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Everything posted by dbears

  1. You probably don't have early access. The expansion (and thus all the previous expansions you'll be granted) doesn't officially start until this coming Tuesday.
  2. To those complaining about other people asking for achievements on their server, I say: Cheap Server Transfer (how to) And to those who say to the above "I like my server, I don't want to leave," I say:
  3. Rabble rabble stupid launcher rabble... *given a solution* Rabble rabble stupid launcher rabble bad design rabble...
  4. Making it so when you buy a level 60, or how starting the KotFE storyline "closes" the class stories and there's no going back, it wouldn't (in my mind at least) be all THAT difficult to create a new playable class. Think about it.. Start them at level 50 so they have a little bit of levelling to do and learn the class. Since the "faction" stories took over at Makeb, make it so they start off faction neutral and must go through Makeb up to the end of Yavin/Ziost. They could see the major pieces of the story from each faction and at the end of Yavin/Ziost, have to make the choice to align themselves with the Republic or the Empire. From there, they would continue on in KotFE just as any other character. Personally, I think one of the biggest reasons Bioware has never added a new playable class is because the time and money it would take to write, create, voice-act, etc.. a whole new story from level 1 to 50. But all the story from RotHC and on is already written and is generic to any class (faction dependant). KotFE is the perfect time to put a new class out there IMO.
  5. Because it can be an MMO and still have content people will enjoy eventhough they would prefer to not play an MMO? I love group content. I was part of 2 different sixteen man and 1 eight man raid groups. I'm not going to shove it in peoples faces and ask them stupid questions like yours though. Bioware boasts this game as story driven. Like 90% of the game while leveling up is solo (FPs and H2/H4s aside). They've introduced a handful of solo FPs already. If they really want to make everyone happy, they'll expand on that and find a way to make all the Operations soloable. Whether that's feasible or not is another question though. There are a lot of mechanics in the fights that's can't be done solo or even with the Jesus Droid unless they spend a fair amount of resources (which they don't have) and rework those mechanics in those fights. Specific examples off the top of my head: Minefield in EC (spawning droid/killing droid, defusing, etc.) Pylons in EV (running back and forth? Lol) Council in EV (killing 8 by yourself) SOA (mind traps) Fabricator in KP (puzzle + position for fire) Operator in TFB (disable shields + dpsing) So it'll be quite a bit of work if it's something they implement.
  6. I agree. I've never really been able to find enough decent people to go back and do NiM TFB/SnV/DF/DP for titles, mounts, etc. I was really looking forward to being 10 levels above and being able to faceroll them with a few close friends like I can do in EV/KP/EC right now. Making everything level 65 gives players lots of challenging content sure. But it's still old content. Old content that people aren't going to want to do progression on because they've already done it. Who's going to want to wipe over and over on NiM SOA, or NiM Kephess again for the sake of "progression". IMO (yes, just my opinion) not a lot of people. It's really been one disappointment after another with this game for me since launch with a couple of cool things sprinkled in here and there. To top it all off, they tease us with ONE class story mission for each class in SoR which still left everything so open ended in the story, then they're like "nah, we're not going to continue those stories in KotFE". Just my thoughts. Still enjoy the game enough to play $20 (CAN) for it every month. Would just like so many things done so differently. Maybe it's infeasible haha.
  7. Lol please. IMO, the only thing they'll do to the OPS is run a script that increases all the numbers up to level 65 content. If I'm going to add to this wish list, it's that Bioware actually tests the fights and goes over the final numbers (boss health, damage, modifiers, etc.) so people aren't getting one shot or can't meet the DPS/HPS requirements on Storymode. On the plus side, the expansion is being released in October instead of late December like SoR. So they'll hopefully actually have people in the office to fix things instead of letting bugs/exploits run rampant for 6+ weeks before getting addressed
  8. Sorc IMBA confirmed because one person tested some likely suboptimal healing rotations and posted some rounded numbers on the forums. Remove Sorcs from the game already. Edit: also, if you really want to be on your way to properly testing this, take your relics off. You also didn't include Static Barrier which is arguably a Sorcerers most important ability.
  9. No that's not what I think they should do. Also, a big factor for people who want this isn't the time it takes to level a new toon. It's all the unlocks (inventory, cargo, etc), companion affection and bound items that you don't get on a new toon. There's more reasons, but that's just a few. Maybe if they find a way to have level boosts for existing characters instead of just new ones, they could package it together. Have a token to reset the character to 10 and allow them to change advanced class, then another token to boost them to 60. It might be a good system because then when the level cap is 65, you get bumped down to 60 and have to relevel to 65 through the tutorial chapters.
  10. One thing I've never understood is why they could do it on the live stream when showcasing new abilities pre-3.0 with a simple command code, but they still haven't translated that in to a consumable cartel market item. I'm not for or against this. Couldn't care less really. I also don't know much about programming. But would it really be that hard to make a consumable that's purchasable from the Cartel Market that runs the same command as they were doing so reset the advanced class on the stream? I know there were some bugs when they did it. Buy couldn't they just clean up the process a bit? I mean, if it'll make the game money and they're capable of doing it, they'd do it. Since this would obviously bring more money to the game, it must be some kind of programming barrier preventing them from getting this in.
  11. @OP, you say you don't want to join operation groups because of people needing on gear you want, but then you complain you're missing out of story. If you join operation groups for story, you shouldn't really care about the loot you do/don't get. Do it for the story. Enjoy the story. If you want fancy gear like the stuff that drops in nightmare versions of operations, sorry, that's reserved for the people who work as a team and earn it. It's not for some baby hiding behind the almighty Jesus Droid as it stomps you through an operation.
  12. This became acceptable way back in the day when the legacy system and first sets of legacy bound gear came out. Get with the times. /thread
  13. One of my main concerns about the buy a 60, and kind of related to the AC swap is the environment these people will be faced with. Someone who's never played SWTOR, or maybe even an MMO, buys a level 60 and queues up for a warzone or flashpoint.. imagine the toxcitity they'll face when their group members realize they're one of "those people." You really DO learn a lot during the leveling experience. To jump straight in to a game at or near the max level will be very overwhelming for people and will likely give them a poor experience and make them quit before they even learn anything. Just IMO..
  14. I'd probably leave if there are no new operations (yes, plural) or warzones (yes, plural again). If they expect people to hang around and play old operations/flashpoints.. lol. In fact, I'm a little upset they're supposedly increasing the level difficulty of old operations. I could never find a good enough group to go back and do NiM DF/DP for mounts and titles. If they bump those up to level cap, it's even less likely I'll get them.
  15. I know people PvP on PvE servers.. I know people PvE on PvP servers.. but when I log on and go to the server selection screen and all the PvP servers are LIGHT and all the PvE servers are STANDARD, it makes me think the PvE population is significantly higher than the PvP population.
  16. "What do you mean it won't work on my 386? Wow Bioware sucks".
  17. bump for availability changes (new job, new, more reasonable hours! )
  18. Maybe I'll ride my magical rainbow colored flying pig to E3 and be front row, center, for that big announcement
  19. It may be off because of the Gree fiasco. If you thought Blackhole was this week, its likely next week now.
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