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Everything posted by Klarick

  1. All work and no play makes johnny a dull boy.
  2. Yepper. Im at work. It is slow. Playing Balders Gate on the iPad (very well done by the way), and reading forums.
  3. hrmmmmm........a little too obvious?
  4. Those that do well in PvE, get special mounts. Those that do well in PvP, get a Rancor mount. There needs to be something for those of us that do well in the most important game of all: The Game of Life. I propose the $100.00 Rancor as a trophy-mount for those that succeed where it truly counts. I WANT MY CM RANCOR!
  5. Size does not matter. Sorry. Im feeling snarky...I could not resist. Im only human,
  6. This is the very first, non-locked, SWTOR Forum post. NECRO! I will continue this "practice" until I get MY RANCOR MOUNT! That is all. Please have a nice day.
  7. But, what if it is a 24- hour (military time) clock? What then?
  8. Since Al Gore invented the internet and human-caused global warming, you should try to ask him.
  9. Andy, you appear somewhat educated so i'm going to assume you are just arguing for arguings sake. The concept of an ingame shop circumventing gold sellers is not difficult to understand. I spend real money either at the CM, or at wannafreemoneynao.c, and in15 minutes I have ingame currency regardless of the method I choose. Yes, the process is different, the CM adds one layer to the transaction, but the result is the same. I spend money to get credits. This has gone on far too long.
  10. MrMuffin, I really dont think you are capable of understanding the concepts being discussed -- I really dont.
  11. Did they ever stop catering to the PvPrs? You know -- the 3% of the playerbase.
  12. Kat, is obviously correct. Regardless, how you do it, it is still gold-selling. Different method, same result: you spend real money, you get in game currency. The destination is the same regardless of the path to get there. Wait for it: :confused:
  13. A little overblown sense of self ... maybe just a little? It is such a contrast with the charity work. Remember, if you have to tell everyone youre doing charity, then are you actually doing it for charity sake?
  14. Been doing this since day 1. Boggles my mind that they still havent fixed it.
  15. Ignorant character names. Nothing kills immersion like running an FP with Darth Cupcake. I report the ones that violate the naming policy and just move on. But this problem is an issue in most MMO's.
  16. OP, please list your linkedin page so I can view the wonderful MMOs you have worked on.
  17. I highly doubt that most of those posting have played TESO. Some of the things I'm reading are no where near the truth. After playing the Beta, I bought the largest digital pre-order package. The game is pretty good, and looks incredible. They have captured the " feel" of the ES universe nicely and the questing is a bit more interactive than most games. I play so many MMOs that I really dont chooses one over the other. TESO will just be added to the list of games I play. Wildstar? I don't know. It looks like it is made for the 13 and below crowd. But looks could be deceiving.
  18. Reno with a "Pro" tip. I just had to look LOL. You're trying to hard OP.
  19. We have come a long way for sure. The worst for me was the GTN. It's still bad, but it was horrible on release.
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