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Posts posted by KrustyDog

  1. Maybe it's me. Maybe I am just burnt out on mmorpg's. Maybe not. I wanted to love this game but it's the same game I have been playing for the last 10 years. Bg's (WZ's), instances (flashpoints), wheather it be Rift, Wow or SWtoR its the same with nothing more than different skins and better graphics. EVERYTHING is instanced, there is no persistant world and nothing you do has any effect on the game as a whole. When I pvp I don't get that heartpumping feeling that I did from games like UO or SB. Pvp mattered in those games. If you lost you lost big time. There were no factions, just guilds and you could build an empire or with relatively few players challenge one.


    Next month may be it for me. I see no reason to keep playing. Once your 50 and geared then what? Do WZ's to pone people who don't stand a chance against me because of the gear/level disparity? For what? Like I said, theres no compelling reason beyond gear to pvp in this game. I won't be missed, can I have your stuff, who cares what you think-did I miss any? Anyways I hope the game succeeds for those of you who like this genre. Its just not me.




    from ranked 8v8 to ranked 5v5 or 3x3 (detahmatch) will be a small leep..so THEY will BE COMING(arenas that is)...




    so..UMAD "we dotn want arenas specialy because they will give better gear through rating" BADDIES?






    And thats the beginning of the end, as they will bleed casual subs. The second you start awarding the team that always wins even better gear turning the near unbeatable to completely unbeatable those of us with lives will lose interest. The second you hand me a $1.99 hammer from home depo and tell me I have to square off against Thor and his hammer is the day I realize you have lost your mind and its time to move on.

  3. Pvp'ers just waiting patiently to see what bio has up their sleeves. As is? Yah, its absolute crap. Can it be saved-yes. Will it be saved-now thats the question isnt it. Meaningful pvp is a must. As is you hit 50, get your gear, then what? Penalty for dying? Nothing. Affect on the universe if you win or lose? Nothing. Pvp wise nothing in this game really matters. They have to make it matter. Even in MoM (I did not want to mention the unmentionable so I spelled it upside down) there is a WZ that if you win you get something-a raid. I want to fight a war, a Star War where it matters what I do. Just my opinion though.
  4. I've seen 9 sorcs in one. There's a screenshot somewhere with 15. Something is amiss.


    btw, when someone playing a class manages to admit "it needs a bit of a tweak" you know god dam.n well it IT PROBABLY NEEDS NERFING INTO OBLIVION AND BACK. Just kidding sorcs.


    edit: lol filter changes g o d d a m n to gosh darn?




    Jesus freaks? Yes, thats why theirs such faction imbalance. You guys just weren't sharp enough to figure out they lured you away from the winning side with bright shineys and better "mirrored" spells. Oh, and better story line. And better looking gear. Oh wait....

  5. So let me get this straight,


    People who dedicate 75% or more of there time in game to pvp just to get the gear and strategies down in the warzones.Now have all there hard work and time spent absolutely dumped on because?


    Players that hit 50 and didn't spend any of there time pvping are getting beat beacuse they don't have any gear



    NO CRAP ! You didn't spend anytime toward it why would you expect to be able to compete against people who spent a majority of there daily time online even before 50 pvping?!


    Time and time again I see people with valor ranks less than 20 WHINING and crying in the warzones about getting beat by people who were better geared.


    NEWS FLASH - ....DUH


    What about the countless number of people who are geared in pvp and barely have any Columi/Rakata gear!? I only have 2 pieces of PVE Gear - So someone who's pvp'd twice or maybe 3 times with no pvp gear


    BUT - A full set of columi gear can hold there own agiasnt a person who's valor 65 and worked extremely hard just to get geared out in battlemaster gear.


    Thats ridiculous I agree that people should be on a level playing field in PVP but they should HAVE TO WORK FOR IT JUST LIKE WE DID.


    Handing them a free ride doesn't fix the fact that they didn't put in the time and I know this is long winded but GIVE ME A BREAK this is BS


    I am a 90% pvp'er. I am fine with the gear making things a bit more even. Odds are I will beat the average player regardless. I do not need a massive edge to win. Why would you want or better yet need such an advantage? It is conterintuitve to think that a huge gear gap will make pvp better. SKILL! Thats what my edge is.

  6. Well, that's not much different from games like wow, and I don't really see how that makes a game skill based.


    In arena past around 2200 rating pretty much everyone had the exact same gear, unless they had some pve legendary or some trinket but those weren't really all that common.


    So what your saying is 5% of the people had the exact same WAY overpowered gear. 5% is a far cry from "all the people."

  7. Have a high level commando (42), and a scoundrel is the high 20's. They come nowhere close to being as good as my Sage. When you can go 6 figures in both healing and dps in a bg something is definitely broke. They have everything. Stuns, blowbacks, shields, heals, ranged dps. It pains me to shelf my commando but sage is FAR superior. Not that my commando was bad...its just my commando has half the tool set of my sage. No wonder well over half of empire is sorc's. Its the poster child class for FotM, the frost mage of SWtoR.
  8. So, Im on my 50 being a (notniceperson)

    Sitting at Alderaan repub spaceport (Im empire), killing all the level 35'ish people that try to leave.


    Cant get banned for this amirite?

    Since it is a PVP server.


    You wouldnt last long on my server. Cant say I blame you though with the state of end game pvp being what it is. Once a person gets battlemaster and geared then what? Keep running on that hampster wheel to nowhere?

  9. We should think big. This is 2012. How about a planet that for 3 hours every night during primetime we fight for control of the entire planet? Every Friday night at 12 whoever has control of more objectives gets rights to a special raid for the week end? Make the planet fat so it requires more tactics than zerging an AV sized map. Give us guns that can be manned at our starting half of the strongholds. Basically the premise of Battleground Europe. That was a great pvp game back in the day. Let us fight an actual war. Or heck, make it 3 planets, best 2 out of three wins. Something epic. Something 300 million dollars worthy.
  10. Arena or similar small-scale organised rated PvP system needs to come, otherwise most of PvP community will vanish and swap to another game. Me and my WoW arena partner started at game release, he seems to have quit already, and I would of quit already if it wasn't for few of my RL mates still having some fun. Also add that I was stupid enough to buy 3 months of game time upon receiving the game.


    Mind you, this is coming from a highly experienced and veteran WoW player. I know how mentioning "WoW" sounds around here on these forums, and a lot of people seem to jump on WoW ( player ) hating bandwagon, but seeing this game is practically a copy of WoW ( with some new added elements and loads of potential IF BIOWARE ACTS QUICKLY ), I feel like I have a say in here.



    There's a total of ONE raid that I am aware of, and there's no incentive to continue PvPing after equipping yourself in full Battlemaster, as there's no world PvP to look forward to, there's no dueling place ( dueling deck in imperial fleet yesplz kk thanks bye ), no "arena", and honestly, at this point, healers are way too overpowered in skilled player's hands.



    That's just a opinion though, coming from a relatively well-known player from WoW arena community.



    Although, no one can really complain on current flashpoints, they are insanely well done, and honestly are on par with raiding content quality in some other games. It's up to Bioware to keep that quality in raids/PvP content now, and they have dug themselves a hole if they can't deliver.


    Yup. No arena= no dice. You pve'ers talk like you know whats up but you dont. If the pvp community abandons ship all your going to be left with is another fail bot game like Rift. Rift didnt put in arenas and how did that work out for them. Same with Aion. Great games per se but pretty shinys are not enough to engage the pvp community. Both those games were BOOMING til the pvp community left. We want to compete. What, if any, reason is there to get Battlemaster and all the gear? Then what? Shadowbane emulator is almost finished and if SWtoR does not get it together me as well as all my pvp friends will move on. Wont miss me? Thats what they said in Rift and Aion.

    And for the record-any wow gladiator who was not carried will pone you so fast you will not even realized what happened. They are the ones who put the rick in the roll.

  11. This is not WoW.


    let me paste what I said in another arena thread: Pass on having arena in SWTOR. Then you will see gear obtained only from Arena, then that adds an extra step for people to grind in order to survive in any kind of PvP


    because theres no extra grind as it is? No ones asking for "special" gear just another option to obtain existing gear. I think the problem is Empire does not want to face Republic on an even numbered playing field. You are quite content to be the kings of zerg.


    My personal wish is arena with class specific gear (the same for every player) with nothing but titles. Or are you opposed to that as well? Or is outnumbering your opponent 5 to 1 as well as outgearing him your definition of good pvp?

  12. You can't, it's a unique buff. If a person is guarded, I can not cast guard on the target.


    I get a message stating the target is already guarded.


    i also can not guard another tank that is guarding someone else (FYI).


    Thank you much. Time for plan b :p

  13. At this time the best and most popular MMO of all time (WoW) says their biggest mistake was adding arena to WoW.




    NOW why would another MMO take another MMO's failure? Something people complain about needs to be fixed constantly? Something that is nearly IMPOSSBILY to balance between GROUP PvP, PvE and also itself arena?


    I know most of you out there think you are a MMO Mastermind and know how to fix all problems but honestly all arena was, was finding the OP classes and combination running with it to gladiator. Arena is a terrible idea. Even the people who even developed it says it is!!!!


    Because the mmorpg's that did not give us rated pvp faded fast *coughs* rift, aion. As it stands right now this game is no better than Rift. How come you pve mongers want these companies to keep using the same wore out old models? You want no arena? Go play friggin rift. Oh yah, game died. Everyone of the last 3 or 4 latest, greatest games listened to you pve'ers and gave you what you wanted and you know what-EVEN YOU QUIT THOSE LAME GAMES! Its time to make pvp the driving force in these games because if you give us good pvp we will never leave. We never get bored of good pvp.

  14. Some of us realized there was limited end game. We also saw tons of players abuse the system to get to 50 and get the best gear and become pvp "gods." Lol. Enjoy the journey. The destination is flawed at this point. I am quite content to level up multiple toons and take my time.
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