, but do so poorly in Underlurker. People that can do 3.2k+ on Sword Squadron drop down to 2.4k - 2.6k. I've even seen people parse UNDER 2.0k (yes, as a DPS) on Underlurker. I mean.. sure I'll toot my own horn here and say I consistently do 4.0k on my AP PT, 3.5k on my Vengeance Jugg, and even over 3.0k on my poorly geared Arsenal Merc on the Underlurker. I've just never understood why some people struggle on that fight. I do also understand it's STORYMODE.. It's supposed to be kind of facerolly. But as some other people have pointed out and to get back to my opening sentence, Operations ARE endgame content. Storymode or not, it's supposed to pose a challenge. What I personally think Bioware needs to do.. Make the Groupfinder actually work somehow. Fix the FPS issues people have in the 16m modes so they can actually be done. Add a whole new tier of 186 set bonus gear for the Groupfinder. Make the Operations in the Groupfinder actually facerolly for the really casual players so they can experience it. Those changes would make a nice stepping stone to get in to the actual Operations.
  6. WTS Czerka Crate-O-Matic, Wings of the Architect run, first TWO children, a puppy, like 6 cobs of corn, a salt shaker about 1/3 full and several high fives for just confirmation they're looking at this..
  7. Our composition: Jugg and Powertech tanks Merc and Operative healers Sorc, Merc, Sniper and Marauder DPS. Our strategy: Tank him by either of the two closest consoles (depending on floor vents) so we can control which console he breaks. Release a fixer droid and kill shoots lasers/fire devices and run interference to protect the fixer droids (if necessary). Drag the boss to the opposite side of the room and start AoEing down tamper deterrent devices. We keep the Marauder on the boss. Continue moving the boss to each set of tamper deterrent devices to keep DPS up on the boss. Make our way back to the console the fixer droid just fixed. Repeat. We do have a DPS that breaks off of the tamper deterrent devices to take care of shoots laser/fire devices and after the tamper deterrent devices are down, the rest of the DPS clean up what's left of shoots lasers/fire devices then get back on the boss. Aside from the fixer droid bugging out a few times, we weren't having issues with the consoles. Speaking of the droid bugging out, does anyone know a way to prevent that? I've read that it can happen when its released but there isn't a console to repair, but we weren't pre-releasing them. Anyway.. what was killing us was the floor vents. Now I know, first thing that comes to mind is "get the hell outta the fire" right? But we were noticing that the floor vents don't "spawn" all at the same time. So we would have people run out of one, only to have another spawn right under them. We tried setting up timers in parsec to know when the floor vents happen. I've been told its every 25s but it seems to be anywhere between 23 and 30 and if the timer is off, there really isn't a point to even having it. We were noticing that the 3 rDPS and 2 healers standing further away from the boss weren't getting floor vents by them. So are the floor vents based on proximity to the boss? I don't know how many floor vents there are..but if we had, say, 6 people in close proximity to the boss, would those 6 people get 1 floor vent each under them? Whereas since we only have 3 people by the boss, each person gets 2? This post turned a lot longer than intended, so sorry haha. Any advice at all would be appreciated.
  8. That's really strange. I can't really think of anything you could do besides contact the lovely and always useful customer service department.
  9. If haven't already, close your game completely and boot it back up.
  10. Just to note, if the target with your dots dies from your death field hit, the dots don't spread to other targets for some reason.
  11. In no way meant to be confronting.. but where and when did they announce 4.0?
  12. This. Or they've already deemed it fixed and whenever it's brought up they stick their fingers in their ears and go LALALALALAAALALALAA until it goes away. Well we got news for you, Bioware. This issue isn't going away. People would like to do 16m operations at more than 10 FPS. Other people would like to do warzones at more than 10 FPS. I personally would love to get rid of the delays in things like converting a party to an ops group opening your inventory talking to vendors (especially crew skills trainers) Like BaronV said, it's a good possibility that they just don't know how. But here's to hoping.
  13. Get this guy writing for Bioware. I was on the edge of seat lol.
  14. As someone who's grinded out all of the reputations (less CM ones) I want to say no. Mostly just because I want people to go through the pain of the grind like I did:p In all honesty though it sounds like something a lot of people would get on board for.
  15. Just make sure you run your game in "Full Screen (Windowed)" mode or you won't be able to see the popouts!
  16. What level are (or were) you and your friend? You may be in different PvP brackets, so even though you can queue for FPs, you can't for WZs.
  17. It's obvious this isn't a priority. I feel like we would have had a "we're looking in to it but I don't have any information for you" response by now.
  18. I refuse to let this die until Bioware tells me to shut the hell up lol.
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